

Sacrament Meeting

- Submission

Each week I go to my ward and during sacrament meeting there is a family that sits in the back row across the isle from me. The sister always sits in a way where her Gs are showing. It drives me crazy. The last meeting before Conference we were again in the middle of the meeting and I noticed them showing again. I couldn’t help myself I was looking. Imagining seeing more. She caught me looking and smiled, and pulled her dress up a little more, not enough so her husband noticed, but enough I did. I couldn’t take it and after the priesthood finished passing I went into the restroom and took care of what was growing in my pants. Can’t wait for Sunday to see if she teases me some more

- Anonymous

Advice please

I work with a lady that I like a lot. we are both married and are both active members of the church. Flirt, touch and hug each other a lot at work, but I don’t know if she likes me in a way to take it any further. What should I say or do next to see if we can take it to the next level or know if I am barking up the wrong tree with her? - Anonymous

The pictures I get when I’m out of town from my 23 yr. old wife. I guess she gets lonely and is look

The pictures I get when I’m out of town from my 23 yr. old wife. I guess she gets lonely and is looking for some attention. (She shares my blog btw) -Anonymous

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