#moth to flame


Moth to Flame

Chapter 19

Reader x OT7
► Vampire!AU
Smut/Porn With Some Plot That is Rapidly Getting Out of Hand Dear God Why Please Help Me
Warnings: Complicated Morality, Lots of Stockholm Syndrome, Addiction, Possessiveness, Vampires (Reference to Biting, Blood-Sucking and Death), Language
Summary: Robbed of your memories and intended as a birthday present for a deadly creature of the night, you unwittingly become the center of a territorial dispute between two covens of vampires. Tensions are rising and the brothers are getting hungry…

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“In common, huh?” you echo, dubious, still trying to maintain an air of bitterness. You cross your arms over your chest, wiping at the sticky tear lines on your face. 


There’s another moment of quiet between the two of you. Jungkook just looks too genuine, sitting not two feet away, braced for rejection. With his shoulders hunched, head down, doe eyes wide…he looks just as small as you feel. You’re all too aware he could probably bench press you, even without the ever-mysterious vampiric powers, but here and now…Damn him. You don’t really want to go back inside yet. That’s for sure. Eventually, you decide you’ll take the distraction. As long as you keep the somber mood and keep a distance, you’ll be able to talk yourself out of wanting in his pants, surely.

“Fine. Shoot. What’s the first thing?”

“Neither of us had a good life. Before. Full of drunks and shitty living situations and especially a piece of shit car.” 

That makes you snort. “Definitelythe car?”

His small grin is toothy, more pleased and relieved than you care to notice that you took the bait. “Oh, yeah. My dad’s truck. It was an old, old model. Discontinued. He never had the money to get the stupid thing fixed. Everytime I stole the keys off him, part of me prayed this would be the time it just finally fucking exploded. Take me with it, maybe.” 

“You stole your father’s keys?”

“He would pass out in the kitchen every Wednesday and Friday night.”

  Oh. This feeling like guilt flashes through you. You’re pretty sure you have more in common with his father on this point. Again you think of the woman in the video and your throat constricts.

“I think I was like that, too,” you admit, quiet.

“Well, that’s a difference between us, then. I didn’t drink until after I turned.” 

“Wait, can vampires drink alcohol?”

He shakes his head with a scoff, tossing his hair. “Not really. Can, but anything but blood makes us way sick. Taehyung chugs energy drinks sometimes, and it knocks him out with killer migraines for like, days at a time. Anyways.” 

You refuse to let the mental image cheer you up any, but it is a funny little thought. Almost endearing. “Anyways,” you agree.

“I helped my dad with his police work sometimes. He’d pull me out of class and I’d do odd jobs around the office. Busy work, mostly. Get him coffee, that sort of thing. Organized files. So when a boy from the local university went missing…I was one of the first to know about it. One of the newer classmen, by the name of Kim Taehyung.

This isn’t a big town. Sometimes people go missing, y’know. Runaways, mostly.” His head bobs, his eyes going wistful. When he gestures, it’s like he’s practicing well-rehearsed excuses at the empty space he’s addressing. “I thought about it, from time to time, being one of them. But the strangest thing was that his best friend started acting…weird.” 

“His best friend.” 

“Wanna guess?” 


Jungkook glances back at you. His brows twitch upwards. “That’s the one. He didn’t come to the funeral service. Didn’t have anything to say about the day Tae vanished. Refused to go to counselling. And they never found the body. A few months later? Park Jimin also disappears.” 

He cocks his head, casting a look out over the grounds. “A year goes by. Two. Three. Their photos stayed on the corkboard in the office hall, but nobody saw their faces anymore. The Kims moved out. The Parks stayed a long time. I mean, a real long time. I heard rumors about Taehyung’s family, familiar kinds of rumors, but Jimin’s family was the kind you see on TV. They never really stopped looking. They funded a huge search. Reward posters and everything.” 

He shrugs, eyes flicking downwards, to idly watch his fingers rubbing at his own knuckles. There are scars there that you didn’t notice before, mazes and crisscrosses of scuffs and scrapes that must tell impressive stories of their own right. You want to kiss them. All of them, one by one. You want those fingers in your mouth— 

A shiver runs through you and you use the motion as a coverup for a hard blink, twitch of your head. Focus. Pay attention. Sad. Somber. Listening.

“The money would’ve been useful. Buy me a car that works. A ticket out of town. Somewhere nobody knows about ‘Officer Jeon’s fucked up kid’. And the thought of reuniting a straight A, straightlaced kid like Jimin with his loving family? Maybe go full Annie—get them to adopt Taehyung while I’m at it? Give somebody else a chance with a good home, loving family? I had all kinds of fantasies. I couldn’t even think that they might have been dead. Or worse.” 

