#mother son incest

You want your milk right now? Sweetie it’s much too early, I’m busy cooking. No whining baby, you kn
You want your milk right now? Sweetie it’s much too early, I’m busy cooking. No whining baby, you know nursing time is always after dinner. Honey, there are freshly pumped bottles of mommy milk in the fridge, why don’t you take one of those for now? Here, I’ll warm one up for you so it’s just like when you suckle.

That’s my sweet son, no more complaining. Now take your bottle and drink up on the couch. Mommy will let you nurse all night, ok sweetie pie?

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No baby, you don’t wear a swimsuit in the pool when it’s just me and you – I want to see my so

No baby, you don’t wear a swimsuit in the pool when it’s just me and you – I want to see my son’s body completely. You’re asking why I get to wear one but you don’t? Sweetie, I’m your mother and I make the rules. You don’t get to ask me why I make them. Now be a good boy and get naked. Don’t worry about your boner, it’s nothing I haven’t seen. Now hop in the water and show mommy your back stroke. That’s very good baby, you’re getting better and better. You can rest yourself between my thighs when you’re tired.

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Baby, don’t be embarrassed but I’ve noticed you’ve been looking at my body a lot lately. There’s no

Baby, don’t be embarrassed but I’ve noticed you’ve been looking at my body a lot lately. There’s no need to be shy honey, it’s very normal for boys to be curious about their mothers. It’s very obvious that you’re interested in what’s underneath my clothes.

Sweetie, you know you can ask me for anything, right? Mommy is here for you. Do you want to see what my breasts look like sweet pea? Here, I’ll take my shirt off for you. Look baby. These are the nipples you used to suckle when you were little. Would you like to try that again? You’re a big boy now but you’ll always be my baby. Good boy, rest your head in my arms and wrap those pretty lips around mommy’s nipple.

My sweet boy .

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Time for bed baby boy. Be good and take off all your clothes so you can snuggle with Momma . No, don

Time for bed baby boy. Be good and take off all your clothes so you can snuggle with Momma . No, don’t worry about your pajamas. Momma will hold you close and keep you nice and warm.

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Now before Mommy lets you suckle, did you do all your chores like you promised? Yes Mommy. Full resp

Now before Mommy lets you suckle, did you do all your chores like you promised?

Yes Mommy.

Full responses when you speak to your mother. Let’s try that again. Did you finish your chores?

Yes Mommy, I finished my chores. 

That’s better. And you did the dishes?

Yes Mommy, I did the dishes.

Did you finish your homework?

Yes Mommy, I finished my homework.

You have an exam tomorrow in math. Will you be making an A on that exam?

Yes Mommy, I’ll make an A.

Good boy. Come to Momma. You’re my sweet baby but I need to make sure I raise you right. Now wrap your lips around my nipple and drink your milk. Finish it all, no wasting. Mommy loves you so much, never forget that baby boy .

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Mother:That’s it baby, cum inside your momma… *holds her sweet son between her legs while she pets his hair and holds him close*

Son: *whimpers and groans while emptying sperm into mommy’s wet clutching pussy*

Mother:Alright sweetie, you ready to get to school?

Son:But mom…I’m still hard. Just one more time mommy? Please?

Mother:Honey, you’re gonna be late to class and I need to get to work.

Son:Pleaaaasee? Pretty please mommy? Please?

Mother:Hush, baby boy. Can you be quick?

Son:*begins thrusting again, happily* Yes momma, I’ll be quick!

Mother:Good boy, thrust harder if you need to.


Mother:Use your words please.

Son:Yes momma, I’ll thrust harder. Thank you momma. *bed begins to squeak from mother and son grinding gyrations*

Mother:Much better. Are you mommy’s boy?

Son:Yes momma, I’m mommy’s boy.

Mother:*kisses her baby’s cheek” My sweet son, I love you so much…

oh yeah…and one time i put her dildo in my mouth…i wanted to taste her pussy juice so

oh yeah…and one time i put her dildo in my mouth…i wanted to taste her pussy juice so badly…

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Not sure if this will work. But let’s see. This particular chapter had so much media in it.

