#mpreg belly


Hi. This is the first part of a story commissioned by my awesome friend @trtyutr and I’m really happy he’s letting me post it because I really enjoyed writing it. This one is a bit different from anything I’ve written before and it mixes lots of things that I love. So… enjoy it. (Contains muscle growth and balls preg, along regular mpreg)

Growing Closer- Part 1

Lance had always been the thin guy around. Even when there was a group of thin guys, he was always the thinnest. Some people even called him “beanpole” and Lance just laughed because the name actually suited him perfectly. Even though he had always wanted to get some meat on his bones, he had never felt that attracted to gyms so he lived happily with his skinny body. While he was in college, he had considered signing in to a gym and finally being able to get a bigger body but classes and homeworks got in the way all the time. He always wondered how college guys had time to go to the gym and do their homework too. Even his best friend Carl, who was a total gym rat and somehow he still got good grades. Carl was constantly inviting Lance to join him at the gym but Lance just focused on his studies. However, deep inside him he wanted to get bigger.

Lance and Carl had met in college and became friends really quick but they were really different from each other when they were standing side by side. Lance was really tall at 6’8” and literally no muscle mass on his lanky frame. His blond hair and deep blue eyes made him look really cute and his face made him look like he was barely 18 years old or even younger. Carl on the other hand, was almost a full foot shorter than Lance at 5’10”, but his muscles were big, well defined and hard as rock. Carl’s shoulders were easily twice as wide as Lance’s even though he was way shorter. Every single inch of Carl shouted out “man”, while Lance was usually asked if he was a minor. Even though their obvious body differences, they were the closest friends ever.

Lance and Carl had been living together since they had graduated from college. Both of them had gotten pretty decent jobs in the same city so it was only logical for them to get a place together and share rent. They were really good friends so they were having a really good time. They did a lot of things together except when Carl headed to the gym. Carl still invited Lance to go to the gym, but Lance said working out took away too much time and he had more important things to do. It wasn’t like he had any problem with his lanky body anyway so he just focused on his job while Carl managed his schedule to have a daily workout after work. 

Three years passed and at 26 years old, Carl was even bigger than before. Every single inch of Carl’s muscles looked like he would burst. He weighed around 295 pounds and his body fat was barely noticeable. Carl was a man among men. Desired by all the girls and most of the guys. Envied by his gym buddies. Everybody wanted to be him. Everybody wanted to be with him. Some people even said Carl was the hottest guy in the whole city but Carl just laughed and didn’t pay attention to all the flattering. Even though Carl was so hot and so desired, he was a really humble and down to Earth guy. He was really caring and friendly to everyone. But he was especially caring with his best friend Lance.

After 3 years of hard work, Lance was doing exceptionally good at his job. He worked for an international marketing company and it was a dream come true. Adulthood was doing wonders on him… except making him look like an actual adult. At 26 years old, Lance still looked like he was barely 18 years old and his body was as lanky as always. His coworkers also called him “beanpole” but that was to be expected when the tallest of them all was 4 inches shorter than Lance’s towering 6'8". Lance was really confident about his body because he loved to be the tallest guy around, but part of him still wanted to get some muscles. He felt really nice when Carl called him “big guy”, because of how tall he was, but deep inside him he wanted to be big everywhere.

Anyone who knew Carl and Lance, thought they were a perfect match. Carl had the hottest body but also the most caring personality ever. He was always making sure that everyone around him felt fine, not only with words but with actions too. Lance on the other hand was the soul of any meeting or party. It was impossible to ignore such a tall guy walking in a room, but it was also impossible to not laugh with his jokes and odd comments. Lance was the guy you would like to spend an evening chatting to. The beautiful part in this was that Carl cared about Lance more than any other person, and Lance loved to spend time with Carl more than any other person.

Even considering all of this, they still had an abism when it came to their bodies and the gym but that was about to change, also leading them to some big trouble. So, one day when Lance was off work, he was watching TV in their apartment and Carl came back home a little earlier than usual. Carl worked at a bank so he always had to wear formal shirts. Lance kinda envied how the fabric of each one of Carl’s shirts looked painted on his skin and looked barely able to contain such big muscles. Lance’s shirts, even being the smallest size, were always baggy which was probably a good thing since it made him look a bit thicker. At least that’s what Lance wanted to think but he actually didn’t pay that much attention to it.

