#mun speak



Here’s my other social media that you can follow me on if you wanna keep in touch:

Discord: papa_birb_kai #2535

Who knows if or when my blogs will be lost, deleted, rearranged, corrupted, flagged or whatever the hell else Tumblr staff is doing to ruin this for us to save their own asses–I may not be here for much longer. So, follow those while this post still exists.

I dont do much witchy stuff outside of discord, but if you happen to like my art, feel free to follow my other blogs!


I’m hitting a huge financial bind.
Even after cutting a lot of indulgences out of my budget, I’m barely going to have money to buy dog food and pay back my mother for the “pest incident” (please don’t ask, it’s incredibly embarrassing and personal)

My next paycheck isn’t until September.
So please, if anybody has spare cash I am accepting commissions at reduced prices, and donations at this time. If you can’t that’s fine, spreading this message would mean the world to me as well.

I’m terribly sorry I have to ask this of you all. Thank you at the very least for taking time out of your day to read this if you did.

Have a blessed day
~Papa Birb

Open Adopts: (X)

It was raining today, and it was spectacular ❤️the one thing about the Midwest that I like ✨⛈☔️

(Part 1 of 2)


I’d really appreciate it if you gave them a look~!

My Fur Affinity Account => www.furaffinity.net/commission…
My Commissions Page => papa-birb-kai.tumblr.com/commi…

Me: I have all these Etsy favorites catergories for my witchy wants, I should order some of them on my next paycheck

Also me: *blows half their paycheck on transformers merch and coffee*
