#monster high headcanons



Deuce Gorgon Hcs

i been in a monster high mood all day ik it’s not anime related at all

  • This been sitting in my head for hours, but I just feel it in my bones that mans is a stoner like on god he is supposed to be such a chill and laid back character. ik he wears the sunglasses bc of his stare turning people to stone but that could totally cover some red eyes.
  • Deuce do be feeling kinda bisexual to me, don’t ask why. Like obviously he’s dating Cleo butrefuse to believe he is not bi.
  • It’s actually totally canon that Deuce is a good cook. But he especially had a taste for spicy food luv them hot peppers!
  • On the note of cooking, he definitely enjoys cooking for Cleo. There’s no way Cleo cooks, I mean come on, she’s royalty!
  • Most definitely a skater. Probably has a tiktok dedicated to his skating, and kinda endorses the whole eboy title bc that’s what everyone calls him. I mean come on, he’s literally a skate inspired character
  • Very cool guy, very popular for his tiktoks besides being a casketball captain, most popular and hottest(I don’t wanna call him the hottest bc Heath exists and has flames for hair) athlete, along with being Cleos bf.

Are they bad? Yes pls leave me alone this was just rotting in my brain all day to express monster high thoughts -nadia‍♀️

Reblogging w new thoughts and in the name of gay. Deuce would be bisexual, or I even see him being more of unlabeled than anything now Bc of his laid back carefree nature. He strikes me as not caring for labels when he can just be.

Deuce Gorgon Hcs

i been in a monster high mood all day ik it’s not anime related at all

  • This been sitting in my head for hours, but I just feel it in my bones that mans is a stoner like on god he is supposed to be such a chill and laid back character. ik he wears the sunglasses bc of his stare turning people to stone but that could totally cover some red eyes.
  • Deuce do be feeling kinda bisexual to me, don’t ask why. Like obviously he’s dating Cleo butrefuse to believe he is not bi.
  • It’s actually totally canon that Deuce is a good cook. But he especially had a taste for spicy food luv them hot peppers!
  • On the note of cooking, he definitely enjoys cooking for Cleo. There’s no way Cleo cooks, I mean come on, she’s royalty!
  • Most definitely a skater. Probably has a tiktok dedicated to his skating, and kinda endorses the whole eboy title bc that’s what everyone calls him. I mean come on, he’s literally a skate inspired character
  • Very cool guy, very popular for his tiktoks besides being a casketball captain, most popular and hottest(I don’t wanna call him the hottest bc Heath exists and has flames for hair) athlete, along with being Cleos bf.

Are they bad? Yes pls leave me alone this was just rotting in my brain all day to express monster high thoughts -nadia‍♀️

Lagoona Blue Headcanons

  • she needs specially made lotion and hair conditioner because of all of her time in a chlorinated pool
  • there are times where her hair looks more green than usual, and that’s because she swims when she stressed and sometimes it takes a toll on her hair
  • she has freckles not only on her cheeks, but on her back and shoulders and arms
  • she wishes she could wear rings, but her webbed fingers make it difficult, but at least she can wear clip on earrings!
  • she CANNOT drive, she prefers to walk or bike everywhere
  • she actually doesn’t wear makeup often, she doesn’t like most waterproof makeup
  • no flip flops, she’s tried them but they don’t work with her webbed toes, she has an extensive collection of crocs though
  • there are many terrariums around her bedroom of water plants, she loves hydroponics
  • Brooklyn Baby and Shades of Cool by Lana del Rey are her favorite songs to swim to

Draculaura Headcanons

aka what I think everyone has been waiting for

  • she switches between using pastel and darker pink dyes for her hair
  • she’s a nail biter
  • she’s actually scared of bats, they’ve flown into her hair a few too many times
  • Deuce helps her figure out new vegan recipes
  • absolute. crybaby. (in the best way)
  • never seen without false eyelashes
  • has a massive stuffed animal collection
  • she wears curlers to bed
  • always carrying lip gloss, but needs someone else to help her put it on right
  • when she drives, she needs to sit on a pillow because she’s so short
  • but she is a good driver! albeit a nervous one
  • her purse of choice is an ita bag so she can decorate it however and whenever she wants

as always, rb with your own hc

Cleo de Nile Headcanons

  • she has tattoos that she hides under her bandages so she doesn’t get in trouble with her dad
  • and a belly button piercing
  • she has multiple ear piercings, all with gold jewelry
  • she’s never seen without at least 3 rings on her fingers
  • she doesn’t know how to cook. at all.
  • but she likes it when Deuce tries to teach her
  • she’s the only one in the friend group who can braid hair
  • she’s got long ass nails that are always perfect
  • she’s not vegetarian, but she’d happily live off of chocolate and fruit if she could
  • but she’s also a picky eater and Deuce is trying to expand her horizons
  • she has golden lanterns around her room, partially because she’s afraid of the dark, but she also just prefers low light
  • she does yoga and has impressive upper body strength
  • perfect. eyeliner.

rb with your own hc!!!

Clawdeen Wolf Headcanons

  • so like…. we all know she’s gay, right?
  • nobody needs to get their dresses altered at a tailor before a big event, she has it covered
  • she’s not necessarily the “mom friend”, but she’s closer to a “scary older sister” friend
  • she wears brass knuckles like all the time
  • she has most certainly tried to bleach her fur, but it went terribly, and she gets VERY UPSET when Clawd jokes about it
  • she likes it when Draculaura will run her fingers through her fur (kinda a nod to the first book)
  • she’s one of the tallest ghouls in her friend group besides Abbey
  • despite what people may think, Clawdeen is the one always carrying a sewing kit, not Frankie
  • However sometimes she gets frustrated when she needs something hand stitched, so she needs passes it off to Frankie
  • her collection of makeup and shoes is massive
  • her favorite sleeping position is being curled into a ball

pls rb with your own, I love seeing everyone else’s thoughts

Frankie Stein headcanons

(just because)

  • she’s very interested in body modification
  • she’s still young and wants to try everything at least once, including different styles of fashion
  • she carries frizz serum for her hair at all times, for obvious reasons
  • her phone is always charged, not on purpose, that’s just how it works when she touches it
  • however, her phone screen is very cracked
  • her arms and legs are slightly different lengths
  • her pupils also tend to be slightly different in size

rb with your own headcanons!!!!
