#monstrous bezaryth


bezaryth gratt farthvarn

• the underground fighter •

Bezaryth Gratt Farthvarn stood at maybe 4 feet tall at most, yet her presence was no less grand here than it had been in the middle of the fighting cage. Her skin was a pale yet tough green, still smeared with blood and water in places where she hadn’t managed to wipe it off; the cuts littering her arms and hands stung Frankie to look at, but didn’t seem to bother her at all. She had a thick mane of fine grey hair, tied in one huge ponytail behind her head, parts of which were braided in plaits of varying thickness. A few ivory beads at the ends of the plaits bounced up and down as she moved. Her eyes were a stormy grey as well, narrowed and eyeing the group up and down; her nose not big, but crooked, probably having been broken a couple of times before.

bezaryth makes her debut in the middle of an underground fighting ring, where none of the party seems to be at all comfortable, but she thrives. she’s not all that interested in the princess, but honoured to be invited to quest with han, and eager to start the journey.

  • bezaryth is a very skilled fighter — well, part of it is skill, but a lot of it is being a lot of muscle packed into a pretty small body. she’s developed a very high pain tolerance over the years, and tends to ignore surface injuries and keep going when hurt.
  • she wasn’t always this way, though — though she was always bold, impulsive, and loud, she was once a good student. she was kicked out of university after an event in her third year got her thrown in jail.
  • she (somehow) escaped kvarlhidthe’s notorious dungeons alive, a feat which has meant that she has no prospects of getting a real job and must keep her head low, and that she’s caught the attention of hanserinera.
  • there seems to be something strange going on between her and sullyse.