#monse finnie


It is so bittersweet that on my block has ended. At least Jamal got the recognition he deserves

the fact That JAMALS name IS FIRST In the netflix season 4 final announcement. makes me think that they knew he was the main character all along.

ON MY BLOCK SEASON FOURRRRRRR BABYYYYTYTTTTTTTTTTTT YESSSSSSSS HERE WE GOOOOOOOOOO “name a time and place we’ll be fine……we got so caught up” the final season so emotionally invested already. An end of an era.

This is just a little excerpt of my writings, I work a lot with my own characters like in this one, I will probably post more about my usual additions later on.

Just want to Help…

Word count:904



Cesar held her in his arms as the tears fell from her eyes staining his shirt and breaking his heart. He never quite Knew how to comfort Charlotte, he never had to. She was always the one helping someone else, the one who knew what to say, who knew how to make the meanest thug blush in admiration and the worst bitch smile with glee. No one ever had to help her feel better, she did that for everyone else in Freeridge, and yet no one knew how to do that for her. He had tried to impress her and be as romantic as she was but she was so easily pleased with kindness that while he gave her a pricy bouquet if some random guy gave her a random handful of wild flowers with the roots and dirt still attached she’d be just as happy. It wasn’t that she wasn’t impressed easily by him, it’s that she’s just as easily impressed by everyone else. It made his job harder. Now he was the only one who she came to, showing up at his door with tears in her eyes and her hands clutching her crossed arms, red nose sniffling. That led to them on his bed, her sobbing as she told him about her brother being arrested. He knew the feeling of someone you loved being arrested his brother too was arrested, the difference was Oscar had gone to actual jail, her brother (being her twin) was in juvie and when he turned 18 then he’d hit the slammer.

All he could do was think of one question.

“What happened?”

She lifted her head slowly looking him in the eyes.

“He’s been charged for a lot of different things, he did a lot of secret things whenever he left out, things he never told me, I just came home to Lucy panicking and she told he was arrested, she won’t even tell me why, or how, he’s just gone!” She sniffed some more but his question seemed to distract her from crying.

“If you need anything, I can help or Oscar, I think he has a soft spot for you and your family” her lip twitched upward as he said the last part.

“You mean he has a soft spot for Lucy” she giggled lightly trying to wipe the tears off her cheek, Cesar raised his thumb, wiping lightly across her skin as he tried to help.

“Is it weird your sister and my brother used to date?” He asked acting nonchalant but secretly feeling a little discomfort.

“No, but it is weird they still hook up sometimes whenever he visits”

“He visits?!” Cesar knew Oscar was close to the Candid girls for protection, but he didn’t know his brother was close enough to visit their home.

“Yep, just when big conflicts and issues go down in the neighbor and to check in at times to make sure Jason is… under control.” He heard the tremor in her voice and a scowl formed on his face, if anyone needed to be arrested to was Jason candid, but he could tell she didn’t want talk about him. They stayed silent for a minute. At least she stopped crying and now just looked down at their intertwined hands. He wasn’t her boyfriend, at least not yet he hoped, but he sure was her closest friend. He sometimes thought they would become more but it was never sure. Now that all seemed unimportant to him. He just wanted her to be happy, and he wanted her brother out of trouble.

Jest and Cesar were not close at all in fact jest hated Cesar, but they had a mutual agreement to keep Charlotte safe. Just worked at home and Cesar worked the streets. She didn’t know about this and they never talked about it. It was more of a silent understanding both letting the other know if anything happened it would be their fault. Now that he was arrested that left Lucy and Charlotte under Jason’s care and Jason’s care alone. That was not going to end well.

“Stay here” Cesar barley realized he was saying this. “You and Lucy should stay here till we can figure something out, Oscar would be fin-“

“No” Cesar wasn’t shocked by her answer, he was shocked by her tone “I am not going to do that to you guys, we can take care of ourselves”

“No doubt, but Jest brought in a lot of your guy’s money, we can help” She stood up and didn’t look angry but looked sad and conflicted

“Cesar…” He wanted to stop her knowing she would reject his offer “I thank you, but if you really want to help, just pray for us, and… tell me how you got through it with Oscar” Cesar was quiet, he knew exactly how he got through it, he just knew she didn’t have it and didn’t have the heart to tell her, and yet for some reason he did anyway.

“My friends” he whispered, then cleared his throat and spoke up “I had my friends to help me through it” He expected her face to fall but instead it lit up and she gave a smile.

“that’s awesome” she mused “and sweet” she looked down at him with those big amber eyes and he noticed they were glossy “I think I can head home now”

“But you just-“


I know it ended abruptly but this was just a little writing therapy, the point was to get it out of my system not to stress

This is my official page for OC’s, imagines, and changes. My current main focus is On My Block (especially Cesar and Oscar) it’s an experimental building process till I get what I like.