There was a little clearing, on the property out behind the cabin, before the trailheads led off into the deep woods. Mom had already spread out an air mattress and blankets and towels. “Come lay down, darling. I want to give you a very special massage.”

Ah, yes, finally, here we go. A little foreplay, she warms me up, and then… it’s nut-busting time!!!

I was so ready. It felt like it had been a month.


She had some kind of oil she began to rub into my back. The sun was warm enough to cut through the spring breeze coming into the clearing.

I was excited about getting laid, but the massage part really did feel good. I started to feel… I don’t know, loosened up. This seemed to have some actual therapeutic business to it.


“What is that stuff you’re using, Mama?”

“It’s a special oil blend. I’ve been studying bodywork lately, baby. It’s a class, I’ve been going twice a week while…”

I started to tune her voice out… I didn’t mean to… but the air and the sun and the oil and the touch, it all felt so fucking good. I was just in a zen state. Time seemed to slow down.

Mommy began to work my thighs and legs from the back while she talked. Occasionally I would feel a warm trickle as more oil would drizzle onto me.

Her hands were going everywhere. I heard something about tantric massageandkundaliniandlingam. Sounds fake, but ok.


She slipped her warm hands up my inner thighs and stroked my full balls and cock gently from the back. I groaned.

“Honey, I’m going to take my top off now. It’s not as sunny out here as I worried about, so I want to be naked with you. Okay?”


She began to rub her breasts and nipples over my back.

Yep, here we go. That’s not part of any “tantric” or “Swedish” or whatever.

Her voice was low and sultry in my ear. “How does this feel, sweetheart?”  She traced her fingertips along my shoulders and triceps.


“Amazing, but” – I lifted my hips – “A little uncomfortable, with me being facedown. You know. Because –”

Mommy laughed. “I know. Why don’t you roll over?”


“Oh, look at you,” she cooed over my hard dick. “Yes, that must have been very uncomfortable indeed. But Mama is here for you.”

I ogled her swinging tits and rosy nipples as she reached for her container of oil. “It’s time for the next part of the massage, my love.”


She poured it down her chest and tits and began to rub it all around. “Would you like to help me, baby boy?” Of course my cock jumped involuntarily which was a “yes”. I started smearing the warm oil over her perfect mommy tits, dragging my thumbs over her nipples. She smiled, and reached for me.


She began to slowly coat my thick shaft with oil, while I rubbed and tweaked her tits. Not long now and I might be spraying cum on them…


Oh fuck.

I moaned. She looked up sweetly.

“You like this, baby? It feels so good to Mommy. Your penis is leaking and dripping on my nipples. It needs more stimulation, don’t you think?” I nodded. A breeze blew her hair up for a second, as she reached for my shaft.


She began to alternate like regular stroking with this… I don’t know… twisting thing. Like she was polishing the head of my cock.

And then constantly pouring more oil onto me and her body. I groaned and squeezed her slippery tits, grappling and grabbing them.


She began to really focus on just my cock, with these long slow steady strokes… I don’t know how to describe it. I started to get crazy.

“God, Mom, please, I need to cum.”

Her voice was still low and gentle. “No, darling. You don’t ‘need’ it unless I decide you need it.”

My balls twitched. “Please. Please.”


“Shh, baby. Shhh. You’re such a good boy for Mommy.” 

Oh god, her voice. Sexy and low. If I was home alone jerking off, sometimes I used to call her when I knew she couldn’t answer, just to hear her voice mail recording. Like, her voice sends me over, if my mother had a phone sex line I’d sell drugs to be able to afford to call it everyday.

“Mom, I’m gonna cum!” 

She slowed down her pace to a crawl, almost imperceptible touch.

“Not yet, baby. I know you. I know your penis. I know every inch of you.”

Gently, she began to stroke my desperate cock in rhythm to her words.

“I’ve known you since before your first breath.”

Steady, more pressure now.

“I know the beat of your heart… the pulse that throbs through your aching full balls…”

Now back to the polishing stroke.

I’m going to die, I think. My balls must actually be bright blue right now.

“Mommy always takes care of exactly what you need, doesn’t she?”

