#monica rambeau x reader


Pairing: Monica Rambeau x fem!Reader

Warnings: none apply.

Summary: Reader takes Monica to test her new powers in an empty football field.

Word count:765

Prompt:@flufftober2021 Day 4 - Sparkles & Fireworks

A/N:This is super silly and not very good tbh.

Main Masterlist

Flufftober 2021 Masterlist

Even before the blip, back when you two started dating, Monica Rambeau had always been a badass. Your girlfriend was brilliant, kind, strong, beautiful… You were head over heels before you two disappeared from existence for five years, and you were still head over heels when you came back. Now, she just happened to be a superpowerful badass, and you couldn’t wait to figure out what that meant.

It seemed that, after going through the Hex a few times, Monica could now identify, absorb and manipulate various types of energy. She still didn’t know what limitations her powers had, if any, and she was just starting to explore what they could do. There were a lot of technical, professional ways to do that, and Monica sure was going through many of them, but there was also your way.

To help speed up the process (or just to make it more interesting), you had found an abandoned football field and a bunch of different objects that released energy in different forms. You had also brought a selection of targets for Monica to practice on, because who doesn’t want to see stuff blow up?

“Babe, are you sure you want to be here for this? I’m still no idea of what I’m doing with this half of the time.”

“Are you kidding me? I’ve been collecting punching bags, funny shaped pillows and random car pieces all week. I’m not losing the show, no way.”

Monica gave you a big sight, but she was smiling. As thrilled as she was with her newfound abilities, the Captain mostly saw the powers as an opportunity to make an even bigger difference in the world. It didn’t matter if the threat was earthly or alien; Monica was always ready for a fight. You were immensely proud of her noble heart, but your excitement also reminded her to have some fun with it.

“Alright, but you better stay a few feet behind me. We don’t want any accidents involving miscalculated blasts.”

You wouldn’t argue with that. After a kiss for good luck, you stepped aside and started turning on all the devices you had brought. It was hardly the most scientific approach, unlike the high tech stuff that Darcy (or even Monica herself) would have selected, but you wanted to play around for a bit before the geniuses got all serious about the research again. Then, you walked to a safe distance and gave her a ‘go’ signal.

Without even tapping into the energy sources near her, Monica spinned around and aimed a bright energy blast at a car door you had left standing in the middle of the field. She burned a circular hole through it, all the way. Another blast and the whole thing just melted into the ground. Then, Monica turned back to you with a smirk.

“How long have you been holding in that one?” You asked, running towards her.

She ran her arms around your waist before replying.

“I knew you wanted to see me blow stuff up for the sake of it, but I’ve practiced enough with that. We can do more of it later, when it’s dark and the explosions look more impressive, but it gets boring after a while. I’ve been experiment with more preciseuses of my powers, though, if you want to check it out.”

That quickly got your attention.

“Okay, I’ll bite. What uses?”

She freed one of her arms, with the other still firmly on your waist.

“It’s still a work in progress, but it’s pretty fun. Just the way you like it.”

She waved her free hand in the air, blue sparkles appearing from her fingers. Then, she shook them, releasing the sparkles. They flew up, above the two of you, and exploded in a small firework show.

“No way! That’s sorcery, Monica!  Do it again!”

She laughed out loud, mixing up the sparkles in new colors and shooting them up in a kaleidoscope of lights.

“It’s somehow way trickier than just setting something ablaze.”

“And it’s also way cooler, straight out of a fairytale.” You said, pulling her into a kiss, which made her forget the fireworks for a moment. “How come you keep getting more perfect every day? It’s totally not fair.” You joked, smiling into the kiss.

Her hand was back on your waist in a second. The fireworks would have to wait.

“I’m just reflecting what I get from you, Babe.”

Your girlfriend was a brilliant, kind, strong, beautiful, noble, superpowerful badass, and very smooth too. You were the luckiest person on earth and beyond.





That one camping trip


Based on true events

Not so single lady

Not proud Sam & Bucky

Damn Teenagers

Panipaali- I’m Screwed

That one time Thor stabbed Loki

ARC Reactor

Jotun Loki

Familiar Situations

Peter All Along~~

Funny?…..Maybe not….

Too sus to be a coincidence

Nobody likes sharon

The serious case of the plums

Loki and his tesseract

Sexiest man alive

Summary of the hawkeye series

Family reunion

when life ‘hands’ you lemons?

The most imp question


Remember ME? -1 (Avengers x reader)

HOME -2 (Avengers x reader) very random…

I’m Not Where You Left Me [ Steve x Ex! reader] [Heavy angst, satisfying revenge, fluff] [part 2 coming soon] ❤author’s favorite


Frost In Love [ Jotun Loki x reader] [fluffy]❤

Sinister Intentions[Warning!!this is very cringe…i don’t know what I was thinking when I wrote this -_-]

Go ahead and drive me insane baby(pure fluff)[Sam x reader]. ❤

Morning Menace [Steve x Bucky x platonic!reader] [crack fic]❤



Gem from the days of Yore [Bucky Barnes x reader] [Meet-cute]

Can I go Where You Go? [Bucky x Tony x reader][angst]

A Memory Lost In The Current

Love Doctor [Loki x Dr strange x reader]
