#mun stfu


The new dashboard color on Tumblr makes everything just a bit more uncomfortable. rip








rules: answer 22 questions & tag 22 people you want to know better

Omg I never get tagged in these things. I was tagged by @clara-the-angel thank you so much!

Nickname(s): Here on tumblr I usually go by Ghost when I sign things. I’m real life it depends on whos talking to me. I’ve been called Little Bird, Angel, Rae (pronounced Ray) etc.

Zodiac Sign: Scorpio!

Height: 5”2’ I’m a short human

Last Movie I saw: at home Monty Python and the Holy Grail. In the theatre Aquaman (sooooo worth it)

Last Thing I Googled: uhhhh probably something to do with the local abandoned insane asylum my friends and I have been looking into going to check out.

Favorite Musician: that a difficult one. It depends on the genre. There’s a band that started locally around here that’s made a name for themselves called Syr that I adore. They do Irish rock.

Song Stuck in my Head: Rx by Theory of a Deadman

Other Blogs: I do have one I just started not too long ago for my art stuff. There isn’t much on it yet @littleirishbird5 is it though

Following: amazing mostly fandom related things

Followers: are few but absolutely amazing!

Do I Get Asks: not at the moment but my inbox is always open for whatever is needed.

Amount of Sleep: that depends on the night. Somewhere between 4-8 hours. If I’m traveling I won’t get any sometimes.

Lucky Numbers: 5

What I’m Wearing: leggings and a tank top. (Basically pjs)

Dream Job: Behind the scenes for movies and television. I’ve thought about going back to performing but my heart ultimately belongs behind the scenes.

Dream Trip: Ireland and Scotland.

Favorite Food: does chocolate count?

Instruments: Sadly none. Unless my own voice counts?

Languages: English mainly. Took French in highschool and was not horrible in Latin in middle school. Am teaching myself bits of Enochian of all things here and there.

Favorite Songs: uhhhhh there’s far too many to choose from. I’ve been really into sassy breakup or telling people off kind of songs at the moment though.

Random fact: I’m a Tetrachromat. And will literally flinch at neons if I’m not prepared for them.

Aesthetic: depends on my mood. Sometimes theatre blacks are all I need in life and sometimes it’s comfy clothes. Sometimes it’s dressing up for now reason. I’ve always been a bit of a chameleon so I donno if I have a set aesthetic for myself.

Who I’m tagging: uhhh not sure if I have anyone that’d want to hear from me but I’ll try. @softiesabriel@crazyirishman5@burdge@capturingdeanwinchester@elphabaoftheopera@easypeasybreezy@gabrielsbackbitches@helpimanspnfan@heroes–of–olympus@percyhoneybee@ruthieconnell@robbenedict@wckdwinchesters@yourfriendlylocalhunter@youhaveaguineapigwhere (I know it’s not 22 I’m sorry)

Of course I’d want to hear from you! thank you so much for the tag!

Nickname(s): Honey bee, bee, i was called Poke for a while, deedee, dililah, doodle bop, doodle, a crap ton more from my mom…

Zodiac Sign:Gemini

Height: 5′5 - 5′6

Last Movie I saw: The Upside. It was pretty good!!!

Last Thing I Googled: “what department is the cpb a part of.” That was me struggling with an assignment.

Favorite Musician: uuuugh this is so hard, i listen to so many different people. I guess Brendon Urie? His latest album was a bop and a half.

Song Stuck in my Head: That jellyfish song from spongebob where they throw a rave in his house???

Other Blogs:@colpiire is where i just reblog a bunch of unsabriel related stuff!

Following: A lot of sabriel and supernatural, some voltron blogs, and a lot of blogs are like my main where its just random posts reblogged.

Followers: 2,555 and I love every single one of them!!!

Do I Get Asks: Yes and I get very excited when I do!!!

Amount of Sleep: About 10 hours which is very nice

Lucky Numbers: 2

What I’m Wearing: My shirt is hard to explain, its like a turtleneck kind of but the collar is super low cut, like its around the neck but not choking me and only at the base, but its also kind of a crop top? and its these fall colors like orange and black and beige and stuff. With black leggings and knee-high brown socks.

Dream Job: Author i want to be an author soooo bad

Dream Trip: Anywhere thats not where I am right now with a few close friends.

Favorite Food: Baked ziti!


Languages: English, but I’m taking Spanish

Favorite Songs: If I have to choose, Spooky Ghosts by SNCKPCK and Waves by chloe moriondo

Random fact: I cannot stand needles or shots going into flesh, just thinking about it makes me queasy and gives me a bunch of anxiety.

