#mod musings


Hello, everyone! Happy you’re enjoying the recent updates! 

Cons are happening this summer with safety procedures, so here are the events we will be selling Growing Up Gerudo/Zelda stuff as well as original works (such as The Divine Intervention) at – 

SPACE - May 21 - May 22 

Anthro Ohio - May 27 - May 29 

Colossalcon Craft Show - June 1 - June 5

Geek Out - June 9 - June 12

Linktober’s Online Zelda Con- June 10 - June 12

Matsuricon - August 12 - August 14

As events draw closer, we will make sure to post our cosplay plans as well! Thank you all for your support! <3

-Junior and Roy 

No update this week because of traveling! Thank you all for your patience!


No comic update this Friday! @figmentforms and I will be sharing a booth at Ohayocon this weekend! No fanart allowed at the convention, but we do enjoy meeting our readers!

Sanitize yourself and come say hi at the Artist Alley!

-Junior, Roy and Fig