So, Carl walked in and told Lance that he had to get off work earlier because his shirt had ripped while talking to a client. Then Carl turned around and part of his back was clearly showing where the fabric had given up. Lance was about to make a joke about Carl trying to show off in front of the client but then Carl flexed his biceps, his pecs and more rips appeared all over the shirt till it was barely covering anything. Carl’s huge torso was on full display and he immediately apologized for putting on a show in front of his friend. Lance just laughed and said it wasn’t like the shirt was able to hide anything anyway. While Carl took off the remaining rags of his former shirt, Lance wondered how it would feel to be that big. He was fine with his body but maybe it was time to get bigger?

Carl was shirtless already when Lance asked for his help to get bigger and with a huge smile, Carl accepted immediately. Since the moment they had met, Carl had been trying to convince Lance to join him at the gym and the day had finally arrived. That evening they went to the gym. It was the first time Lance was in an actual gym and some people turned around to see the beanpole that had just walked in along with the muscle god, aka Carl. Lance started with little weights and he was kinda ashamed because Carl could easily lift some plates with his fingers while he struggled to lift them up with his arms. He just laughed and made some jokes about his own weakness and kept trying. Carl was the nicest and kept telling Lance that he was doing really good. By the end of their workout, Lance felt like his body was falling apart in pieces but Carl convinced him to go back the next day and the day after that.

The days turned into weeks and the weeks into months. 6 months into his new routine, Lance was showing some great results. His arms weren’t thin anymore and his pecs and shoulders were finally getting some shape. Not just bones anymore. As a tall guy it’s usually harder to gain muscle mass but with Carl’s expert help Lance was getting bigger faster than most guys shorter than him. Lance was feeling awesome and it was all thanks to Carl.

One evening after their workout routine, Lance was posing in front of the gym’s huge mirrors. He couldn’t believe how good he looked. He couldn’t believe he finally had muscles. His biceps weren’t huge yet but compared to his previous self, he was huge. He finally had defined pecs and defined abs. His legs were getting thicker too and the shape of a bubble butt was finally forming. Lance was in love with his own body and was crazy about Carl’s new body.

In only 6 months Carl had gained a lot too. He was 320 pounds of solid muscle and it seemed like he was not even close to hitting his limit yet. He looked huge and even the biggest clothes he owned looked tiny on his body. The shirt ripping issue had become a normal occurrence for Carl so he had to take an extra shirt to his work just in case he needed it. The most amazing part was that Carl was still the most caring person ever and was more thrilled about Lance’s gains than on his own huge body. Carl worked out with Lance for a few hours because his priority was helping his friend. But then he had a personal workout for about two hours while Lance looked at him. All of this, led them to pay more attention to each other than ever before.

Back to the moment when Lance was posing in front of the mirror, Carl got behind him and started to squeeze Lance’s biceps. Then going down to his torso and finally massaging Lance’s thighs. It was’t a sexual thing though, Carl was trying to take some soreness away from Lance’s muscles. The thing is, for Lance, Carl’s touch all over his pumped muscles was the most amazing feeling in the whole world and for Carl, Lance was starting to look like the hottest guy around and he just wanted Lance to get even hotter. They had never even thought about each other in that way but things were starting to change.

Their workout routine continued and with every passing day they started to be more open with their thoughts about each other. Carl was so amazed by Lance’s gains that he openly rubbed Lance’s muscles after their daily workout. He said he rubbed Lance’s muscles to help him with soreness but it was something deeper than that. These moments gave Lance the freedom to also talk about how much he admired Carl’s huge physique and how much he enjoyed spending time with Carl. Lance made some jokes about Carl getting bigger than the Hulk but it was his way to tell Carl how hot he thought he was. Both of them just smiled at each other’s words and kept working out harder than ever before to impress each other.

Their new found honesty, led Carl to invite Lance on a date after one of their longest workouts. Lance was looking really pumped while Carl looked immense. Lance barely had time to think about the invitation when he was saying “Yes”. This was the beginning of a new chapter in their friendship. They weren’t only falling for each other but they were encouraging each other to get bigger. While they were growing closer, they were literally growing bigger and the bigger they got, the closer they got. It was all a cycle and it all led them to huge results.

