#motonari mouri

Happy Valentine’s Day!Have yourself a treat! [x] Note: These were inspired by Ikerev charm merch. I Happy Valentine’s Day!Have yourself a treat! [x] Note: These were inspired by Ikerev charm merch. I

Happy Valentine’s Day!
Have yourself a treat!

[x] Note: These were inspired by Ikerev charm merch. I wanted my own Mitsu and Mori versions. Hehe.

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“From the day we met, I’d planned on stealin’ you away, but you were the one who s

“From the day we met, I’d planned on stealin’ you away, but you were the one who stole me."⚙️

Happy Birthday Motonari!
Please Enjoy!

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Awwwww such a cute moment !

My Ramblings Midway through Motonari’s route

I’ve been quietly reading Motonari’s route all this time, and every chapter I find it such a chore to read. I would normally post a couple of screens hots on some parts I liked but I think I will just do a basic summary of what I thought when I finish. I feel like some things got clarified in the English translation that definitely changed my mindset (especially in the beginning) but overall I’m at the point where I hate MC because she’s going through “I fell in love with you and I find you so hot ” phase and my eyes are rolling so far back into the back of my head .

I’m at the point in the story where it’s pretty much confirming my original thoughts.

Can’t believe that he got fourth place in the rankings either, I guess Western players find his personality more palatable…

Maeda Keiji’s MC



Once I started getting used to the weight of the spear I wrapped up my training and headed back to my room. 

Following Keiji’s instructions, I continued training alone. 

That’s when I realized the condition that my hands were in. They felt tight and sore and looked really red.

(I was so focused on my training that I didn’t notice that I hurt the joints in my hand from using too much force.)

When I started opening and closing them, my joints made a cracking sound. 

As I started walking through the garden holding my hands, I saw a person with a flashy appearance approaching me. 


I went in to the dojo at night to do some more training. As I was about to grab a spear I saw Keiji walk in the room. 

I quickly changed my mind and grabbed a rag from the floor to pretend that I was cleaning up. 


However, a dull pain shot through my hand causing me to drop the rag. 

(I should grab it again)

I tried to pick it up again but then…

I started feeling a tingly sensation and an even further duller pain throughout my hand. 

(This is a serious lesion. I can’t train until it heals in one or two days.)

When I realized this, I felt an even more intense pain that I started seeing white in my vision. 

Unpleasant thoughts starting going through my mind as I realized I wouldn’t be able to hold a needle at this rate. I wouldn’t be able to sew the clothes I really wanted to make. 


“What are you doing?”

“Do you think that because you don’t rely on others that makes you a virtuous person?”

“Do you like training so hard to the point of hurting yourself?”

He said it all without hesitation. My feelings of “I have to work hard” were exposed by him. 

(I know. I know I’m doing all of this for my own sense of self-satisfaction.)


“Still, you don’t have to say such terrible things.” 

“Weren’t you the one that said that we have to prepared for battle at anytime?”

“That’s why I’ve been training so much. To sharpen not only my battle skills but also my mind. I want to be stronger.”


“Oh yes, I can see that you are honing your skills as an idiot as well.“


After facing some Maeda clan members, Keiji is knocked down and unconscious. 

Holding Keiji’s body, I gently lay him down on the ground. 

I grabbed Keiji’s spear and pointed it towards the Maeda clan members.

Maeda member #1


The vassals were momentarily surprised and stunned, but also immediately started laughing

Maeda member #2

“What are you going to do now, protect Keiji?” 

Maeda member #3

“What can a slut like you even do with a spear?”

Ignoring their hecklings, I remembered Keiji’s training. 

(Right now they are off-guard. If I follow Keiji’s teaching, I should be able to get the upper hand here.)

(Hold the spear steady and use your whole body to…Poke them!)

Maeda members



For those of you that were wondering this is some of the moments that made me really love MC in Keiji’s route. She just seems like someone who is trying so hard and is very brave. Not to mention she is a badass by actually protecting Keiji when he is unconscious. I couldn’t help but compare her to Motonari’s MC who just let herself be dragged around by a psycho lol. It looks like the writers took everything that I hated from Motonari’s MC and flipped it on its head. 

acrispyapple: Happy Birthday, Motonari! ♡from ikesen tw fb: bit. ly/3gVcbxl


Happy Birthday, Motonari! ♡

from ikesen tw fb: bit. ly/3gVcbxl

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Happy Birthday, Motonari! ♫“I’m happy to be wished happy birthday by the woman I love. I&rsquoHappy Birthday, Motonari! ♫“I’m happy to be wished happy birthday by the woman I love. I&rsquo

Happy Birthday, Motonari! ♫

I’m happy to be wished happy birthday by the woman I love. I’ll thank ya plenty tonight in return, so be prepared.


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motonari mouri by yamada shiro ☆

source: bit. ly/3Ogdbu3
