#moon in the 10th


when the sun rose above the mountain you were already awake, chopping wood and herding sheep

the severely mixed blessing of moon in the 10th is that of the workaholic who doesn’t know they’re a workaholic. she’s up at dawn to practice her craftsmanship not because she knows it’ll make her an expert, but because her father can’t bear seeing a mistake. one day his overbearing nature will make her great, right now it hurts, the pain is to prepare her.

10th house placements are very much about timing. You don’t win a prize because you practiced hard enough to make the shot, you win a prize because your neighbors were loud and your grandmother was a tyrant and so you taught yourself to swim and swim far. so far their nets couldn’t catch you, and then farther still because why not? you already knew the art of pushing yourself and you were fed on a steady diet of self-sacrifice.

just as a hungry goat is not fazed by nails you are not fazed by need

of course, until it kills you

circumstances set you up for power in the 10th, so when the crown arrives, all you need to do is reach.