6 more months passed, a whole year since the day Lance had asked for Carl’s help to gain some muscles. Things were totally different now. Lance was a tower of masculinity, his muscles added to his height made him look really big. He was like a whole new person. His cute face was the same but his body looked completely different than a year before. His biceps were over 20 inches around, his meaty pecs stretched his t-shirts and shirts in ways Lance never thought were possible. His abs were like rocks covered by his skin. His thighs and bubble butt were simply amazing. He weighed almost 260 pounds already and everyone had to turn around to look at him whenever he walked in a room. Especially when he entered holding hands with Carl.

Lance was huge but Carl was out of this world. At his average height, Carl was 340 pounds and it really showed. His muscles were massive. His guns were just 1 inch away from the 30 inches mark and everybody knew he would break that mark in just a few months, if not weeks. His shoulders were so wide that somehow it made Lance look thin next to him. His thighs were so thick that he had to waddle instead of walking. And his ass… Lance couldn’t believe a man could have such a big ass. Carl’s bubble butt looked like he had a pair of bowling balls stuffed in his pants and they were just as hard. Carl’s pants were barely able to contain his massive muscle ass and it was just getting bigger by the day. Carl and Lance were the biggest couple around and everybody envied both of them and the fact that both them were getting even bigger.

Couple? Yeah, couple. They had finally accepted that they needed to be together. They did what most couples do. Went out on dates, walked holding hands and got gifts for each other every once in a while. But what they enjoyed the most was their time together at the gym. Their friendship was more important than their romantic relationship. They loved to look at each other getting really pumped. They loved to see each other all sweaty while lifting huge weights. They loved to see each other getting bigger. And the bigger they got, the closer they got.

The only thing they hadn’t done up to that moment was having sex. Both of them thought they didn’t need sex to show their love for each other but both of them couldn’t help but get hard whenever they rubbed each other’s muscles. They actually had found amazing facts about each other when they started sharing Carl’s bed. Lance had a really long dick, easily 11.5 inches but not very thick. And Carl, had a 9 incher but thick as fuck, easily twice as wide as a soda can. They enjoyed jerking each other’s dicks off but every time they were getting close to take the next step, they stopped and paid more attention to their muscles. The thing is, Lance even daydreamed about having his way with Carl’s huge ass but he knew he had to be patient.

They knew they were bound to go forward in their relationship and neither one of them was against it. So, one night, while Lance was rubbing Carl’s huge muscles, they were already hard and they started to make out. They were celebrating Lance getting a raise. Ever since getting bigger, his boss had been taking him more seriously and now he was getting a great position in the company. So, Lance was on top of Carl kissing him while Carl squeezed Lance’s big ass. Lance was describing how much he loved Carl’s body but especially his massive ass. Carl loved to hear Lance’s voice talking about his body so he finally said he was ready to seal their relationship. Carl lifted up his legs and asked for Lance’s dick to get in his hole. Lance had been dreaming about that moment for a long time so he was happy to oblige. The image of that huge man longing for his dick, was a dream come true.

Lance slowly got his long dick in Carl’s hole while both of them moaned. Lance couldn’t believe he was fucking that muscle god so he was about to cum from the very beginning. While Lance thrusted, Carl moaned and asked for more. By the time Lance was cumming, both of them were covered in sweat and this just turned them on even more. The night was just starting though. Lance then got on all fours and Carl got right behind him in no time. Carl’s super thick dick stretched Lance’s hole to the limit but he managed to fit his whole dick inside and started to thrust really hard into his hot boyfriend. Lance couldn’t believe how good it felt and how hard Carl was thrusting into him but it was only logical considering Carl’s musculature and strength. By the time Carl was filling Lance’s guts with cum, they were breathing hard but they weren’t even close to being done. That night they went several rounds into each other and they had no idea what they were getting into.

That first time started a domino effect on their lives. Their sex drive wasn’t the only one affected though. They worked out even harder than before because they knew it turned each other on. This caused them to start growing even bigger and way faster. In only a few weeks, Lance gained 15 pounds of muscle while Carl added 20 pounds to his already hulking figure. Lance was thrilled and Carl was beyond excited. But the changes were just starting. A month and a half after their first time together, both of them started to feel sick. Lance was the first one noticing it because he was throwing up every morning and he felt nauseous the whole day. He couldn’t keep anything in his stomach and even then he was noticing a little bump showing in his lower abs. Then there was Carl, who was feeling off and tired all the time. He wasn’t throwing up like Lance but he was nauseous all day long too and he felt bloated all the time.

