

Against all odds I am still capable of rational thought. I don’t think getting married straight out of college is a good idea, especially when the couple in question is…..like that, both separately and as a unit. I certainly don’t think going on a bender, dropping out and joining the army is what a grown-up does when encountering a setback, even though I know that one hurts. Usually I would not be at all sympathetic to this situation. But something is happening to me that I don’t understand it makes me think its a good idea to call 911 and report that something terrible has happened on the television and I need all units to respond right now. He’s so sad!!!!!!!

I said it before but if I had seen this happen live I would have taken hostages

Susan, on the one hand, was fully within her rights to say what she said. She has a right to establish a boundary with an old ex, especially in a professional context. She has a right to make things clear about where they stand– and its probably a good idea, when they haven’t seen each other in so long, and tensions are high, and she’s uhhhhh recently widowed (this man loves to make a move on widows…) so I don’t think she’s in the wrong. There’s not a ‘but’ here so much as the equal fact that watching her say “leaving you was the best thing that ever happened to me, I’ve had so many years of love and happiness and its all because I broke it off and dumped you” is like. Oh God. Just kill him. It couldn’t be worse than this. He would probably let you! If she approached him with a gun he would eagerly offer “in my mouth, perhaps, or just right between the eyes. Whatever you think is best!”

Speaking of terrible things that happen to my special guy, I’ve been meaning to watch Dead On Time again, but if I do I know it will make me insane and I still have many things I need to get done, all of which require me to be able to hold a conversation with someone without making them reach for a phone to call 911

You do have to imagine that Constance’s memory is slightly inflated by Morse’s adolescence with Gwen. The more miserable he was in the now the more he would have retreated into the past. “Tenderness”…

Mr. Russell also went out of his way to make sure we knew his prospective MIL was also mean to him so. There is that. Depressing!

I love the idea that it was Constance who taught/encouraged Morse to speak whatever was on his mind– I assume some of that is just him, innately, (whatever we believe about things being hardwired into us from the beginning) but I love the idea that she was the one who told him to say what he was thinking– not just that it was worth saying, but that he has an absolute God-given (literally) right to do so. You have to imagine that as a small child in the late forties the pedagogy was largely based on “shut up and do as you’re told” “speak when spoken to” “you are stupid and have nothing worthwhile to say” and Constance told her brilliant boy that his thoughts were good and worth sharing, even when they are ah. Well, Morse-thoughts. “If the spirit moves you…” etc. I just love that fine character detailing, its one piece of background but it brings so much to the character, even if Morse isn’t/never was a believer. I love how it places him in opposition to society and its hierarchies form the get-go. We LOVE it when characters have cogent beliefs and act on them! We LOVE ideology!

He almost hacks up a lung and still wont let them give him any air. I love him so much.

I keep referring to it as an ‘ambulance tantrum’ but waking up disoriented with a colleague he hates and immediately accusing him and everyone he personally dislikes (as well as a few bystanders and also his emotional support sergeant) of being part of masonic conspiracy to discredit/kill him is the most insanely valid thing Morse has ever done

I want to clip the entire Ambulance Tantrum scene because its so so good and I need more bait for my hook but I don’t know…I think context is key there. I think I will get home from work today and post “Morse slapping the oxygen mask off his face with the exact energy and air of an angry cat at the vet” because I need something to look forward to

“Angry” is accurate but lacks precision– you know how cats get offended? Like their honor has been besmirched? That’s the energy he brings to waking up in the back of a bus. I love him so much.

Also that episode is great because apparently the only thing that can stop Morse from having a full-blown Episode is Strange appearing to say “Morse, shut up”. He just calms right now. Not to be like “why is no one writing fanfiction about these two old old men from a show that went off the air twenty years ago” but…someone get on that.


“All these cops are secretly freemasons” is such a funny specific TV cliche (I assume its not based in reality? but I genuinely don’t know) because it feels like a hat on a hat. There’s already an unaccountable brotherhood that wears special clothes and exerts control over members to carry out shadowy doings and exert undemocratic power over society, it’s called the police.

I assume this is just a convenient device for show writers to have conspiracy/corruption plots without getting immediately booted off the air for pointing out the very obvious things that happen all the time without inspiring tantrums from the very brave very special big boys. As convenient devices go at least its funny

All this to say “Masonic Mysteries” is the greatest hour and forty five minutes of television ever made. You’re ALL in on it! You’re ALL masons!!!!!!!!