I groaned in anguish.

“Like right now, you need to feel how wet and excited you make Mommy.”


She didn’t miss a stroke, as she dipped more oil on her hands and then slid her wet cunt up my thigh.

Oh my god.

She’s so warm, her mommyjuice is sliding back and forth on me.

“Please.” My voice cracked. “Mommy. Please. My balls are going to explode.”

“Shhh. Just close your eyes for a minute and feel.” She paused, stroking, riding my thigh.

“Feel the air on your skin. Feel Mommy’s hands, touching you.”

Stroke and slide, stroke and slide.

“Feel my hands slipping down into your secret place.”

Oh jesus fuck.

Her oiled finger slid down my crack, pressing against me. Gently… just teasing.

Stroke and slide and tease. Stroke and slide and tease.

My eyes rolled back in my head. She climbed up my leg, and let her soaking wet pussy slide up over my anguished dick.

“You’re my good boy. So strong and brave for Mommy.”

“Mamaaa please… please. I needyou. I need to cum. It hurtsso bad.”


“Shhh. Sweet baby boy.”  Mommy hovered her hot slippery slit over the head of my cock and let just the tip slide in and out. “Doesn’t this feel wonderful? Giving your body up to your beloved mama?”

I groaned out loud, and grunted as I felt her juice flood down my prick.

“You’re my baby boy and my lover man, aren’t you, sweetheart… and you love how it feels to be so wicked with your mama out here in the open, no one to judge us.”

Oh my god.

She slipped off just in time, moving her oiled body down to my side. Her warm heavy breasts pressed against me, and the torture on my cock recommenced instantly.  Twist and polish, twist and polish.


Now she’s in my ear again, murmuring and melodic.

“Think about how long we waited, darling. How long we wanted each other.”

Twist and stroke and polish.

“Think about how we pretended for so long… that we didn’t desperately crave the thing that we shouldn’t have.”

Twist and stroke and polish.

“Please, Mama. I’m begging. I’m begging to cum. I’m dying….”


My balls were tightening. It was coming whether she wanted it or not.

“What do you ‘need’, darling?”

I felt a warning pang at the back of my neck; this was a trick question. But my cock answered for me. “I need to cum, Mama. My balls hurt so bad. Please let me release.”

Her eyes stayed sexy and loving, but her mouth smirked a little.

“If you insist, baby.”

She wrapped a hand gently around my enormous full balls, as she gave me one purposeful stroke. Then she took her hand off my cock.



My hips bucked, trying to get some kind, any kind of contact – in vain.

It was too late.

She smiled wickedly, as my balls begin to spasm. Her fingers and palm began to massage them gently, as they clutched.

I watched, in utter dismay, as the load I’d been building for a week started to make its escape… only to lose all momentum, trickling and spilling out of me like a faucet someone had left running.


The semen formed rivulets as it slid down my oiled penis. It pooled on my belly. But my erection didn’t subside.

I had just cum. I could see it on me, cooling in the air. How was I still hard?

And why did I still feel insanely horny?

Mommy had begun to wipe the oil from her hands. She smiled at me fondly, at my confusion. She used the blanket to wipe the jizz from my stomach.

“Mom, what. What happened?”

“Well, you said you needed to cum, baby. So you did.”

“But…” I looked at my boner.

“Oh, you didn’t actually have an orgasm, honey. I took you to the point where you were really close… and then you said you ‘needed’ to cum, so I let you cum.”

“How can I cum without having an orgasm? Isn’t the same thing?”

“Well, you saw the cum. You just didn’t get to go through the whole physical process, the building and the peak and the plateau and the letdown. I gave you exactly what you ‘needed’. Nothing more. Don’t your balls feel a little better now?”

She stood up, smiling affectionately at her oily, cum-streaked, erect, confused boy.

“Let’s go take a shower, honey.”  She flicked a piece of grass off her oily leg as I got up.  As we walked back to the cabin, she linked her arm through mine.

She kissed my cheek, and whispered, “During our shower, I’ll teach you what to say… next time Mommy asks what you need.”

oh my fucking god…i’ve cum so many times reading this…