This didn’t stop them from going to the gym. Even when they felt like shit, they went and had harcore workouts till their muscles were so pumped they looked like they would burst, especially Carl’s. Even then, both of them were starting to get little bumps where their washboard abs had been just a few weeks before. Their sickness was affecting their productivity at work too, but they were such nice guys that both their bosses weren’t angry but worried about them. This led them to get an appointment by the time 2 months have passed since their first sex encounter. It was obvious something was wrong because their bellies now looked like they had swallowed a whole melon and the weirdest part was that their balls had been getting swollen too and they thought that wasn’t normal. The belly could be explained because they had been eating more than ever before but they needed to find out what was happening with their balls.

When both of them got into the doctor’s office, everyone turned to see the tall 6'8" and 275 pounds guy next to the 5'10" and 360 pounds hulk of a man that had just gotten in. Both of them had pretty obvious bellies and big bulges barely contained by their sweatpants. Lance just smiled because he loved the attention. Ever since he had started getting bigger, Lance had turned a bit cocky and loved when everyone looked at him with desire. Although Carl was more humble, he loved to see Lance’s happiness and new found cockiness, it makes him look hotter. So, after a long wait and several explanations about their symptoms, the doctor finally told them that he wanted to run an ultrasound on them. Immediately it all made sense and both finally realized what was happening to them.

Minutes later, Carl was lying on a bed while the doctor moved the ultrasound’s transducer over his belly. Both Carl and Lance were speechless because they were looking at a big group of fetuses growing in Carl’s belly. The doctor said there were 16 fetuses and that they all looked perfectly fine for a 2 months along pregnancy, even a little bit bigger than normal. Carl was in shock because 16 kids were way more than average but it was really cool at the same time. Both of them were really excited but the good news didn’t end there. The doctor asked Carl to take off his pants because he was sure something was happening there too. He ran an ultrasound on Carl’s balls and found 7 fetuses growing in each one of his balls. That meant 14 additional children to a grand total of 30 kids growing in Carl’s body. Lance’s dick throbbed in his pants, he couldn’t believe how fertile Carl was.

Carl was really surprised about the fetuses growing in his balls but the doctor explained that even though it was not that common, it was kind of normal under certain circumstances. He explained that when a man’s body gets overwhelmed with too many fetuses growing inside it, the body would develop pseudo-wombs to put some of the fetuses there. It seemed like the most suitable place for those new wombs was in a man’s scrotum because that’s the body part a man takes care of the most. It wasn’t that common but it was normal for a man as pregnant as Carl. Lance realized the same was happening to him and he could only smile. A few minutes later they confirmed it, Lance also had 16 babies in his belly and 7 babies in each of his balls. They were having 60 kids between the two of them. It was kinda overwhelming and a bit scary but by the time they were arriving to their apartment, Carl was already getting naked and in a rush to fuck Lance’s brains out. Lance found it all really exciting but Carl found it all super hot.


He’s done this a lot of times before but I can’t help but get super excited when he tells me he’s in labor. I love to take some pics of him while he tries to find a position that will help him speed up the process but we both know the best way to speed up things is with my dick loosening up his hole. Our many many kids are out of the room really excited, waiting for their 2 new baby brothers. I know he doesn’t like that I’m taking photos but look at him… he’s stunningly hot. He makes me want to knock him right after the babies come out… hmmm… yeah… I think I’ll do that.

Fate- Part 7

[Part 1][Part 2][Part 3][Part 4][Part 5][Part 6]

When we came back home from the beach, I talked with Luke about Nathan and Tom. I wanted to know his opinion and it really surprised me when he said he was already sure they had feelings for each other. Luke gave me his point of view because I was still confused about Nathan getting involved with Tom. Luke said he loved me so much that he had loved my sons from the very beginning, only because they were a part of me. He said that even before he met Nathan, Regan and Peter, he knew he would love them because they were an extension of me. Then when he met them, he realized that if he loved me, his responsibility wasn’t just with me but with them too. He said he would do anything for them because he loved the boys as much as he loved the babies and as much as he loved the ones in my belly. He made me understand how Nathan was feeling and it really helped me to kinda accept what was happening.

