#morty fieldmouse

I had a fun time drawing expressions on them and had to get creative since I didn’t give them visiblI had a fun time drawing expressions on them and had to get creative since I didn’t give them visiblI had a fun time drawing expressions on them and had to get creative since I didn’t give them visiblI had a fun time drawing expressions on them and had to get creative since I didn’t give them visibl

I had a fun time drawing expressions on them and had to get creative since I didn’t give them visible eyebrows and hope it didn’t come out looking weird (which I don’t think it did and am happy with the result) Don’t know who they’re looking at but they’re not impressed at all.

And I had such a hard time drawing Mickey and Minnie kissing because of their noses and had to look at references to get it right and I think I’m satisfied with how it turned out. 

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I’m so proud of myself. I told myself I was gonna draw something for this post and I actually did itI’m so proud of myself. I told myself I was gonna draw something for this post and I actually did it

I’m so proud of myself. I told myself I was gonna draw something for this post and I actually did it because no one can see into my mind.

For the inspirations for their clothes, just think of Max’s outfit from A Goofy Movie for Morty’s and Wakko Warner’s sweater for Ferdie’s but it’s colored purple for him instead.

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Because Louie wasn’t shown to have a specific friend like the others, all of his friends are online since he’s always on his phone and they’re a mixture of original and established characters. For any established characters, I was thinking one of Mickey’s nephews. 

If I ever did crossovers in my au, I’m gonna go with Ferdie being his friend since I already thought about Morty being a fan of Dewey Dew-Night.