Aesthetic: Oof thats a toughy. It used to be monochromatic and black stuff but now i like just light, clean colors like off-whites and pastel yellows, stuff like that.

Who I’m tagging: It probably won’t be 22 people but ya know it be like that sometimes: @secretaryalexandrahamiltrash@teamfreedogs@archangelgabriellives@swellsabriel@teamtrickster@world-seer@theteenagetrickster@letbuckyeathisgoddamnplums@ask-sabriel@art-is-a-form-of-anxiety@flamerush101 

Nickname(s): Krissy (bc I don’t favor my first name). That’s it.

Zodiac: Virgo

Height: about 5"4

Last Movie I Saw: Son of Patricia

Last Thing I Googled: “how to take care of roses”. I come from generations of farmers, but I can’t do shit.

Favorite Musician: Panic! Done.

Song Stuck In My Head: Then screams of the damned.

Other Blogs: @fable-shitposts@ask-cryptids@h-a-p-p-y-p-i-g-e-o-nand@unisnake-blogs

Following: Meme blogs, Arcana, Supernatural, shit post blogs, anything Fable related, etc.

Followers: 62. I only need 7 more of you needs …

Do I Get Asks: No, I do not.

Amount of Sleep: 8, yet I’m still exhausted.

Lucky Numbers: 5, 15, and 100. They’re my favorites.

What I’m Wearing: Black leggings and a NJHS t-shirt.

Dream Job: Broadway actress/writer/director. And voice actress for Faust in a live-action Arcana film.

Dream Trip: Florence, Italy. It’s a wonderful place where my favorite historical event took place: the Renaissance. It isn’t full of tourists, so it’d be MUCH calmer than Rome. The architecture, history, and art absolutely make my heart swell up and it takes my breath away.

Favorite Food: New York Strip Steak.

Instruments: no

Languages: English and Spanish, but I’m trying to learn French.

Favorite Song: Crazy=Genius. Easy. I love it

It’s a bop.

Random Fact: My knee is in pain bc I slammed it into a wall at 30 ft in the air.

Aesthetic: whatever the hecc I want

Tagging: @professionallydeadinside @professional-moron@ronald-is-confused@caterpiller-tea@wisdomandthesea@sw33tn1ghtmare@yellow-trafficone

Nickname(s): Mayo, Smol bean

Zodiac Sign: Aries

Height: 5′0 (barely)

Last movie I saw: I honestly don’t remember XD it’s been awhile since I’ve seen a movie

Last thing I googled: Pictures of little girl dresses (to find a reference for Lilliana)

Favorite Musician: Studio Killers

Song stuck in my head: Mr. Sandman

Other blogs: N/A

Following: Detroit become human blogs, dead by daylight, cool artists, mutuals I found interesting

Followers: 379! I love each and every one of you cool beans!

Do I get asks: I do! I love getting asks!

Amount of sleep: I think like 8 hours? Probably less on school days

Lucky numbers: 8, 33

What I’m wearing: (i’m wearing Pj’s) The top is a nightgown with hearts on it that got two short for me and the bottoms are baggy and have peace signs on them

Dream job: An animator or creator of my own cartoon!

Dream trip: A trip around Japan where I try out foods! Like street foods and traditional desserts, things like that. Also looking around at the scenery would be beautiful. 

Favorite food: Lemon meringue pie

Instruments: nah

Languages: English, learning bits of Japanese

Favorite songs: Grind me down by Lilliana Wilde and Aozora No Rhapsody by fhána are my current two!

Random fact: I once monched on a dead bird at school and got a stomach ache

Aesthetic: Mysterious photos of ominous places with dark purple lighting

Who I’m tagging:@tellme-awful-things@marzofthestars@nonexsistentnormal@ronald-is-confused@secretaryalexandrahamiltrash@thatlarrsonguy@supportivepsychopath 


Zodiac sign:Aquarius.

Height: I believe 5’4.

Last movie I saw: The Conjuring 2

Last thing I googled: bnha Shoji face

Favorite Musician: Billie Joe Armstrong.

Song stuck in my head: Dream song (from shark boy and lava girl).

Other blogs:@nonexsistentnormaloof

Following: idk a lot of bnha stuff and people who I think are pretty cool.

Followers: 17. There should not be this many people the hEck.

Do I get asks: no but if you want to you can send asks!

Amount of sleep: either 2, 8, 10, or 14.5 hours. Depends on what day it is and when I go to bed.

What I’m wearing: a créeme colored Yosemite hoodie and black jeggings.

