#motorcycle blog


Motorcycle Recall May 2022 – Beta, Tires, Handlebars,

Motorcycle Recall May 2022 – Beta, Tires, Handlebars,

Be aware that this motorcycle recall list is for the United States for the last 30 days, there is no way I could cover the entire world. But in the world of global manufacturing, if a motorcycle is being recalled in one country there is a good chance it is under recall in others.

Also, this should not be considered a definitive list, check for yourself if you have any questions.

If you are US…

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Motorcycle News: Moto Guzzi Worldwide Events, Beware of E15 Fuel

This is my take on motorcycle news that grabbed my attention. There is a whole lot more out there, but this is the news that I want to discuss. Drop me a note if you disagree with my take.

This is my take on motorcycle news that grabbed my attention. There is a whole lot more out there, but this is the news that I want to discuss. Drop me a note if you disagree with my take.


Up Shift – Moto Guzzi Experience  

Moto Guzzi is helping more of us to get back to normal in the post pandemic world by offering events around the world.  These events are going to be held in 9…

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Motorcycle Recall February 2022 – Helmets, Piaggio, Triumph, Arcimoto

Be aware that this motorcycle recall list is for the United States for the last 30 days, there is no way I could cover the entire world. But in the world of global manufacturing, if a motorcycle is being recalled in one country there is a good chance it i

Be aware that this motorcycle recall list is for the United States for the last 30 days, there is no way I could cover the entire world. But in the world of global manufacturing, if a motorcycle is being recalled in one country there is a good chance it is under recall in others.

Also, this should not be considered a definitive list, check for yourself if you have any questions.

If you are US…

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2022 International Female Ride Day

On May 7th, 2022, women across the world will be riding their motorcycles for the 16th annual International Female Ride Day!  For 16 years the IFRD has “shined a spotlight on women riders and females in the motorsports arena!”

On May 7th, 2022, women across the world will be riding their motorcycles for the 16th annual International Female Ride Day!  For 16 years the IFRD has “shined a spotlight on women riders and females in the motorsports arena!”

Nearly 20% of riders are women and that number has been growing over the years and I do not expect that growth to end anytime soon. Coming out of the pandemic more people…

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Tips on cleaning a motorcycle helmet.

While you are cleaning your helmet look for cracks in the shell, that the hard foam is intact and in good condition (this is the part that does most of the work to protect your head) and all the other parts are in good order.  

Your motorcycle helmet is your most important piece of equipment so keeping it clean is important.  Not just from an appearance perspective but as a method to ensure it is still in good working condition. Also, April is Motorcycle Helmet Awareness month so now is a good time to do the work!

While you are cleaning your helmet look for cracks in the shell, that the hard foam is intact and in good…

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What to do with old motorcycle helmets?

With April being Motorcycle Helmet Safety Month, it was the right time to get rid of the old lids. This month IJustWant2Ride.com and The Dawghouse Motorcycle Radio show donated 10 old helmets to the Front Royal Fire Department

There are a lot of things you can do with old motorcycle helmets. Make planters or art with them for example.

But one of the most important things you can do with those old motorcycle helmets is to donate them to emergency services. Why? Because they need to train to deal with motorcycle accidents and how to handle the helmets is one of the things they need to practice.

This month…

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9 Check for you Motorcycle Helmet

April is Motorcycle Helmet Safety month so now is a good time to make sure your lid is in good shape.  You should, at least once a year check your helmet to make sure it is in good shape, as it is your primary safety tool. I just bought new helmets, read

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Motorcycle Recall February 2022 – Helmets X2 (33,000 Helmets), Wheels, Harley Davidson, Yamaha X2, Ubco Bikes, Kawasaki,  

Be aware that this motorcycle recall list is for the United States for the last 30 days, there is no way I could cover the entire world. But in the world of global manufacturing, if a motorcycle is being recalled in one country there is a good chance it i

Be aware that this motorcycle recall list is for the United States for the last 30 days, there is no way I could cover the entire world. But in the world of global manufacturing, if a motorcycle is being recalled in one country there is a good chance it is under recall in others.

Also, this should not be considered a definitive list, check for yourself if you have any questions.

If you are US…

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Out and about on a short Motorcycle Ride

Motorcycling around Front Royal, VA and the surrounding area is a lot of fun.  More than a few nice places as destinations and more than a few good country roads to ride.

