#mrs varley


Random thoughts

So far Mrs. Varley has done two forgeries for Portia Featherington that we’re aware of.

What if in season 3 she forges something and steals the money Portia stole from Lord Featherington?

It’s not as if Portia would be able to have her arrested without admitting that she kept the ton’s money and Lord Featherington was actually her scapegoat. Varley knows too much about Portia’s personal business and schemes, she could threaten to reveal that the document granting Portia’s first grandson the Featherington title, is forged.

If that happened and the Featherington’s were once again penniless, it would allow for Penelope to save her family with her Whistledown money (which she does in the books).

If Portia had to replace Mrs. Varley she would be determined to pick a trustworthy new housekeeper, so maybe that’s how the show plans to bring in Sophie’s character.