Dream job: either an animator or paleontologist.

Dream trip: I’d like to go to Japan! It would be cool to see all the sights there (and also buy art supplies for WAY cheaper). I would also wanna go to Hawaii. There’s a museum on one of the islands that has a quilt my great grandmother had made that I would love to see! It would be cool to see my other family members there too!

Favorite food: My aunt’s nachos.

Instruments: keyboard (I’m still a n00b)

Languages: English and a bit of Spanish.

Favorite songs: Wake Me Up When September Ends by Green Day and Revenge by Captainsparklez

Random fact: In kindergarten, I inhaled a button kirby-style and didn’t tell anyone until 5th grade when I switched to another school because I thought I would get in trouble.

Aesthetic: City-scapes at sunset and minecraft shaders.

Who I’m tagging:@eva-white-11@unknownghost1012@psychowithnoknife@baby-yuga

Nickname: none.

Zodiac sign: Virgo.

Height: 5'3.

Last movie I saw: I don’t remember lol. I tend to forget things pretty easily.

Last thing I googled: bnha light novels.

Favourite musician: I don’t have any.

Song stuck in my head: none. As I said before, I’m the type of person who forgets unimportant things easily. So, I’ve never had a song stuck in my head, for more than a couple of days.

Other blogs: None.

Following: a bunch of amazing BNHA blogs. Like: Friend Todoroki, the-button-harlequin, awkward tokoyami, etc.

Followers: 47. It’s not a lot, but I’m glad. I never thought I would reach this number anyways.

Do I get asks: no, I don’t.

Amount of sleep: between 7 and 8 hours every night.

What I’m wearing: at the moment, I’m wearing a black long coat, with black tight pants, and red long boots.

Dream job: A writer. I’ve always wanted to be a writer. Yes, I know it’s not what you would call “a job”, but people can dream.

Dream trip: Either to Japan, or Italy. Since, I’ve already visited France, Italy is a place I would really like to visit.

Favourite food: nothing in particular. I’m usually open to all kind of foods, as long as they don’t include fish. I can’t explain why, but fish, or any other kind of marine food for that matter, ar my least favourite.

Instruments: None. I just learned to play the flute at school, but just because it was a duty. Other than that, I can’t play any other instruments.

Languages: Spanish, English, French, Arabic, and Russian. Are these a lot of languages? Yes, they are. Do I want to add more languages to my list? Of course I do.

Favourite song: Same as the “favourite musician” question, I don’t have a favourite song. I’m open to any musical genre, and I don’t have a favourite, or a least favourite.

Random fact: I’ve once punched my sister so hard, I split one of her teeth. I was terrified, since I never thought I would have so much strength.

Aesthetic: Anything purple or red.

Who I’m tagging: @sam-crevellari,@myheronotebook,@translucentchick, and @awkwardshouji.

Oh, hey, I got tagged for one of these! I usually never get tagged for one of these! This sounds like fun! 

Nickname: On here it’s Art Mun, but I go by a shortened version of my first name (as of last year), or Sterling which was my ye olde FFN name before it crashed and burned (fine with it if you guys refer to me as Serling)

Zodiac sign: Aries!

Height: 5'1 (and 5/8, I think, fight me) 

Last movie I saw: Natuto Shippuden: Blood Prison, the first like… 30 minutes? I thought it was going to be more violent… I’m trying to work on one of my doggo’s environmentals

Last thing I googled: creatureartteacher (I do online lessons, good for keeping skills sharp)

Favourite musician: I don’t really have “favorites” with these kinds of things, but I do have a group of bands that I like. Mostly heavy metal and cover artists.

Song stuck in my head: It was what I think is a Bleach opening Edit: IT WAS A FMA: B OPENING, but now it’s Natewantstobattle’s Odd Future cover

Other blogs: @sydneybordenart (my personal official) @sterling-dragon (not active here really, plz dun follow) that’s it for the active ones, but I did have a hetalia ask blog and a fan webcomic blog before I left the fandom after…8 years?  Yeah…. when I’m in a fandom, I’m in a fandom for a while.Still somewhat stuck in the Warrior Cats fandom, someone send help.

Following: A HECK-ton of blogs such as @adorablekatsuki and @awkward-yaoyorozo  Zine blogs (I want to at least get into one,), and art blogs, in addition to some old hetalia blogs that occasionally revive themselves. I’m actually looking for blogs of my foul-mouthed son (Awase), my lavender son (Shinsou) and my asshole son (Monoma) so if anyone has any recs… plz send

Followers: 41, you guys are awesome! Thank you for your support! 