  Or worse? You shift, damning the carousel underneath you for easing into a screech when you dare to move your weight. You wrap your arms around yourself, trying to ward off the chill creeping up on you. It’s cold out here when you aren’t stomping and crying. You aren’t going to scoot closer to Jungkook, not even for warmth. No matter how cold it gets. You don’t want to tuck your head into his chest and inhale the source of that faint smell drifting your way on the breeze. You don’t. Don’t want to put your fingers in his hair. Don’t want to…taste. Any of him.

  “Yeah,” Jungkook affirms the frown on your face with a scoff, for entirely the wrong reason. “Yeah. Worse. Because the second thing you and I have in common is we both headed into something we weren’t prepared for.” 

His tone goes soft, his brows pulling together. You can see something dark, something buried, clawing its way up his body and sinking into his shoulders. It makes him smaller. Pulls him into himself.

“I found them. Took a lot of digging through sightings, sudden shipments of online orders of things like video games and comic books to a supposedly abandoned park, a lot of sneaking and some illegal stalking. My theory then was that this ‘Jin’ guy was maybe a murderer. A kidnapper. I could confront him, put him away, make everyone happy. Make pops proud, for once, just in time to put him to the back of an exhaust pipe.”

He takes a shaky breath. “You don’t…changing isn’t a quick thing. You don’t just wake up like this. It can take months. Months where you don’t know who you are, where you are. You’ll bite anything with a pulse. The first time I walked into the park was the last time I had one of those.” 

He rubs at his shoulder, remembering an old wound. You scratch at your neck. 

  “It wasn’t his fault. But Jimin came out of the dark, right at me, all wild eyes and crazy hair. I don’t remember much about when I came to, except the awful, awful way my blood stained the grass. Shitty Jungkook ruins somebody’s lawn, I thought. I know someone was crying, holding me. It was raining so hard, but all I could hear was sobbing. Apologizing.  

At some point, I know Jin asked me if I wanted to live. And I remember thinking, do I? Don’t I? Why would I do that?” he scoffs again, the sound painful. “It’s not like anyone would miss me. At least up on that fuckingcorkboard…maybe there’s where I’d finally belong. I passed out again before I could give them my answer. I hoped they’d kill me.” 

  He’s quiet for a long time. You don’t want to feel bad for him. But that anger, that helplessness. You’re right, and your experiences aren’t the same. 

And still, he isn’t wrong. You do have a lot in common. 

“They kept you,” you say finally, no small amount of irony tinging your voice.

“Yeah. With Namjoon gone, Jin didn’t have Jackson keeping an eye out for him inside the police force. The minute he figured out who I was, he’d already decided what he was going to do with me.” 

You shift again, subconsciously rubbing at your arms for warmth. A moment of silence passes. Crows, far off in the park, hold a brief council. The sound of their chatter echoes off the miles of rusted metal and climbing vines. When the wind blows again, the trees answer with a subdued counterargument of rustled leaves. You and Jungkook are alone in the world. 

   “So. That’s the second thing.”

“Hmm?” He snaps out of his reverie, throwing you a confused look with a wide blink. You return his expression with a wry half-grin. 

“The second thing we have in common. A lack of choice.” You clarify. 

Jungkook’s face softens, shoulders dropping. He turns, shuffling his arms out of his jacket. When he scoots forward, the carousel squeals its disapproval, but you both ignore it. Your pulse quicks in your chest, your neck, the mark at your chest thudding in time with the beats and you flinch back from him, staring. Waiting. But he reaches behind you to drape the biker jacket across your shoulders. He tugs it forward with a kind of clumsy, unsure care. Like if he pulled too hard you would shatter. His warmth envelopes you with a ‘whoof’ of air, drowning you in that heady scent you now recognize is not, in fact, cologne. You can’t help but close your eyes and inhale, deep. There’s no question in your mind that you could track him across the continent with this smell. Jungkook

Your head snaps back up, eyes flying open, coming to just enough to be embarrassed. But he’s focused on trying to fix the clasp at the top of the jacket, secure it just enough to keep you warm. His long fingers fly across the leather, unsteady, searching, but determined and eventually it clicks into place. He pauses, obviously satisfied, but doesn’t move back. His hands hover. Your heartbeat quickens in your throat. 

  “Jimin and Tae worked the hardest to make me feel welcome. Let me stay in the extra room instead of the bedroom. Kept an eye on me while I was changing. Bailed me out when I almost got caught,” he mumbles, as if talking to himself,  “And as for the station, I still work there sometimes. I do what Jin wants. What we need. Move files, edit paperwork, run plates. Nothing big, but enough to help keep us hidden.”

“That’s good of you,” you reply, hushed. “You sound like you figured it out eventually…” It’s impossible to think past the phantom feeling of his lips against your skin. The taste of his tongue. The taste of…your eyes flick downwards, a flush travelling up through your neck before you can stop yourself. When you meet his gaze again, he’s darkly intent. You don’t imagine he can’t guess what you were thinking of. 

