#monkey pox

monkey pox

As the old saying goes- “macule to papule to vesicle to pustule to scab”. Good thing we still teach that. Would be a shame if we forgot.

Oh, fercrissakes, not again.

I don’t think I’ve talked about the monkey pox thing on here yet. Basically it’s been known about fo

I don’t think I’ve talked about the monkey pox thing on here yet. Basically it’s been known about for nearly 65 years. You can prevent it with a smallpox vaccine.

An IQ of 83 is usually the “low average” or below average in every classification. Not that IQ actually means anything. What I’m impressed with is the fact that they got lower than 100 in an online IQ test.

I did rush through the test (which was mostly just pattern recognition) just to confirm that you do have to pay for it and

So maybe part of their score was based on how dumb you are to fall for such a thing?

Basically, blue’s a dumbass.

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