Even then, I said nothing and just tried to act normal but it was hard. I was a pregnant man and my hormones were messing with my emotions. Some days I woke completely sure that Nathan and Tom were meant to be together and even accepted that soon Regan and Peter would find a special person too. There were other days when I would find myself crying in the bathroom while looking at pics of Nathan as a baby and as a kid; don’t judge me, I was a hormonal mess.

The hardest part for me was that my family seemed to be pretty fine about everything, I was the only crazy one. Regan and Peter acted like Tom was already their brother-in-law. I wasn’t against it, at all, but I just couldn’t get around the thought of my boy being in a relationship while I was pregnant. I think the problem was not Nathan’s relationship, but the fact that I was having more kids. I mean, I was old enough to be a grandparent and considering Tom’s babies would be Nathan’s if they got together, I was already having grandkids… while I was pregnant myself. I felt old and it confused me.

Anyways, apart from my emotional confusion, my pregnancy was going smoothly. The babies were growing like they should, my terrible symptoms were gone and new ones were coming but I knew very well what to expect. My belly was getting big and I honestly loved to be so full with life. I can’t describe the joy one day when I had two of the triplets suckling on my nipples and then the babies inside my belly started to kick and move. I couldn’t contain my tears and Luke, who was holding the third triplet next to me, came quickly and placed his hand on my belly to feel them move and cried along with me. I know some of you will say we’re annoyingly cheesy but Luke and I were so in love and loved all our kids so much that our entire life was like a dream come true. Once the babies moved for the first time, they barely stopped. They were probably more active than the first triplets and even when it was uncomfortable, I loved it.

Luke was also in love with all the action going on in my belly. Just like on my first pregnancy, he spent hours just feeling them move and rubbing my belly. Peter and Regan were also there to rub my belly and talk to the babies. They weren’t in school at the moment so they spent a lot of time in the house and most of that time, they were taking care of the older triplets while also talking to the babies in my belly. I really enjoyed to spend some family time with all my kids, it was a perfect picture. Most of our evenings, once Luke had arrived from work, we all would spend a wonderful time in the living room. Let me describe it so you get how beautiful it was. I sat on the couch and rubbed my belly, with Luke by my side holding baby Nick, next to Luke was Regan holding baby Rick and on my other side sat Peter with baby Patrick on his arms; in front of us, there were Nathan and Tom both of them with their hands on Tom’s extremely active belly. Simply perfect.

I was doing great and most of my days I was really confident about everything but poor Tom was already on the stage where everything is uncomfortable. When August started, he got to the 40 weeks mark and there was no sign of labor. Luke had estimated his due date to be around August 5th but that day came and went and apart from some Braxton Hicks, labor was not coming soon enough for Tom. He complained all day about the tightness on his skin, that he felt like a whale and a few days before his due date, he even cried saying that he was fat. Luke and the boys just laughed but I hugged him because I knew very well how he felt. I was an expert on hormonal crying so I knew he needed some support. Anyway, we all were ready to help him deliver the babies but he just kept complaining and no actual labor was coming. Luke advised him on a few things he could do to trigger his labor but while Luke listed the options, Nathan answered that they had tried them all. Funny fact, Luke mentioned sex and I saw Tom blushing when Nathan answered they have tried them all without even thinking it.

So, the days passed and Tom was miserable. Part of me wanted to laugh when I saw him complaining or crying because he was just having twins and he was just a few days overdue. With my first pregnancy I went 5 days overdue with triplets, and big triplets not normal sized triplets. Even then, I tried to be really supportive to Tom and helped him as much as I could. Nathan was almost all the time next to Tom trying to make him feel better but sometimes Tom was so moody that he would shout out to Nathan asking to leave him alone. I really wanted to laugh in those moments because I knew what Tom was feeling and I knew it was a lesson for Nathan to learn how hard it is to be in a relationship, especially with a pregnant person. By the way, up to that moment, Nathan hadn’t told me about his relationship with Tom so I acted like they were just friends.

