#morris is all bite no bark



Anyways to add to my take, I have a couple reasons I choose to consider Morris the older and Oscar the younger

  1. To start… yeah Oscar is always the short one in the three main versions (which I refer to as OBC, Livesies/Pro Shot, and 92sies respectively)
  2. In OBC and 92sies Morris is far more stoic and quiet while Oscar is far more rowdy and louder. Though, people also use this as a reason for why Morris is actually younger, as they will point out he appears to be following Oscar’s lead. This is a good take I’ll admit it but I personally see it as an older brother exasperated with trying to contain his younger brother and just being the actual scary one (though in 92sies, Morris is seen to actively shove Oscar away from a confrontation and tell him to shut up, all while Oscar is snickering)
  3. You find much of the stubborn teenage-boy-who-hasn’t-matured-yet pride in OBC!Oscar (though I haven’t watched the full boot I found). He holds himself like a stuck up popular kid in high school who thinks he’s untouchable. Meanwhile Morris stays quiet yet neutral. He holds himself high as well but it’s not in the same way Oscar does. He has a deadpan expression, a death stare if he’s mad, and he always stands in a way that would make him appear more intimidating (he likes to either cross his arms(Livesies) or stand wide open but with clenched fists(OBC) and he ALWAYS looks down his nose at the Newsies
  4. Livesies is much harder to pinpoint. The only thing I usually have going for me is the fact that Oscar is the short one (and Anthony Norman looks younger than Devin Lewis). But I tend to also find myself leaning to him being the younger one because he’s the one the newsies actually interact with and engage with, and he is the one who runs the papers while his brother stands watch over the distribution center (both OBC and Livesies for that). It feels like a sort of task given to the younger sibling who still needs to be humbled by life considering he doesn’t exactly go to school

Honestly I probably have more but these are half asleep ramblings while I feel myself being dragged back into my newsies fixation and love for the brothers
