#mr ramier


On Guard

Anyone find it odd how Adrien wanted to prevent Lila from akumatization but did not bother to console the frequently akumatized Mr Ramier? I was so upset with both Marinette and Adrien for not trying to help Mr Ramier. This has Marinette salt in it. I would have put Adrien salt in it too but I needed someone to help Mr Ramier. This is a draft.

As Adrien noticed Ramier’s dejected frame and face, he instantly burst into action.

“Mr Roth, you can’t blame Mr Ramier so harshly like that.” Turning around, he called out, “Mr Ramier, please wait.”

Bob Roth shook his head. “You heard your father, Adrien. We need doves, not pigeons.”

“So bleach them digitally,” Adrien said. “Shouldn’t you know this much if you’re in the entertainment industry?”

Bob Roth would not give ground so easily. “I already told your dad that guy was fired.”

Adrien shook his head. “My dad wants me to have an angelic reputation. How do you think my fans will react to see me working with a director who fires his staff so rudely?”

At that, Bob Roth straightened. “Are you threatening me, young man?”

“Not at all. I’m warning you,” Adrien said simply, arms hanging slack at his sides.

After a brief stare down, Bob Roth relented. “Fine. You get one more chance, Ramier. Don’t screw this up.”

The man happily bowed his head. “We won’t disappoint you, sir. Thank you, Mr Agreste.”

“Please call me Adrien,” he offered.

As Adrien resolved to stay focused on his job, Kagami finally caught hold of Marinette and dragged her out of sight.

“That is enough, Marinette,” she snapped. “Other than the fact that you disrespected my wishes and pushed me into this meeting, your attempt nearly got a man fired. But you don’t care about either of that, do you?”

Kagami was blunt and straightforward. And for the first time today, Marinette’s tugging at her limb ceased. Blushing furiously, she said, “I…I just wanted to console you.”

Kagami inhaled. “I know you do. But you are going about it the wrong way. I need my space away from Adrien just as you say you need yours from Luka. You can’t be so focused on your plan that you ignore other people’s opinion.”

Marinette looked down, ashamed at how pushy and insensitive she had been. “I’m sorry.”

Kagami tried to think positive. “It’s ok. I forgive you. And since Adrien just saved Mr Ramier’s job, I suggest we let them finish shooting without any more distractions.”

“Should we return to the park then?” Marinette asked.

“I could use some refreshment along the way,” Kagami suggested. “How about we try a fruit smoothie this time?”

Marinette managed a smile. “I do love a berry smoothie.”

And with that, the two girls left the stadium to get smoothies.
