#more ocean science talk






Okay so I’ve been doing some thinking and have come to the conclusion that sometimes the Oceans in One Piece kind of operate like the ocean in the Discworld series.

The basic gist of it (Since I can’t find the novel where Terry Pratchett explains it) is that because of the different densities of water, there’s different layers to the ocean. most ships will sail on the top, but if one sinks it’ll go down to a deeper part of the ocean and sail on a different current, buffeted around deep below the waves on a sea that is largely the same but also very different

and I guess since One Piece is One Piece we can apply that same logic to Sky Islands, since there’s essentially a sky ocean as well.

I guess what i’m saying is that sometimes things happen because narratively it fits or is cool and makes the worldbuilding stronger

… the theory is easy to understand. It runs: the sea is, after all, in many respects, only a wetter form of air. And it is known that air is heavier the lower you go and lighter the higher you fly. As a storm-tossed ship founders and sinks, therefore, it must reach a depth where the water below it is just viscous enough to stop its fall.
In short, it stops sinking and ends up floating on an underwater surface, beyond the reach of the storms bu far above the ocean floor. 

– Terry Pratchett, Going Postal (full quote)

in practise water does not compress the same way air does so you don’t normally get layers in the same way (and the thermal differences don’t make enough difference) but look up Brine Pools… underwaterpools, lakes. and rivers of hypersaline water that separates out from the surrounding liquid.

you also can get similar effects from dissolved minerals like hydrogen sulfide, like in this Cenote in Mexico:

Realistically, water doesn’t work this way but thematically its great and oh these are gorgeous examples!