“Do you want my advice?”

God, you can still feel him. Every breath draws him through the roof of your mouth, floods your veins. Are you leaning forward? It’s hard to tell. Suddenly you’re too warm. “Hmm?” 

“My advice,” he reiterates. He moves so subtly that even the beast beneath you only mutters a brief complaint. It takes him close enough to you that you could press your lips to his neck if only you leaned upwards. “Considering how much we have in common.”


“Think about yourself, first. Fuck everyone else.” You wish he would. “Ask yourself what youwant, when you don’t know where to go. What to do.” 

“And what do you want?” you ask, low, watching his eyes cast to your lips with a familiar sinking feeling. He hums, thoughtful. The sound lights warmth in your chest, his breath a cool huff against your mouth when he exhales. 

“I want to be selfish,” he murmurs. He leans forward. 

He stops. You stop. The both of you look down in unison.

Your hand is on his chest, splayed against the grey t-shirt fabric. Why is it there? 

Jungkook blinks, owlish. “…No?” 

What? No, what? Oh, right. Right, yes. No. 

“No.” You can feelthe distance between you. Can taste every single inch that separates you from his body. Your palm on his chest burns, tugged by pure magnetism.

“…What do you mean ‘no’?”
“I mean I’m—” What doyou mean by ‘no’? It should be yes. Yes, yes, yes, Jungkook, yes, more, yes, please. Right here, now, outside, where everybody can see, where it’s cold and the carousel screeches with every movement and— “I’m saying…no. This time. No kissing.” 

The thought runs visibly around his head. He watches you like he’s pondering the spin of the world on its axis. 

He blinks again, hard. When he speaks again, it’s in a shocked, conspiratorial whisper. “No kissing, ever??” It’s an effort not to laugh at his scandalized expression. 

“N-no kissing. Right…right now. I’m trying to make choices.” 


You wrack your brain to remember what it was you said to Jin. “I…I want to know who I was. And I want to choose who I am now.” 

“Oh.” Jungkook’s tongue rolls over the inside of his mouth, his eyes casting down and to the side, brows furrowing. Finally, he nods. “Okay.” 

  He leans back, away from your hand, and it takes more effort than it should to return the limb back to your side. 

“But you said that you didn’t get much from that video.” Jungkook shifts again, shoulders hunching. He’s back to looking small. Awkward. 

You worry the inside of your cheek. Your hand comes up to tug absently at the jacket draped over your shoulders. You want to bury your face in it and drown in his scent. “…Yeah. I really didn’t.”

“What are you going to do, then?”

“I dunno. I thought maybe I’d look for myself online?”

He snorts, once. “You won’t find much beyond what the news stations are saying. It’s all the same shit. I tried.” 

“Did you?” 

The boy sitting across from you shrugs, suddenly incapable of looking at you directly. He’s a young man again, not a demon, not a devil. Young and unsure, in the presence of something bordering on intimate. Sections of his hair flutter in the wind. He squints. “Curious. Before Jin grounded us.” 

That gets a laugh out of you. “Right.”

“Heartless. Heartless man.” 

A murderer. A kidnapper. Is that your Jin? Someone who asked to hold you. Prepared your room with all the excitement of somebody expecting someone long lost and beloved. Someone who kissed you softly, gently, like he was losing sight of the horizon.

Sat with you while you tried to find reasons to hate him, and at every turn offered you a way out, if you wanted. Understood when you didn’t. 

The same man who treats you like a pet. The same man who changed Jungkook without his permission. Uses him like a pawn. Uses you like an accessory.

Somehow, he’s both of these people. 

You and Jungkook share in another moment of quiet.

  “Wait. Plates?” You break the silence suddenly, turning to look at your companion once more. 


“You run plates. At the station.”

Jungkook purses his lips. Sniffs, runs his arm under his nose. “Yeah. Sometimes. Takes about a day or so, but it helps keep tabs on other covens.” 

“The video,” you breathe. Excitement doesn’t come easily to you. Not when it isn’t about getting your next fix. But here, now, it blossoms in your chest, pure and energizing. “Wait, Jungkook, the video. If I got you the license plate from my shitty car, could you run it? Get—get information on it? ”

“Oh. Oh, yeah. I could do that.”  

“Really?? Jungkook, that would mean everything to me!” 

The smile that he hides in a shrug of his shoulder is shy. When he snorts, it’s quiet. His ear flares up into a fiery red that casts down the side of his neck. Suddenly he’s having trouble looking directly at you.


  This could be it. You can get Jungkook to run the plates, get your name, location—maybe even your records? The mugshot. The police station would have the information you’ve been looking for. Who you were. Where you came from. The identity of the woman in the video, of you. Somehow, you’re closer than ever. 

