#man pregnant



On Thanksgiving, uncle Peter admitted he wasn’t sure he wanted to disclose his pregnancy to the rest of the family yet, as he was still processing it himself.

However, it was evident to all of us the moment we saw the bulging belly under his sweater.

“Yeah, the decision was made for me,” he joked afterwards, framing his hefty bump with his hands, “Two weeks ago, I might have been able to get away with it, but I’ve been growing non-stop since!”

“Buddy, it’s good that you’re being calm about the whole thing, but I’m not gonna be able to just breathe away these contractions much longer. So get in the car and drive me to the hospital, or I won’t be able to keep myself from pushing right on this seat.”

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Secretary Cha Sung-hoon is out picking up some snacks since his cravings are once again hitting him.  He never thought he would ever be pregnant this young, but there he is.  Pregnant and horny and hungry all the time, yet he is so shock when he one of his fellow coworkers spot him.  His attempt to go undercover so that no one spot him end with him failing.  And just continue discussing his pregnancy, how long until he would be on paternity leave and many work-related items or other things in general.  But he is soon interrupt by the feeling of swift movements and a rapid kick by his unborn daughter.

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Norman Reedus was one of a handful of pregnant men featured on the magazine, Men’s Fitness.  When he was chosen at that time the studio had the cast and crew start promoting The Walking Dead’s latest season.  However, one thing that many of the fans of the show didn’t know was about his pregnancy.  And they were totally surprised to see that he was pregnant in real life and not on the show.  And the reason behind that was he had finished up shooting by the time, he found out he was pregnant.  And all his fans were just so happy for him.  And he just couldn’t wait to see his new son.

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Negan and Carol were continuing their talk since they knew ever since the zombie started showing up and the world change they would need to help each other out.  Even if they didn’t see eye to eye.  Yet Negan running his followers in one mind to repopulate the Earth with the next generation of humans and once his boys were of age they would be impregnated. Whether it be the old fashion way that being sex or a special way.  And with this being Negan’s twenty-fifth pregnancy, which he’s done both ways, was ready help newbies with their pregnancies.  Or the others who have been doing this for a handful of years or even those seniors like Negan.

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The paternity photoshoot Joe Keery almost turned into a day of celebration as he thought he was going in to labor.  But it turned out he was having Braxton hicks contractions.  And many of the crew members were concerned what was happening to Joe.  And he wasn’t sure what to do however his girlfriend, Maika Monroe, was both shocked and excited that her little one was coming earlier then expected.  But when the news broke Joe wasn’t in labor everyone was relieved for him.  Yet both Joe and Maika were somewhat disappointed that they would still have to way to see their baby.  But they new they were in the homestretch since the kid could come any day now.

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While taking a break from touring a few members of Why Don’t We got pregnant.  And they were just as shocked as their fans, but what they didn’t tell them was the three members had been messing around with the Preggo Liquid, which the Super-Fan had made.  And while doing it ended up getting some of the DNA from their friends, boyfriends and girlfriends of their friends too.  But that really didn’t matter since Why Don’t We’s fans were loving all the pictures and videos and comments the band was posting.

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Kim Min-kyu had scheduled two different paternity shoots both were late in his pregnancy the first one was when he was about six or seven months along and the last one when he was about eight or nine months along.  He enjoyed both of them as he was showing off his pregnant form and loving it.  And once the first shoot was over he had posted all of the photos on his social media accounts and fans couldn’t get enough of it.  Which was why he had scheduled the second one.  And it was just a fun as the first one.  But he knew eventually he would get to see his happy and healthy bouncing baby boy.

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While posing for a pregnancy shoot for the magazine, Flaunt, Skeet Ulrich was showing of his new form as he was enjoying the shoot.  It is one thing that Skeet is looking forward since he schedule it.  And the photographer is so glad he is doing it.  The shoot is contently being interrupted by the baby either moving or kicking and Skeet would get distract by the baby’s action.  But the photographer found it to be better when the moments or kicks would start.

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Determine t continue his concert tour, Lee Dong-Hae is doing his best to during his concerts.  He is being as carefully as he could and taking his doctors’ advice but as his son is getting bigger he is moving less and less until he would perform while sitting on a stool.  But sometimes he would get off the stool and walk around a bit as he sing his songs.  Yet that is becoming more and more rare with his pregnancy advancing.  Yet Lee is enjoying the feeling of all the love and support he is getting from his friends, family and fans.

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Many thought George Davidson or what he is better known as GeorgeNotFound had been knocked up by a giant, but the true was he was pregnant with triplets.  And like several times he was taking one of his daily walks.  Only to run in to his fellow youtuber, Wilbur Soot, and his friend.  They were posing for some pictures and videos to post on their accounts and having some good old fashion fun.  While having some good stories to tell their fans too. But as they were posing GeorgeNotFound felt his kids start to move and kick.

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Filming one of the seasons of Supergirl Chris Wood’s character, Mon El, was to be pregnant with Kara Zor-El’s  baby.  But what the cast and crew didn’t know was that Chris was actually pregnant, with triples. And as the season went on and Chris reveal the news the season was altered so that Mon El would be having triplet.  And Chris just couldn’t believe how this one thing had changed both the season and the Arrowverse too.  And with the pregnancy continuing and the bigger Chris got the fans were eating it up.