So, now the fun part. On August 10th, Tom was finally starting to show some early signs of labor. His belly was dropping, he was having “contractions” and he said they were painful but I knew it was just starting. He said he felt his clothes getting suddenly too tight and getting hot out of nowhere. He also said his pecs were leaking milk like never before and he complained about random hard-ons whenever the babies moved. I know he sounds like a kick in the balls and yeah, he kinda was but, you can’t blame him… he was just an 18 years old boy who was pregnant with twins, he wasn’t just young but he was not even supposed to be pregnant. He used to be a fit guy and now he weighed 245 pounds so, it was really stressful. Then there was the babies’ dad, who had disappeared, what an asshole. Then there were his parents that kicked him out instead of helping him and the fact that he had to sleep on the streets at such a young age; he had the right to complain about everything.

Back to the fun… on August 10th, Tom went to sleep with a dropped belly and his whole body aching. The next morning, I woke up really early and went to the bathroom. The babies had been moving like crazy and it usually makes me want to pee every few hours. I was just 20 weeks along and I was already struggling with a lot of things. Anyway, when I came out of the bathroom, I thought of getting back in bed with Luke who looked especially hot that morning but I went to the kitchen because it was Nathan’s 19th birthday and I wanted to prepare a special breakfast for him. Luke was usually the cook in the house because he didn’t want me to do anything but he was sleeping so I just kissed his forehead and sneaked out of the room. I knew Nathan usually woke up really early to work out in our home gym so I knew I had to be fast before he finished his workout.

So, I was walking to the kitchen and the babies were kicking my guts really hard, especially hard that morning. Then I heard a noise coming from Tom’s room and I realized he was probably in labor so I went there. When I was right in front of his door, I heard him groaning and I thought he was in labor so I walked in without knocking first. What I found there was not what I was expecting. I saw Nathan’s strong back and bare ass and… Tom’s legs in the air… Nathan was fucking Tom. I stood there for a fraction of a second but it felt like ages. Nathan noticed I had walked and moved away from Tom but he stumbled and fell on the ground facing me in a sitting position. There was my son, completely naked, with his huge hard-on and big balls on full display with a scary face like not knowing what to do. I’ll admit that part of me was proud because his dick was really big, probably as big as Luke’s, and his body was pretty big for his age too but I was also mad and I really needed an explanation.

Tom stayed in bed completely stay, like a deer on a spotlight and his crotch was completely visible too, he also had a pretty decent dick and balls but his belly was too big to not be the main attraction to anyone’s sight. All of these happened in like 4 or 5 seconds but I felt like it was an eternity. Then Tom covered up and Nathan tried to do the same but he couldn’t find anything to cover his crotch. When he finally found his clothes, he said he could explain and I just listened to him. He told me he was in love with Tom, nothing new, he also said he wanted to be Tom’s babies’ dad, only logical, and that he had been looking for the right moment to tell me but he was scared of my reaction. Then Tom continued and told me he loved my son even before we had helped him and that he had been insisting on Nathan telling me about them from the very beginning. They talked about their love and Nathan sat next to Tom to kiss him and prove to me their point. My boy was cheesy too.

I sighed and told him I was disappointed because they hadn’t told me about them earlier. Then I explained that I believed them about their love but things weren’t that easy. While I was talking and giving them a speech about responsibilities, I noticed Tom was rubbing his belly a lot and then he let out a loud groan while clutching his belly. Then Nathan told me that Tom had been having contractions all night long and that he was fucking him to speed up labor. I considered Nathan’s dick size and I was sure he had sped up the process, sorry… just a proud dad talking about his son’s dick. I saw Tom was in actual pain so, I commanded Nathan to go wake Luke up because we needed his help. Nathan ran to my room and I stayed alone with Tom who was crying and apologizing over and over again for not telling me about his relationship with Nathan. I just smiled, caressed his hair and told him it was ok, I was actually pretty fine about it.

When the contraction passed, I helped Tom to breathe through the pain. We had been practicing some exercises to prepare him for the birth so he knew what to do even when he was so scared. A few minutes later, Nathan came in running with Luke. The first thing Luke did was put on some globes and check on Tom’s dilation. Luke said Tom was around 6 centimeters dilated but his water hadn’t broken yet so we needed to do something to take him to the next stage of labor. Immediately Tom looked at Nathan and I noticed Nathan’s dick responding in his pants but I just said: “Enough sex for today”. Both of them blushed and we helped Tom to put on some clothes so he could walk around the house. Luke and I covered Tom’s bed with a plastic that Luke had brought from his work for Tom to be able to give birth on bed without ruining the mattress. We knew what to expect so we were more prepared than when I had given birth.