“What do I get?” Jungkook’s voice interrupts your daydreaming and scheming. 


“We’re collaborating now, right? You and me. Since you agree we’re similar.” 

You can’t get a read on him. His tone is breezy, but…you know better than to assume what that might mean. “Right…?” 

“So what do I get for helping you? If we’re like…partners, now. Y’know.” 

Partners... Right. Right, that sounds good. That actually sounds very good. But there are alarm bells sounding off in your head. Your throat goes dry and you try to swallow past it without making it too obvious the effect he’s starting to have on you again. 

“What, um,” you try, slow. “What would you like?”

His teeth gnaw at his lips. He blinks out over a patch of grass, and it’s a wonder it hasn’t caught aflame yet with the intensity of his stare.

“Can…can I have a kiss?” he says after a beat. “Could you…choose to kiss me?” 

Is….is he making fun of you? But the way he looks to you is genuine. Way too genuine. Excited. Hesitant, but hopeful.

“A kiss?” 

“Yeah. Can I have one, if I help you? Just a kiss!” he clarifies hastily, hands coming up in defense. “We don’t have to do anything else, if you decide not to.” 

If you decide not to. Dangerous. Dangerous. There’s no way he can understand how thinly you’re teetering on that line as is. But…is this him, trying? Offering you a choice. Maybe not much of one, but it’s a start. You could tell him no, if you wanted. Warmth spreads across your chest, climbing up to your face. 

Do you want to tell him no? Or do you want to kiss him? It’s no contest. No contest at all. Your mouth opens. Shuts.

“Yeah. Okay. If you run the plates for me, I’ll…we’ll have a kiss.”

“Is that okay?” He really has no idea how okay it is. How entirely okay it is. 

“One kiss for now,” you amend, slow, trying to hide the nervous grin that wants to climb its way across your face. “A-and one for later. If you do it. When you do.” 

Two kisses, huh?” Jungkook replies. His brows flick upwards, playful. “Greedy…” His eyes cast down you for a half second and you have to tamp the desire to add one for the road.

“Selfish.” you correct. His expression scrunches into a wide, happy smile. One that weirdly tugs at your heart. 

He nods agreeably. “Selfish.” 

He scoots forward again, leaning. 

You arch up. 

When your lips meet, it’s chaste. There’s no hurry. No desperation. You kiss at his lower lip, ignoring the chill that breaks across your skin when he hums, content. Your eyes flutter closed. You focus on the warmth of him, the taste, god he tastes so sweet. How soft his lips are, how soothing his mouth as it caresses yours. 

When you part with a sigh, you realize his hands are hovering. They drift back down to his sides. A thrill runs through you when you understand that was him obeying your boundaries. A cognizant effort, to keep himself from touching you. From taking things too far. Can you do the same? Your eyes drop to half mast, pulling your lip through your teeth. You can still feel him. Taste him. You’re so close. You want him so badly. You want his hair between your fingers, his body on top of yours, his tongue, his teeth, his cock. 

You’rechoosing, you are, but god, it’s so hard to make the right choice.

He watches you toy with your thoughts. He licks his lips, nervous, but doesn’t move otherwise. 

  Suddenly, your stomach breaks the quiet, growling loudly. Jungkook legitimately shrinks back in surprise, staring at your belly before bursting into laughter. The sultry spell is broken and replaced with horrific embarrassment on your part and comical shock from him. 

“There’snoway that was you!” he says between cackles, reaching to poke at his jacket.

Mortified, your arms automatically shield your torso, but he needles you anyways, grinning. Brows up in his hairline, eyes narrowed to slits with the force of his prominent smile. 

“What, are you hiding a lion in there? Holy shit!”

“It’s hard to keep track of mealtimes!” You protest, slapping his hand away. A giggle snakes through your tone. “You’d know that if you still ate!”

“I never sounded like that!” 

“That’s a lieand a half!” 

  He laughs again, throwing his head back, and you can’t help but laugh along. He turns the rock back forward into a standing motion, the momentum carrying him back onto his feet. One of his hands buries into his jean’s pocket. The other reaches familiarly towards you.

“Come on. Jin stocked the kitchen for you. Real food this time, not just crackers.” 

“Oo. Fancy.” You rub absently at your eyes, still a little sticky from before. 

“Only the finest. You go and get something to eat, I’ll get a screenshot of the license plate from Jin. Teamwork.

Partner,” he adds, careful.

“Alright. Partner.” You take his hand and pull to stand beside him, tugging his jacket more firmly around your shoulders. His smell wafts around you, holding you like you wish you could hold him. His palm is warm and dry, his fingers holding yours delicately. His answering smile is like the sun, his eyes squinting with the strength of his childish joy. His teeth glint briefly. You shiver and look away.

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