



Moon dressed like Saturn ll Francisco Sojuel l Guatemala

She’s cosplaying



forget the Internet things that would be incomprehensible 2 years ago phenomenon

where is the appreciation for Internet things that you could show to someone from 3000 BC and be almost sure they’d get a kick out of it

A short list of things that probably would be funny to humans in any time ever:

  • objects shaped like dicks
  • funky dances
  • dancing badly to bangin music
  • dogs being stupid (we’ve had those idiots domesticated for 30,000 years)
  • teenage boys being stupid
  • slapstick
  • that video where the guy is singing/chanting while bouncing on a tree branch and it abruptly breaks under him
  • that video where two guys are trying to get their phone out from behind a fence with sticks and one loses his stick so the other climbs the fence, gets the stick, and ignores the phone
  • literally any video with animals acting like people

always there, Moonah
