#momoi satsuki

basketballpoetsociety:Title: Then and Now! Characters/Pairing: Aomine Daiki, Momoi Satsuki, AoMomo


Title: Then and Now!

Characters/Pairing: Aomine Daiki, Momoi Satsuki, AoMomo

Challenge: No. 111, Rare-Pair Battle

Warnings: Bewbs

Submitted by: Ukeshi Grey Ranger with no ukeshi

Post link

Title: akashi/momoi manga

Original Comic:here|TranslatorJin|Typesetter:Goobs

Pairings: Akashi/Momoi, some Aomine/Momoi

Characters: Akashi, Momoi, Aomine

Original Artist’s Comments: Teikou Middle Era. A story about how it’d be great if Momoi honestly got angry at and worried over Akashi.