Tom walked for a while and he had several contractions but thankfully Nathan was by his side to hold him. Luke and I were preparing a few things… Well, Luke was doing it because I had already gained 30 pounds and it was all in my belly so I struggled to move that much. Anyway, around 8:30 AM, Tom had been walking for about an hour when we heard a loud cry and a splash sound that echoed around the house, finally his water had broken. Nathan helped Tom to undress and get in bed because the contractions were coming one on top of the other already and Tom was literally crying in pain. Luke checked on his dilation and surprisingly, he was already 10 centimeters. We all got in position, Nathan by his side holding his hand, me on the other side drying up his sweat and tears. I rubbed Tom’s belly and it was so tight. Luke got between Tom’s legs while commanding him to push.

Tom was in so much pain but he was doing really great. I could see his whole body tensing while he pushed and I heard Luke describing how the baby was slowly coming out. Nathan was on the verge of crying every time Tom cried out in pain but he was really supportive. Tom was being really loud and I knew he would wake the other boys up but I understood the pain was too much to be quiet. Tom kept saying he couldn’t do it and Nathan kept repeating to him “Yes you can. Do it for our boys.” When I heard those words, I really understood how committed Nathan was to becoming Tom’s babies’ dad. He made me feel really proud. While Tom pushed, Luke described how the baby’s head was slowly coming out. When the baby was crowning, Tom was screaming really loud in pain until the head was completely out and he could rest for a few seconds.

At that moment, Regan and Peter walked in the room and saw the head of the baby out of Tom’s hole and their expressions were priceless. My sweet boys were nearly passing out even when it was just a few seconds because Nathan shouted out to them to leave the room. They literally ran away. So, Tom kept pushing with the next contractions and his groans and screams were terrible while the shoulders passed through, he couldn’t contain his tears. Even with all the pain, he kept pushing and around 9:15 AM the first baby was completely out of him and crying loudly. Tom was still crying but they were tears of joy looking at his handsome big baby. 9.1 pounds weighed Tom’s first baby and he looked perfect. He was like a little copy of Tom.

When Luke placed the baby on Tom’s pec and the baby started to suck on his nipple, I saw Nathan also crying and caressing the baby’s hand. Tom and Nathan kissed while both of them cried and I have to admit that I was really happy. Luke hugged me and caressed my own belly like reminding me that soon I would be the one pushing babies out of me. Then Luke asked Tom if he already had a name for the baby and Tom looked at Nathan. Tom said they were naming the baby after the dad and grandad, “Nathan Luke Barnes”. I couldn’t contain my tears and Luke couldn’t contain his tears either. We hugged Nathan, Tom and baby Nate while we all cried. Nathan asked me if I would agree with the baby having our last name. I just kissed Nate and told them: “It’s only logical for my grandson to have my last name.”

We spent a few minutes with them but Tom’s contractions weren’t coming. Luke and I went to check on our triplets. When we got to our room, Regan and Peter were already there taking care of the triplets. We told them everything about baby Nate to the boys and a few minutes later we heard Tom crying out in pain again. Baby number two was already on the way and it seemed like he was in a rush because by the time we got back to Tom’s room, we could clearly see the hairy head coming out of Tom’s body. Nathan was holding Nate in his arms, while also holding Tom’s hand.

Tom pushed and he was again crying but it seemed like the baby was coming out faster than the first. Tom said it was more painful than the first though. Tom said he felt like he was tearing in half and he looked like it because the baby was a bit bigger than his older brother. Also, Tom’s dick was looking painfully hard and when he was able to clear the head of the second baby, his dick started to shoot big globs of cum all over his own belly. Tom groaned in pleasure and pain and Nathan blushed and smiled. I wanted to laugh because Tom was apologizing while he pushed the shoulders out and Luke explained that it was normal. Tom was really ashamed but it made him push even harder because soon the baby was completely out of him and crying loudly on Luke’s hands. At 9:45 AM, my second grandson was born and he looked just as perfect as his older brother. He was a bit bigger and weighed 9.5 pounds. Luke handed Tom the baby and immediately his tiny mouth looked for Tom’s nipple. Then, Nathan sat next to Tom with Nate in his arms and Tom said: “Happy birthday big guy, I hope you like your presents”. Nathan smiled and said: “The best birthday so far, thanks to you and these two perfect little buddies.”

