#monkie kid au


I have yet again another AU! This time based on the anime/manga Spy X Family! (which obviously contains spoilers for said show)

Yue Shi takes Yor’s place, Feng is Loid and Yan Heng is Anya.

But Feng stays a thief and not a spy, Yang is not psychic but he is very smart, like Detective Conan’s level of smart, so he still figures out that one is a thief and the other an assassin.

Apple’s life is pretty much the same as Yor’s, he has a normal job but works part-time as an assassin.

Feng had a very important heist, the one that needs months of preparation, and he needed to have a normal family to get close to his target. He adopts Yan (he’s 14 not 6 like Anya) and he is immediately found out by the kid. But Yan agrees to play along if the others promise him he’ll let him go once this is done instead of bringing him back to the orphanage.

Apple and Feng meet by chance, pretty much like Yor and Loid, and use the same excuses. Again, Yan figures out what Yue Shi’s second job is, but this time he doesn’t say anything to either adult and just watches the chaos unfold.

When Feng adopted Yan, the kid didn’t like him. They bickered a lot and insulted one another too. So Feng expected the kid to do the same with Apple when he met him. He didn’t. He liked the monkey immediately. At first, just to spite the fox, but after a bit, he started to like him for real.

Feng: I fed you and clothed you for two months
Yan: Yes, but you’re gay
Feng: I-
Yan: And not in a good way
Feng: *points at Apple*  HE’S GAY TOO

Yue Shi’s nickname “Apple“ was given to him by Yan because the demon ate an apple at breakfast every morning.

Also, there is Mittens (one of Rhy’s OC), who partially plays the role of Franky, but mostly does what she wants to.

She’s Feng’s friend and is the one who helps him gather info, and the fox got kinda distracted by playing family, so he’s quite surprised when she comes to his apartment during dinner.

“You have a mission—“ 
“It’s a con.” 
“Longcon. If you slip up you might lose your head. I mean it.” 
“I know.” 
“Then stop glancing back at them.”
“But Yue Shi is showing the kid how to make origami, how can I not look!”

“Feng, this is fake. They’re not your family.” Mittens just sighs and says, “They’ll be gone before you know it.”
Mittens can be a bit harsh, but she has a point. That doesn’t mean those words don’t stay with Feng for a long time tho.

Feng is a thief, and despite being good at keeping away from people who wants to hurt or kill him for heists and cons he’s done, he’s not used to protecting others in the sense that he’s quick to defend himself, but for an instant forgets that Yan’s in the house and that’s where he panics for the first time.

Feng doesn’t want the kid and he sure as hell doesn’t care about him.
Hetotallydoesn’t panic when he sees that their apartment is crawling with bad guys, and the kid is nowhere in sight.
Andtotallydoesn’t track down the person who took the kid and scares the living hell out of them.
Totally doesn’t do that.
He’s not worried at all, why would he, the kid is fine.

Yan asks him “Why are you fussing over me!?” while Feng checks him and just keeps muttering “You’re fine” and then stops.

“I’m bringing you back to the orphanage" 
"WHAT!? That’s not what we agreed on! Why?!" 
"You got hurt, that’s not what we agreed on either" 
"It’s just a few starches, I’ll be fine! I got worst by living in that place" 
"I don’t want you to get hurt, Yan Heng! Or worst killed off”

Feng is going to end up missing him in that empty house.
He realizes that when Yan and Apple go out for a walk and leave Feng alone in the house.

Sooo. I was watching the Swan Princess today and decided to draw out a meme and accidentally created a spicynoodles au xD but here have the offered meme

I was hoping to properly do the last 2 pages but it’s currently 2am and I crave sleep so sorry xD

Have this spicynoodles scribble I did based on the Spicynoodle week prompt 2. Even though spicynoodle week is over
