#mood super cute


Summer’s Rays

Sarah emerged from Grace’s bedroom, where she’d gone to put on her bikini, to find Grace sprawled upside-down across the couch. She gave her a puzzled glance. “Grace?”

Grace sighed melodramatically. “Sadness,” she intoned in a tone of voice normally reserved for announcements that there wouldn’t be any new episodes of Steven Universe for at least six months. 

“Problems?”asked Sarah, scratching the back of her head in amused puzzlement. Grace’s over-the-top affect reassured her it was nothing serious. 

Grace peered up at Sarah and her sad expression shifted to a smile. “Yummy,” she pronounced, her gaze traveling up and down the length of Sarah’s body. 

Sarah fought down a blush and smiled back. “That’s you,” she replied, likewise appreciating her girlfriend’s bikini-clad form. They were wearing matching white bikinis, and Tedd was supposed to be wearing one too. “But what is ’sadness’?”


Sarah wondered if she was only going to get single word responses from the normally loquacious Grace. 

“How so?”

Grace sighed heavily again and rolled off the couch with a little somersault and a twist, ending up sitting cross-legged at Sarah’s feet. She gazed up at Sarah with puppy-dog eyes. “Tedd says she thinks she got a message from the Will of Magic in a dream last night, and she doesn’t want to go to the beach until she’s figured it out.”

“Shethinks? She’s not sure?”

“Well, it’s either that, or it was just your normal dream about a talking wombat in a silk smoking jacket.” 

Sarah blinked at the mental image, but Magic had appeared in stranger forms. “So…no beach?” In truth she felt a touch relieved. The new bikinis Grace had talked her and Tedd into buying were both smaller and thinner than her pink bikini, and she’d had mixed feelings about wearing it out in public. 

Then she frowned. “Wait. A wombat? Does that look like a gray cat crossed with a koala bear?”

“Kinda, I guess. Why?”

“Um, I might have had a similar dream.”

Grace unfolded her legs under herself, rising to her feet.  “Seriously?”

“Yeah. And if Tedd got the same message I did…” Sarah shook her head, an exasperated smile on her face. 

“What was it?” Grace asked. 

She started giggling when Sarah told her. “Oh, she does overthink things sometimes.”

“Yeah. I thought Magic was working to be less cryptic?”

Grace shrugged. “Old habits die hard?” 

They trooped downstairs to Tedd’s rec room-laboratory. Sarah was disappointed to see that Tedd hadn’t yet changed into her matching bikini. 

“Oh,Teddy…” Grace caroled. 

“Hmmm?” Tedd didn’t look up from a notebook where she was jotting down some notes. 

“What did Magic tell you?” asked Sarah. 

“Umm. Well, I think I may have figured out what the second part means—” Tedd began. 

“No, what, exactly, did Magic say to you?” interrupted  Grace. 

“Eh?” Tedd looked up at her girlfriends and blinked a few times. ”Oh. It was a short verse:

    Visions in white

    Cause great delight.

    The sun’s golden rays

    Warm your whole day.”

She looked back down at her notes. “I think—”

Tedd!” Sarah cut her off, as she rolled her eyes. “Look at us.”

Tedd glanced up briefly. “Hm? Oh, yes, you’re beautiful, loves.”

Sarah exchanged an incredulous look with Grace. 

“Might you even say, we’re visions in white?” suggested Grace blandly. 

Tedd froze, staring at her notes, then she sighed and put down her pencil. She rubbed her eyes for a moment. “Have a nice day,” she groaned. “Magic was telling me to have a nice day.”

Sarah and Grace burst into laughter, and after a moment, Tedd joined in, shaking her head ruefully. 

“Come on, sweetie,” Sarah said. “We want to see you in yourbikini.”

“Then we’ll go to the beach and give everyone whiplash,” grinned Grace. 

“And enjoy the sun’s rays the rest of the day,” smiled Tedd. 

The week is over, but one last fic from @chauffeurdad for the road! Thanks to everyone that turned EGS Flashfic week into a success!
