#multi is excited


Since it’s my 21st birthday on Wednesday, June the 15th, i will be hosting a sleepover from Tuesday, June 14th starting at 10pm EST, and it will end on Friday, June 17th at 11:59pm EST. Join me in having some fun- i may or may not be drinking, idfk lmao-! Keep in mind i do work on Tuesday and Wednesday BUT i have Thursday, Friday, and the weekend off!!☺️

18+ interact with this only. 18+ interact with me only. minors DNI


- let’s chat! send in anything you wanna talk about and we can talk! (stay away from political topics and drama please!)

- get to know me more! not sure if anyone has any questions for me, but if you have any(and i feel comfy answering them) just send ‘em in:)

- send me dirty thots on steve harrington or bucky barnes, and i’ll add onto them or write a short drabble

- ask me ‘would you rather…?’ questions(can be random ones[food related, life related, etc] or related to steve h. or bucky b.)!

-send me in a moodboard based on a fic of mine! tell me which fic it is as well, and if ya want- tell me why you chose that fic<3

‍♀️- i’ll edit your pfp for you! just send in the picture to me(or if you want a new one then the pfp you have, tell me the person you’d like for it to be and i’ll find a pic) and i’ll edit it!!

- SPOILERS! if you wanna talk about the new season of stranger things, by all means i’m here for it and things will be tagged accordingly so you can block them(st4, stranger things spoilers, stranger things 4, st4 spoilers)

-recommend a fic to me(yours or someone else’s)! nearly anything steve harrington or bucky barnes(lee bodecker too) related i’ll read(as long as the writer is 18+ & has an age in bio or on pinned post)

I’m also still looking for a Steve H. nonnie/roleplay partner!! if anyone is interested, read this, and then message me:)

tagging some peeps…

