#mpreg anon master list



We are anticipating one more fic for the fest to be posted Saturday - but in the meantime, please take a look to be sure you didn’t miss any of our extremely amazing submissions. The reveals will take place on Sunday, 19 June in the evening.

2022 H/D Mpreg Fest – Anon Master List

Here’s a recap of what posted this round (so far):

Keep reading

We are anticipating one more fic for the fest to be posted Saturday - but in the meantime, please take a look to be sure you didn’t miss any of our extremely amazing submissions. The reveals will take place on Sunday, 19 June in the evening.

2022 H/D Mpreg Fest – Anon Master List

Here’s a recap of what posted this round (so far):

Title: Unwanted — Beloved
Word Count:3279
Who is pregnant?:Draco
Summary:Feeling tears sting at the edges of his eyes, Harry picked the baby up and scooted inside. Who’d do something like this? Who’d discard a baby on someone’s doorstep? On his doorstep?

Unwanted — Beloved

Title: Doubly Blessed
Art Medium: Digital Art
Who is pregnant?:Draco
Summary:They had a plan — a very good, very reasonable plan if anyone had asked Draco.
1) Get married
2) Enjoy their newlyweded bliss for a year or two
3) Grow their family

But two years turned into three and then four despite their best (and most vigorous) efforts. In steps a friend, a bit of magic, and a whole lot of luck, to finally scratch that last one off the list.
Doubly Blessed

Title: You’ll Still Find Stone
Word Count:42536
Who is pregnant?:Draco
Summary:Draco had to marry Potter to stay out of Azkaban. Narcissa told him he’d be safer there. But he doesn’t know what Potter expects from him - this marriage is nothing like he had expected. Potter’s acting kindly, and he knows it’s all a trick. He’s just about coping, but trying to keep Potter happy becomes more important than ever when he realises he’s carrying the man’s child.

You’ll Still Find Stone

Title: In The Public Interest
Art Medium: Digital Art
Who is pregnant?:Harry
Summary:Harry doesn’t know why his husband still buys the Prophet. It’s a total rag.

In The Public Interest

Title: Mirror (NWS)
Art Medium:Digital
Who is pregnant?:Harry
Summary:Taking a look in the mirror has never been anything meaningful to Harry, but when his body changes and his and Draco’s baby makes themselves seen, seeing his own reflection takes on an entirely new dimension. It makes his pregnancy, the result of their love, real, bewilderingly real and present. Why wouldn’t it have the same effect, he wonders, when being intimate with the person he loves just as much as his unborn child?


Title: A Quickening Hope, A Freshening Glee
Word Count:3981
Who is pregnant?:Draco
Summary:Joy comes to Harry and Draco alongside a quickening of heart, and of body, and of breath. Or, The one where Draco and Harry find out from Remus Lupin in a Ministry lift that they’re going to have a baby. And Sirius flips out.

A Quickening Hope, A Freshening Glee

Title: The Harry Potter Pregnancy Support Society
Word Count:11083
Who is pregnant?:Harry
Summary:Harry Potter is deep in the closet when he discovers he’s pregnant with Draco Malfoy’s baby. Luckily, Hermione Granger, activist extraordinare, is here to help.

The Harry Potter Pregnancy Support Society

Title: A Second Chance (I’ve done well enough with mine)
Word Count:4673
Who is pregnant?:Harry
Summary:Heavily pregnant and lost, Harry escapes his abusive partner and in desperation goes to Knockturn Alley using a glamour to conceal his identity. He isn’t expecting the healer that is fetched to help him to be Draco Malfoy, but given he needs help now, he accepts Malfoy’s support.
Malfoy’s changed a lot since school. But then, maybe Harry has as well.

A Second Chance (I’ve done well enough with mine)

Title: James Regulus
Art Medium: watercolour pencils
Who is pregnant?:Draco
Summary:Draco in St. Mungo’s, a few hours after his baby has arrived. Watercolour art and short additional drabble.

James Regulus

Title: [podfic] What if…you don’t have to? by gnarf & iero0
Time: ~10 min
Who is pregnant?:Draco
Summary:Draco Malfoy is pregnant.
And Harry’s mind is blown.