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Women’s History Month: Women in Motorcycling

My wife mentioned that this is Women’s History month and that I should post something, just not photos of her. LOL

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Motorcycle Recall February 2022 – Helmets X2, Honda, Triumph, Harley Davidson

Motorcycle Recall February 2022 – Helmets X2, Honda, Triumph, Harley Davidson

Be aware that this motorcycle recall list is for the United States for the last 30 days, there is no way I could cover the entire world. But in the world of global manufacturing, if a motorcycle is being recalled in one country there is a good chance it is under recall in others.

Also, this should not be considered a definitive list, check for yourself if you have any questions.

If you are US…

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Best Motorcycle Posters for 2021

WOW 2021 was just as bad as 2020 in regards for content for best motorcycle poster, but it was close. I gather my candidates from the social media cesspool, looking all year for the interesting, cute or weird poster.

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9 Weird Motorcycles for 2021… BEST OF

BEST WEIRD motorcycles of 2021! This year I started with a list of 22 really off the wall strange motorcycles. Was not too hard to work it down the best 9.

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Motorcycle Recall January 2022 – BMW, KTM/Husqvarna (do not ride)

e aware that this motorcycle recall list is for the United States for the last 30 days, there is no way I could cover the entire world. But in the world of global manufacturing, if a motorcycle is being recalled in one country there is a good chance it is

Be aware that this motorcycle recall list is for the United States for the last 30 days, there is no way I could cover the entire world. But in the world of global manufacturing, if a motorcycle is being recalled in one country there is a good chance it is under recall in others.

Also, this should not be considered a definitive list, check for yourself if you have any questions.

If you are US…

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Motorcycle News - South Pole and not so Super Superbikes

This is my take on motorcycle news that grabbed my attention. There is a whole lot more out there, but this is the news that I want to discuss. Drop me a note if you disagree with my take.

This is my take on motorcycle news that grabbed my attention. There is a whole lot more out there, but this is the news that I want to discuss. Drop me a note if you disagree with my take.


Up Shift – Royal Enfield’s Tour of the South Pole – A month or so ago I mentioned that Royal Enfield was going to ride to motorcycles to the South Pole.  On December 16, 2021, Santhosh Vijay Kumar and…

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Best of 2021: Motorcycle Memes

Last year I had a hard time deciding what would make the “Best of” Motorcycle Memes for 2020… not so much this year.

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7 Best Motorcycle Tanks for 2021

Covid is once again impacting the artistic (or crazy) side of motorcycling.  The number of new, cool or just fabulous examples of motorcycle tank art was limited for 2021.

Covid is once again impacting the artistic (or crazy) side of motorcycling.  The number of new, cool or just fabulous examples of motorcycle tank art was limited for 2021.

By limited I mean… I did not see a lot of good tank art.  Instead of the 9 best we have the 7 best motorcycle tanks for 2021. Where I know the artist I include the information, but the internet is not good about…

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What has happened to Easyriders magazine?

The original Easyriders magazine was a champion of the counterculture, on the road biker symbolized in movies like “Easyrider”.  But, as we all know, the printed word is in decline due to the evolution of digital media.  From my point of view, magazines

EasyRiders issue #2

What has happened to Easyriders magazine?

In the lead up to Christmas 2021 when, at a local bookstore, I noticed the latest issue of Easyriders magazine.  But that magazine did not look at all correct, it did not have a hot bike and girl on the cover.

In fact, glancing through it at the newsstand, it did not have “really” have any hot bikes and no nude or scantly clothed…

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Motorcycle News: Apple v Motorcycle and Triumph hits a milestone.

My take on news that catches my eye.

This is my take on motorcycle news that grabbed my attention. There is a whole lot more out there, but this is the news that I want to discuss. Drop me a note if you disagree with my take.


Down Shift – Apple recommends not mounting their phones to the motorcycle! – Even though one of the latest iPhone commercials show their phone mounted to a scooter, Apple says that is a no no.…

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9 Tips for preparing your motorcycle for winter hibernation.

9 Tips for preparing your motorcycle for winter hibernation.

Why 9 tips on winter motorcycle storage? Because everyone has lists of 10 and 11 is to hard! Hah!

The first heavy frosts have already stuck in the northern Virginia area of the United States.  While I am sure there more than a few good riding days left …. Those days are going to be leaving us soon.  It is important to make sure your motorcycle is well taken care of in the winter so it will be…

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