

I always thought when people said ‘it’s ££ a head’ (about a restaurant) this was them saying you had to pay a certain amount of money ahead of arriving (like a deposit) before you went to eat there because the restaurant was so fancy. I still thought this until very recently and just thought I’d not yet been to a restaurant posh enough (alone or with a friend, etc) where I’d need to do this

I also thought ‘neighbourhood watch areas’ were places neighbours would agree to go together to sometimes to look out on the neighbourhood and make sure no one was being burgled or anything. I also thought this until a few years ago when I accidentally said to my mum I’d just never seen anyone at the neighbourhood watch and she started laughing at me



wish there was a culture on here comparable to the one amongst 30-to-50-yr-old user communities on goodreads. ‘so not my jam but I enjoy reading your reviews natalie’, ‘I don’t know, david. I suspect you may actually find something to your liking in this series!’… like yeah. how lovely to be spoken to by another who takes note of your habits and interests and pushes you to challenge yourself. like, I don’t know david, maybe you will! 

“I don’t know David, maybe if you went outside and touched grass you’d like this book instead of being a shitlord who can’t let other people enjoy things.”

literally. exactly

people are seriously out here arguing that they’d like to stop seeing countries snub or rub up to each other at a song contest specifically started with political aims in mind. sorry but that’s boring!!! you’d be taking away the fascinating social science of it this wondrous experiment! let the jury votes be heard, let the fighting begin!!!

wish there was a culture on here comparable to the one amongst 30-to-50-yr-old user communities on goodreads. ‘so not my jam but I enjoy reading your reviews natalie’, ‘I don’t know, david. I suspect you may actually find something to your liking in this series!’… like yeah. how lovely to be spoken to by another who takes note of your habits and interests and pushes you to challenge yourself. like, I don’t know david, maybe you will! 

I’m having dreams about the past lately and I hate it… about people I no longer know and places I no longer go. must be the heat

so we likely would have won in any other year but it’s very appropriate that we didn’t lol. congrats to countries that have u & k in their names


last year the uk got NO points in this part. incredible

cry harder peasant!!!!!!

last year the uk got NO points in this part. incredible

usa should be allowed in eurovision if they send evanescence 

always happy to be humbled and reminded of my ignorance on the blog lol. thank you to everyone who replied!!




had anyone else only heard of SIDS like yesterday after that post began circulating

have those of us in the uk heard of this? if so, where from?

please can someone tell me they’d never heard of this before or at least didn’t know coherently what it was, at the very least you’d never heard of it referred to as ‘sids’

beginning to wonder if there’s a correlation between people who had heard of this having younger siblings. I’m the youngest of three and have never been around babies or infants substantially ever. I’ve never held a baby

in fairness I’d heard the phrase ‘crib death’ but had never considered it deeply. you could tell me that it meant any death of a baby or even was a circumstantial phrase to describe a baby who had died in their crib (from suffocation or any other thing) and I’d believe you. never knew it referred to just a healthy baby passing on with no known cause or obvious reason… how terrifying!



had anyone else only heard of SIDS like yesterday after that post began circulating

have those of us in the uk heard of this? if so, where from?

please can someone tell me they’d never heard of this before or at least didn’t know coherently what it was, at the very least you’d never heard of it referred to as ‘sids’


had anyone else only heard of SIDS like yesterday after that post began circulating

have those of us in the uk heard of this? if so, where from?

had anyone else only heard of SIDS like yesterday after that post began circulating

ukraine will probably win eurovision I imagine

my gums hurt I think this is it for me