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Will Gold aka Wilbur Soot as he is better known by his YouTube channel is showing off his dad bod in the latest paternity photoshoot.  He is actually enjoying the shoot and is thinking about when he found out about his pregnancy.  He had been sick for about three or four months when he got the news of his pregnancy and tell his fan he had the best way of showing them.  And what better way to then to do a video for his channel.  Once the news broke he was so shocked by the support of his fans, friends and family.  But the more he posted about his pregnancy the more the love he was getting.

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Seán William McLoughlin aka Jacksepticeye posing for some more of is picture so show off on his YouTube account.  Which was one thing he had been talking about since he announced his pregnancy.  He had been so ecstatic about the news and his videos were getting interrupted by his little one kicking and making Jacksepticeye turn his attention to the baby.  And many of his fans found that to be awesome and funny.

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Back while Warner Brothers and DC Comics were filming Justice League Henry Cavill fell pregnant, and the companies had to decided what to do. And while DC was wanting to shut the movie down until after the birth.  Warner Brothers on the other hand thought they should just digitally graph Henry’s head on to his stun double.  And that was the path the movie went, but when photos leaked of Superman aka Henry pregnant the fans got confirmation that the rumors were true.  And they wonder how this was going to change or effect the DCEU.

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The photo shoot is going well for Chris Evans.  He couldn’t believe how quick his pregnancy was.  It felt like he just got pregnant, but as the nine months were coming to an end he couldn’t wait to be a father.  But everyone has been wondering who knocked him up or if he used the Preggo Liquid.  However Chris hasn’t commented on who the mother or the father maybe, but he just keep telling his fans and the world “you’ll have to wait and see”.  And in the meantime he is just glad to be a father to his unborn daughter and was looking forward to parenthood. 

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Another fun day at the beach for Noah Centineo and a good friend of his as they show off their pregnant bodies.  They are just having as much fun as they can before the babies come. And Noah couldn’t wait he has just loved all the attention he got from his baby growing in him.  He is so glad he could get to experience pregnancy.  His father would always tell him and his sister, Taylor Centineo, how much he enjoyed being pregnant with them and Noah finally understood what his father meant.  And he know that he would tell his son the very same thing he was told about all the fun he had with the pregnancy.

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Finn Wolfhard showing off his triplet filled belly is just glad he would soon see his little ones.  He thought earlier he was in labor, but just ignored the sharp pains.  And as he continue to pose for his pictures and videos he chop it up to either him being tired, hungry and or sore all the time.  Yet mainly Finn’s thoughts are many on what would be happen in a few days, he would be glad he isn’t going to be pregnant anymore.  And as he continue goofing off he is unaware of his water breaking however he finally realize he is in labor when as he couldn’t hold back the contractions anymore.  Finn is going to meet his triplets today and there was no changing their minds.

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Both Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala had been secretly married for a while and were happy with their new life, but what they didn’t know was the Force had other plans for the couple.  They had spent a romantic night together and were just happy to see one another for the next few days.  It wasn’t until they were interrupted by the Clone Wars did Anakin and Padme have to go their separate ways.  However after a few weeks Anakin wasn’t feeling to well and that was about the time when he found out he was pregnant.  He and his fellow Jedis were shocked, but knew it was the will of the Force.  And they immediately had him return to the Jedi Temple.

And as the months flew by Anakin and Padme were spending more and more time together.  And as the twins, Luke and Leia, grew Anakin found himself unable to sleep and would try his best to walk around the apartment to get his children back to sleep, which sometimes that did work.  He was just hoping this time would settle the little ones down that night.

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Disney’s CEOs had invited several stars to their D23 Expo and one thing they didn’t know at the time was John Boyega was pregnant. And his girlfriend, Maggie Carrie, was rather happy she knocked him too.  They hadn’t expected the news of John’s pregnancy, but they really were looking for to it.  And as many higher ups at Disney learned about the celebrity’s pregnancy they were excited for the young couple and John had been over the moon.  However he couldn’t way to see his little boy either.

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The First Order would always find new ways to punish those who fail in their mission to bring peace and order to the galaxy and General Hux found out the hard way.  He was impregnated by Kyo Ren using the Force to create the next generation of the Knights of Ren.  And as Hux had been pregnant for the sixth time, he was starting to wonder if the First Order really was trying to do as it said.  But with all the Force pregnancies he was hoping the next he was would be for love.  Since he know the Force work in mysterious ways.

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While filming Uncharted the main star, Tom Holland, ended up pregnant.  While he and his girlfriend, Zendaya, decided to celebrate him getting a part in the movie. Yet he failed to remember to buy the right size condom and BAM!!! He got pregnant.  And for awhile he would working on the movie until the news of his pregnancy broke and the studio knew they had to do something.  Yet they decided he would still be in the movie, use his stun double and CGI his had on the double.  But many picture of a pregnant Tom leaked of the movies and many fans were wounder what the movie would look like.
