#monster whumpee



This is a series in the same homebrew fantasy world D&D 5E setting as Harrow and his friends, a world called Tsanet. 

Please heed the TWs at the top of each one, this is kinda dark.

If you like Recovery Stories, you can start with Strange Brothers, the second part of this ongoing story. Scroll down!

General TW: Slavery, dehumanization, conditioning, torture, religious abuse, forced cannibalism, non-con touch, non/dubcon/r*pe implied rather than explicit but still


-The Tiefling-the bit of fic that started this. 

The Tiefling-2- Sacrificed

The Tiefling-3- Weapon

The Tiefling-4- Thirst

The Tiefling-5- Tears

The Tiefling- 6- Step

The Tiefling- 7- Leash

The Tiefling-8- Cistern

The Tiefling-9- Touch

the Tiefling-10- Honey

the Tiefling-11- Sandbags

the Tiefling-12- Gasping

the Tiefling-13- Fever

The Tiefling- 14- Nightmare

The Tiefling- 15- Obey

the Tiefling- 16- Killer

the Tiefling- 17- Found

This is the end of the first half of the Tiefling’s story and where the second half begins

The Tiefling: Strange Brothers


Plot synopsis of Part 1,  for those of you joining us here

The Tiefling: Strange Brothers-1

Strange Brothers- 2- One Last Theft

Strange Brothers- 3- Something to Call You

Strange Brothers- 4- Washing Clean

Extra- If he could write a diary

Extra- The Tiefling as a Baby- Art.

Strange Brothers- 5- Somewhere To Go

Extra- Alec and a Kitten! fan art!

Extra- Martin’s childhood

Extra- Art of Ch 4, washing clean, Comfort.


Hey guys can we get a non-human/hybrid whumpee who is literally the sweetest person you’ll ever meet about to be killed in front of their team because they’re seen as dangerous?
