#mulder monday



Fox Mulder is such an amazing character, though, because on paper, he sucks: Wiseass federal agent with a porn addiction who is obsessed with conspiracy theories, thinks he’s the smartest guy in every room that he’s in, and is just hot enough to be dangerous.

But David Duchovny plays him with such dumb, gleeful kid energy that suddenly it all just…works.You can’t hate him. Look at him!

He’s got nonthreatening male sexuality of a Disney prince in the 90s. You look at him and think Look at this hot idiot, He’s trying his best. All he wants to do is get laid, infodump to his girlfriend, and meet a real life dracula. He’s like if you turned an orange male cat into a human. He definitely owns an album of Halloween sound effects. He’s six feet tall but he’s just a little guy.
