

monday addams ;


there’s a rumor that the apple peels in the bobbing activity are charmed to spell out a soulmate’s first initial. of course, xander doesn’t believe in stupid ideas like soulmates nor does the thought spark any type of interest or curiosity in him. however, he finds it amusing to watch the participants take part in the event only to see the hope in their eyes die when they realize it’s not a letter they want.

there are the few singles who get to walk away with false hope of ever finding a soulmate to match the initial they get… and then there are the ones who are even more ridiculous, attempting the challenge more than once only to get multiple different initials. it’s truly pathetic but seems to do the job in filling the holes in their desperate hearts.

xander’s interest is finally piqued enough for him to make a move when his eyes set on wednesday seon. of all people, he would never have expected her to attempt the challenge yet there she is with a blood red apple in her hand. he’s by her side in a heartbeat, and just in time to see the peels in the water forming into the shape of a W. But as it floats around in the water, it turns upside down into an M and xander can’t help but chuckle out loud and finally making his presence known.

“m for monday. how fitting for someone named wednesday.” xander comments as he looks down at her smugly. “shame for the poor bloke who has w for wednesday though.”

WHAT THE FUCK IS A SOULMATE? okay, no—she knows what a soulmate is (she’s not daft, readers!). textbook definition anyway. but knowing how a word is defined and read in a giant book filled with other words of little meaning matters extremely little when, in practice, wednesday doesn’t believe it in the slightest. but, okay, fuck, bear with me here—how are you supposed to believe that there is somebody out there for everyone when human beings, fickle and selfish motherfuckers that they are, can never be sated by just one thing?

yoursoul can’t have solely one mate when you are constantly (and i mean constantly) evolving. changing. wanting this instead of that. getting bored of that and interested in this. 

it’s just—impossible. 


                                                     why the fuck are you here? 

good question. good fucking question. wednesday stares down at the ruby red apple in her hands, freshly plucked (she was not bopping for that) and firm in her grasp. for reasons unbeknownst to her (haha.be real. you know. all that soulmates aren’t real bull and you’re still here, apple of discord in hand, glimmer of hope and prayer—you don’t want to be fucked up like dad but you don’t want to be alone either do you?), she’s here—teeth raking down the skin of the fruit to spit back into the basin. classy

then, it’s a matter of waiting. or well, talking herself into staying. because it was stupid then when she approached the area and it’s fucking stupid now standing here waiting for a vague answer from the universe. which, by the way, is probably fucking charmed. 

                                                 damn, should’ve thought of that.            

but she’s approached before she even makes a move to leave (eyes rolling deep into the back of her head—really, a w?), attention turning quick to the brooding man beside her.great.fucking great. then—he opens his great big mouth. 

                                                         and, you know what? 
                                                    she just couldn’t help herself.

                      “M fOr mONdAy, hOw FiTtiNg foR sOmEoNE naMeD WeDnesdAy.“ 

okay, she’ll admit it. she’s not great. not even, you know, kinda sorta okay. in fact, if wednesday had to chose, she would’ve preferred to stick somewhere in the lower-middle category. the not ALL bad but also not good category. because why else would she be out here? mocking the elderly. well, not HER fault. as it seems, the douchier they are, the more childish she gets. xander, especially, has her returning to schoolyard tendencies. 

"you sound like an idiot.” she quickly dismisses the faint sound of kangdae’s nagging in her head. “what are you doing out here troubling yourself with results of my peel?” speaking of, stupid fucking peel, wednesday whips her wand out quickly, incinerating the peel with a flick of her wrist. question asked and answered, there was no need to stare at it. 

            “don’t you have something better to do? or what—don’t tell me!—no friends?
