#mod uma


hello my darlings, it has been a while!

first of all, both me and jackie just want to say thank you for all the notes and love and support!!!!

we started this page in lockdown of 2020 and never thought anything would come of it but we have a grand 548 followers now!

but as it is, we kind of dropped off the fandom, if it wasn’t already a little clear by the fact that we haven’t posted at all in the last few months.

unfortunately i don’t think that we will be returning to this page to write so we just wanted to say thank you for everything and that to make life easier, any of y’all who have us in your taglist can take us off if you want!

i’ll still be around from time to time just to see what’s going on, and who knows maybe when S6 comes out jackie and i will make our great return! or at least be active on this page

but overall, we just wanted to say thank you for all the love and that we really appreciate y’all, enjoy the new year lovelies and take care of yourselves!!



A/N: this is purely 2 am inspiration. And once you have the idea, you have to write it. I am sorry, I don’t make the rules

words: 1077

Summary: Tommy is rarely suprised, but when he comes home to see that Alfie Solomons came over for tea, even his eyebrows raise slightly.

Tommy Shelby was often confused by his siblings. Sometimes they deliberately pranked him and on some days they were just… odd. This was one of those days.
When Tommy entered the kitchen, he saw John and Arthur standing before the window that looked out on the garden. John’s face was red, and Arthur was visibly shaking. It took a moment for Tommy to realize they were laughing. Arthur had his hand on John’s shoulder so he wouldn’t fall over and John had clasped his hand around his mouth to stifle his laugh. Both men were near crying with laughter, but they tried to be as silent as possible.
“What is going on?” Tommy asked.
“Sssh!” John said and pointed through the window. Tommy stepped forward and although it took a lot for Tommy to be surprised these days, both his eyebrows rose an inch when he saw who else was thrown into the mix. In the small garden sat Finn and in front of him, Alfie Solomons. Finn seemed totally invested in a painting he was making, and Alfie sat in a chair, drinking whiskey and was talking about all sorts of things. Tommy saw Finn didn’t really listen to what Alfie was saying; the boy was concentrating too much. Alfie, on the other hand, didn’t seem to mind at all. He just kept talking, glad that he could finally talk freely without being interrupted.
Tommy took a closer look at the art Finn was making. Although, ‘art’ didn’t quite fit the scene Tommy saw on the paper. The white sheet depicted an oval shape. The top of the oval was smaller and on it balanced a circle. The oval was black and white and, in the background, Finn had drawn some green stripes.
Tommy cleared his throat. “What the fuck is he making?” he asked, but it took a while before he got an answer. At his question, both Arthur and John threw their heads backwards, wheezing and laughing.
“Ssh, not–” Arthur tried to say, “—not so loud! They could hear us.”
“So? What is Finn drawing?” Tommy asked a little impatiently.
It’s a—a– ” but John couldn’t finish his sentence. Tommy looked out the window again and narrowed his eyes. Yes, he guessed, it might as well be alcohol. The shape on the paper was obviously the bottle and the long top with the circle was the cork. Tommy chuckled lightly. Apparently, he and his brothers had influenced the youngest Shelby so much that the boy had started to draw the spirits he couldn’t drink himself. Tommy looked at Finn. The tip of his tongue stuck out as he drew another line. His foot lightly tapped on the ground and he made some vague confirming noises as Alfie continued his monologue.
Tommy patted the wheezing Arthur on his shoulder. I know the drawing is bad, Tommy thought, but there is no need to laugh at Finn like that. He walked towards the door that led to the garden, leaned against the doorpost and lit a cigarette.
“I see you found some company, Finn” Tommy said as a greeting, “and good afternoon to you Alfie. Good of you to join us again.”
Alfie scoffed, “Now, don’t you start imagining things, Tommy Shelby. The boy,” he pointed to Finn, “asked me to come over for a drink and now how could I refuse that?” He spread his arms as if daring Tommy to come up with a reason to refuse the invitation. But Tommy merely smiled, brought his cigarette to his lips and looked at his youngest brother. “That is a really good drawing you’re making there, eh.”
Tommy heard a snort coming from inside window, but he ignored it.
Beaming, Finn turned to face his brother. “You really think so? I wasn’t too sure.” He scratched his head with his pencil while he looked at his creation.
“Oh no,” Tommy said, all too conscious of the eyes of his brothers that were looking at the scene through the window, “oh no, it is a beautiful whiskey bottle that is for sure.”
Suddenly, Arthur’s booming laugh sounded through the garden. Tommy turned around and saw that John was trying to calm his brother, but he was laughing just as hard himself. Finn looked at Tommy with furrowed brows. “What did you say?”
Now Tommy became confused as well. “I just said it is a beautiful whiskey bo–”
Finn sighed deeply, dropped the pencil and hung his head. “Itisnotawhiskeybottle,” he mumbled.
“What?” Tommy asked.
“It is not a whiskey bottle,” Finn repeated in a defeated tone. Now, Alfie picked up on the words too. He had been deep in thought while the brothers talked but now, he realized what was going on. “A fucking what? A whiskey bottle?
He stood up and snatched the paper from Finn’s hands. “What the bloody hell, I don’t look like that at all!”
Tommy’s eyes widened in realization. “Alfie? You were trying to draw Alfie?”
Arthur and John had just managed to stop laughing, but at hearing Tommy’s baffled tone, they burst out yet again.
“Yes, you do look like that!” Finn defended his work. “Here, the black is your coat and the white your scarf. And this,” he pointed to what Tommy had seen as the neck of the bottle and the cork, “is your head and the black hat.”
“Listen to me, laddie,” Alfie gestured at the round shape of his supposed body, “I lost weight, mate. I fucking lost an awful lot of pounds and you still draw me like fucking panda bear.”
“He also gave you the neck of a giraffe!” John cried from behind the window before he and Arthur collapsed in laughter.
Finn’s face reddened, “it is harder than it seems, alright.”
Tommy tried his utmost best not to smile at the disheartened expression of his younger brother. “Ah, Finn, just say you are sorry and promise to never draw Alfie again.”
“Or anyone, for that bloody matter. It is a fucking disgrace, that is what it is,” Alfie added.
Finn nodded, “sorry, Alfie, I didn’t mean to.”
Alfie grinned, “I know that mate, but don’t mind me while I burn this blasphemous drawing.”
Tommy and Finn went inside again, but by doing so they didn’t see that Alfie looked at the drawing once more. They didn’t see how he smiled fondly, folded it neatly and stacked it away in the pocket of his coat, like a precious memento.

Permanent taglist:

Hey y’all I know this blog has been dead for a while but this needs about 40,000 more notes than it actually has
