
FINISHED READING! So, like I have ADHD and shit and even tho I love reading I can be super easily di

FINISHED READING! So, like I have ADHD and shit and even tho I love reading I can be super easily distracted from reading just by my brain so I’m always like reading a bunch of books at once.
BUT! Lol. This one I just wanted to read it alone and like keep readin it till it was done. XD I wanted to know allll the things and can’t wait for the next book and see evil people get what they have comin to them. *shakes fists at evil doers*
#reading #bookstagram #books #morganrhodes #echoesandempires #goodtimes #lol #recommend @morganrhodesya

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Oooh, yeah. Grabbed this baby today at @nexus.iceland! *hugs book* I had already pre-ordered it on K

Oooh, yeah. Grabbed this baby today at @nexus.iceland! *hugs book* I had already pre-ordered it on Kindle and started to read it. But I wanted a hard copy too! ❤ @morganrhodesya #morganrhodes #echoesandempires #books #bookstagram #happy #iceland #reykjavik

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