#more of it




Thank you to our donor, who wishes to remain anonymous:

11.07 “Plush” (Final Draft):

You can see all of the other scripts we have here. If you hit the Slideshare viewing limit, Google -> slideshare ngelmat. To buy scripts we need donations, and the more people are involved the smaller the hit everyone takes. To help with this, we have set up a discord server. It is a fandom neutral zone so as many people as possible feel comfortable joining.

update: it was listed a few times on eBay with a poorly written item description but we knew what it actually was so we ( @lets-steal-an-archive@mittensmorgul ) finally decided to buy it, we thought it’d be interesting to compare it to our donated (thank you again ‍!) final draft:

11.07 “Plush” Call Sheets (Days 1 - 8):

11.07 “Plush” Script (Yellow Collated):

11.07 “Plush” Call Sheets + Script Sides in Filming Order:

bonus scene from 11.08 (posted yesterday):


respect for the attempt that made it as far as the actual “shooting script” (draft version as filmed = final draft)
