#ms gettin it in public is my kink for real




There was something Scully had wanted to ask Mulder for months. Would alcohol loosen her tongue enough for her to ask? And how would he respond?

Set sometime in season 7, after The Sixth Extinction II: Amor Fati

Rating: Explicit;Words:2553

ReadChp 1,Chp 2,Chp 3onAO3


“We’re not sitting together?” Mulder questioned the flight attendant at the gate.

“No, sir. I apologise, but due to the delays, we’ve had to add more passengers to the flight and—”

“You can’t just—” he interrupted, attempting to look over the counter at the computer screen.

Scully noticed him reach for his inside pocket, his badge. Touching his arm, she halted him. “Mulder, it’s fine.”

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Time zone reblog - plus tags of those who read the first few chapters, chapter 3 posted too Chp 3 and this epilogue. No obligation to read. @borogirl@pickingoutchinapatterns@9ineminutes@starbuck09256@katiewb@alienbaby-babymama@gillianskindred@thefoxysculls@scullys-laughter@bohoartist