[podfic] What if…you don’t have to? by gnarf & iero0

Title: Hurt Me, Love Me
Word Count:15.1k
Who is pregnant?:Draco
Summary:Draco, pregnant and on the run from his criminal ex-boyfriend, takes shelter under Auror Harry Potter’s protection. Sparks fly between the two, but Harry discovers that Draco is used to receiving love and affection with very specific conditions.
All Harry knows for sure is that he will stop at nothing to protect Draco and his unborn child.

Hurt Me, Love Me

Title: You’re Alive
WARNING: Mentions of Rape/non-con, Physical Abuse
Word Count:27k
Who is pregnant?:Draco
Summary:The most boring shift in the world, filled with Muggle car ride games to pass the time, was interrupted by a tow-head boy begging for help to save his papa and ultimately changed Harry’s life from there on out. For the better, of course.

You’re Alive

Title: Perfect Imperfections
Art Medium:Digital
Who is pregnant?:Draco
Summary:Draco sleeps like shit because the belly is always in the way, he has scars and bags under his eyes, he has hairy legs and toes, stretch marks on his belly and on his tights.
He’s tired and grumpy thinks he looks like shit and feels like it too.
Being pregnant isn’t just glowing skin and pretty people.
It’s even more traces left on an imperfect body, telling the story of a life.

Perfect Imperfections

Title: In my defense, I have none
Word Count:18,080
Who is pregnant?:Draco
Summary:Draco’s love for ruining Harry Potter’s image departed as he became a fully-formed adult, leaving him bound tight to bear the consequences of their perfect clandestine date alone or otherwise become the focal point in the biggest Harry Potter scandal since Voldemort’s reign.

In my defense, I have none

Title: The Only Way that the Roses Bloom
Word Count:17,613
Who is pregnant?:Draco
Summary:Harry is a Ministry Investigator, undercover as an Azkaban guard to help Hermione and the rest of his friends build a case against the prison.
He is set to guard somebody in the Death Eater block.
Draco Malfoy thought his life was over after his sudden incarceration in Azkaban.
As it turns out, Draco’s life has just begun.

The Only Way that the Roses Bloom

Title: With spring comes new life
Art Medium:Digital
Who is pregnant?:Harry
Summary:After everything that happened to them, neither Harry nor Draco had dared dreaming of being right where they were now.
Happy, in their own house, together, expecting their first child.
Life can be perfect after all.

With spring comes new life

Title: Listen To Your Heart
Word Count:65,148
Contains: curses, cults, unplanned pregnancy, case fic, duelling, moving in together, Azkaban, St Mungo’s, Auror partnership, DMLE, sexually explicit, sexually explicit embedded art
Who is pregnant?:Draco
Summary:Draco and Harry are secret lovers and Auror Partners. They have been tasked with helping to solve the Cursed Objects Case, a series of mysterious crimes that have been terrorising the magical population of London. When Draco is faced with an unplanned pregnancy, their previously ordered life is thrown into disarray.

NOTE: There is very NWS art embedded in chapter 3

Listen To Your Heart

Title: Where I see things right
Author: Anonymous
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 15,248
Who is pregnant: Harry
Summary: When Harry finds himself unexpectedly pregnant after a one-off with Draco Malfoy, he knows he isn’t keeping it. But when actually getting the abortion turns out to be more complicated than Harry expected, he finds himself turning to Malfoy for help through the process. And that’s actually much less complicated than Harry expected.

Where I see things right

Title: My Favourite Thing
Author: Anonymous
Word Count: 16,381
Rating: NC-17
Contains: labour, male vaginal birth, semi-graphic birth, post birth bleeding, nursing
Who is pregnant: Harry
Summary: Prompt: Draco’s marriage to Astoria failed before they could have an heir. Draco desperately wants a child, but is unable to carry for himself. Harry volunteers to be a surrogate.

My Favourite Thing

Title: [Art] Welcome home, Lily
Author: Anonymous
Rating: G
Who is pregnant: Draco
Summary: The Potter-Malfoys can finally take their little surprise gift home. This is the card they sent to family and friends to announce the birth of their daughter Lily Jean.

~Art inspired by the drabble Love is Just a Word by sassy_cissa

[Art] Welcome home, Lily

Title: Just So I Could Call You Mine
Author: Anonymous
Word Count: 16,475
Rating: R
Who is pregnant: Draco
Summary: Harry does what it takes to saveDraco.

Just So I Could Call You Mine

If you haven’t already, take a moment to drop a comment or leave a kudo.
