#more joaquin ocs



Sunrise // a Joaquin Torres x OC fanfic

The last thing Dalia Rose remembered, she was standing in the middle of a brightly lit bridal suite watching her first love, her childhood sweetheart, walk away from her on her wedding day.

And then she blinked, and it was five years later and she was alone, unable to find her grandparents, her fiancé, any of her friends or family who she had seen only moments earlier.

Dalia was left with no choice. She had to find the one person she knew she could count on, no matter what.

Joaquin Torres.

taglist:@sgtbuckyybarnes@jvstjewels@katiekinswrites@if-you-onlyknew@hiddenqveendom@arrthurpendragon@lukespatterson@stanshollaand@ocappreciationtag (I have taken people off who never interacted with posts/who I didn’t feel comfortable tagging anymore, please let me know if you want to be removed/added!)