I was really proud of Tom and extremely proud of Nathan who was acting like the most caring partner and dad ever. Well, the second one because Luke is definitely the sweetest and most perfect partner in human history. so, we asked for the second baby’s name and they got me in tears again when Tom said they were naming him after his daddy and granddaddy: “Thomas Grant Barnes”. I cried again, blamed the hormones, and went to kiss baby Tommy while he suckled on Tom’s nipple. Some minutes later, Tom birthed the placenta and we could finally clean everything while Nathan helped Tom to put on some clothes. I was really happy and I couldn’t believe I had grandsons. Imagine how Luke was feeling with two grandsons at his age but you had to see how in love he was with Nate and Tommy, it was unbelievably sweet.

Then when Regan and Peter came with the triplets, they went literally crazy. I’m pretty sure even the triplets were happy. Regan and Peter were already discussing who would be the favorite uncle and things like that. They even said the babies looked a bit like Nathan… weird, right? We just laughed and enjoyed the precious family time we had. I had my fiancé by my side and our three coming babies kicking inside me, my oldest son with his boyfriend holding my two grandsons and my second and third sons holding my fourth, fifth and sixth sons. What else could I wish for? Fate had already given me everything I needed and there was still more to come.


Since the day we met we have always enjoyed doing some dancing when we were alone. I know it sounds boring but I loved to feel his body pressing against mine, my eyes locked on his and the sound of our favorite song in the background. The whole world disappeared and I only cared about him. Things are a bit different now because his baby bump won’t let us dance the way we used to do it but I still enjoy the feeling of our bodies moving synchronized. It reminds of the night, 4 months ago, when we conceived the triplets he’s carrying. I remember the music, my thrusts synchronized with his moans. Although, somehow the baby bump makes everything better now and I can’t wait for him to get bigger.


I met Matt on a nudist beach a few months ago, not as many months as you would’ve thought considering the size of his belly. He said he had given birth to twins a few months before so his pecs were kinda plump, super hot. I thought it was impossible for him to get even hotter, but today I found him on that same beach, with his pecs still a bit swollen but with a big big belly that he said I was the one to blame for. No way to hide my hard on when his perfect pregnant figure stands in front of me.

Receated a pic from a year ago. Overall everything is bigger and rounder

Here’s to new bellies and new opportunities in the new year


Hi conrades!! I hope u like this flat illustration of a childbirth, I like to draw birth but sometimes “What to do” is a dilemma XD

Thank u for all the support! ⭐ feel free to send me requests!


A sweet comission made for @isilwenshadewind!! Was the first time that I drew a western dragon and I liked the result :D

In march I’ll have only 3 vacancies for mpreg comissions, so If you take yours before, will be already guaranteed :)


The Good Neighbours

I did this illustration based in a dream that I has in the same day. I wanted to train more flat art, for me, its a good way to practice light and shadow.



Cute comission made for @teeteehatchnexool of them cute character!

Only 3 spaces left for comissions this month! ‍⬛‍⬛


Don’t Steal My Work And Post It On Here Or Other Sites Without My Permission And Credit

Don’t Steal My Work And Post It On Here Or Other Sites Without My Permission And Credit

Sam Axe relaxing in his pool trying to enjoy himself until the little monster cooking in his womb come.  Until then he just live his life as best he can.  Doing his job having trying to get the criminals and trying to find away to have a good drink without alcohol.  Yet he find himself being ask so many questions about how he even manage to get pregnant at his age or what he is going to do with the kid.  And yet Sam still hasn’t a clue to any of them.


I’m finally free to finish my drawing . Just in time for ✨ mermayternity Bahari is one of the first characters I did, he is one of my favorites. It’s good to take it back

Time for another mpreg commission ❤ a heavily pregnant beach day! If you dig this be sure to go chec

Time for another mpreg commission ❤ a heavily pregnant beach day! If you dig this be sure to go check out Bec Santus on all of their platforms, they draw beautiful bellies of all kinds : )

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