#modern norse gods



Bifrost Apartments, the guy tells you. He overheard you saying you needed a new place. You’ve never heard of it but you turn where he says and walk where he says and there it is. Right by your office. 

Odin is landlord, he doesn’t say much but he does have a unit available. You take it without question. He’s obviously ex-military, but you’re afraid to ask exactly in what capacity. 

Frigga is your day-to-day anyway, she told you where the closest laundromat was and which grocery store had the best prices. There had been a casserole pan in your fridge when you moved in, and a quilt on the couch. 

Thor lives above you, and he terrifies you until he asks if you need help carrying stuff. Thankfully, he’s a harmless dude-bro, and you ask him where he works out, you need a new gym. He is, of course, a trainer and assures you he will help you get  those ‘gainz’.

Sif, his cheerful, spry, yoga-instructor wife, whose hair hangs down to her butt even when braided, is also incredibly kind. She invites you to the vegan cafe down the street.

Idunn owns the vegan cafe, her avocado-quinoa muffins are addictive. Her husband, Bragi, is super talented but she had to ban him from open-mic night. He was a total mic hog and sometimes got a little…experimental. 

Freyja and Freyr are so gorgeous you blush in their presence. Freyja invites you to the begginers self-defense class she teaches. Once she asks you to watch her cats while she’s away. You think there are 3 or maybe 5? Freyr, it’s rumored, is the best lay in the whole building, and you try not to think about it while he tells you about how his window boxes are doing. 

Loki lives in the basement, though he comes and goes at the oddest hours. He seemed to look a little different every time you saw him, what with the piercings, tattoos, and hair color, and you sort of wanted to borrow the bright pink sundress he was fond of wearing. His wife, Sigyn, was so normal by comparison you would have thought she had just been plucked from a field in Nebraska. 

You like it here, it’s comfortable and safe. Everyone seems to get along(well, mostly anyway) and before you know it, you’ve been living there a year, then two, then five. 

Once you see Thor lift an entire fridge and toss it over his shoulder like it was Styrofoam. 

Odin finds you one night, crying in the hallway, and before you know it you’re in his apartment, drinking whiskey that even smells expensive, and he listens to you blubber before finally giving you the best, most important advice of your entire life, though you can’t now entirely remember what it was about. 

Freyr insists on giving you some plants, just a few herbs, something to brighten up the space. Despite the fact you’ve killed every houseplant you’ve come in contact with, they thrive. 

Loki is always smoking, but you never see him lift a lighter. 

After a while, Idunn offers to make you an off-menu smoothie, apple-chia-date. It’s…strangely rejuvenating. 