Do I get asks: Sometimes, but not as often as I would like (though I do have to keep requests to a minimum right now, my inbox is full of those :’D )

Amount of sleep: I dunno, like 6-7? Works for me so I’m not questioning it

What I’m wearing: Currently it is morning time, I am wearing cozy pants and top with fluffy robe because those are the best.

Dream job: Animator! I’m pretty close to achieving it, but it’s round-about at the moment…

Dream trip: I would LOVE to go back to Japan as my brother and I were too young (or in his case waaaaayyyyy too young (and he’s really salty about it too. I’m a wonderful older sibling and I laugh at him)) but I would also enjoy traveling just about anywhere in Europe.

Favourite food: A whole list! I like perogies (homemade though, not storebought as the dough is too thick), Yakitori, beef bowl, Salmon, Sushi (spicy tuna is the best), a lot of Japanese food (authentic), any kind of fish/ shellfish with the exception of 3 (whiting, smelts, and herring make me sick). Allllll the fruits, veggies, and almonds/ walnuts/ pecans… and beef stew. Pretty much anything I can eat that won’t eat me first. Candy is not a fave though… but homemade baked goods are! 

Instruments: Violin and guitar (acoustic) 

Languages: Took French in high school and still retain some of it for understanding the basic convos. Took Norwegian in college after I went a little stir-crazy from not having any work after finishing my senior film. Kind of understand Russian since I also took that in high school (and know the basic aunt/ uncle, grandma/grandpa thing for Polish as well as some swear-words), and a little Japanese(can’t read it though). I’d love to be fluent in allllll of these. Do they have any use for me? Probably not. Do I like languages? You bet I do 

Favourite song: Don’t really have one, to be honest? I have a lot that I like. I’m horrible with choosing favorites as you’ve probably been able to notice by now.

Random fact: I’m pretty interested in herbalism. Learning the medicinal uses of herbs and spices is really interesting to me! 

Aesthetic: Cozy and practical with a flare of rustic adorableness. 

Who I’m tagging: @13ghostlytitties@norgie-porgie-pudding-and-pie,@adorablekatsukiand@awkward-kiri-bnha … and anyone who wants to do this!

Woah, haven’t done one of these yet i think! 

Nickname: I have lots of nicknames actually xD Kalorie comes from an inside joke from Japanese class last year, The Dark Lord comes from a meme thing last year too, sugarcane because it’s similar to my name which is Kain, and uh… people call me Kiri, Lyca, Creeps, and Cendo on social platforms! that’s so many…

Zodiac sign: Pisces. My chinese zodiac is the water horse. 

Height: I’m 168 cm tall, so almost 5′6. 

Last movie I saw: I don’t watch movies often actually. It might have been Bird Box on Netflix with my dad?? probably. 

Last thing I googled: I googled what “Bedøvelse” means in English because I’m not a native speaker ;v; (i am 99.9% fluent tho ok)


Song stuck in my head: Don’t have any song stuck in my head right now thank the lord, but… soon enough i will. 

Other blogs: There’s@lycarekiand@lycarekis-corner but i mean… i don’t post stuff it’s just reblogs tbh. but hey if you wanna follow me go ahead!

Following: A bunch of Kirishima and Bakugou blogs, Kiribaku artists, general Kiribaku bloggers, most of the Awkward and Adorable squad!! a few creepypasta blogs too because i’m getting back in that fandom. 

Followers: I don’t know much about who follows me, but i can only imagine that’s it’s all us bakulovers coming together! (and porn bots. those are still around.)

Do I get asks: Yeah sometimes, but it’s not a frequent thing, which i’m ok with!

Amount of sleep: 7-8 hours mostly. 

What I’m wearing: Black baggy emo shit. the usual. 

Dream job: I want to become a mangaka in Japan. Yeah big stretch i know, but i know the risks and i’m gonna achieve my dreams anyway just you watch!

Dream trip: Japan of course! i want to see the beautiful nature, and taste all the awesome food! I also really wanna go to Alaska, because my dad has been there and told me and my brother awesome stories about it. 

Favourite food: Uhhh… right… I don’t really care about food tbh. but most of what i like is just average Danish dishes. 

Instruments: Can’t play anything! wish i could but nope. I can kiiiinda sing but that’s up to debate. 

Languages:I speak fluent Danish, English, and can speak/write/understand a tiny bit of Japanese too. 

Favourite song: Favorite has to be Machines by Crown The Empire. i relate to the lyrics a lot and it really makes me emotional n stuff so i love that song to death!

Random fact: It’s not that random but important things people might need to know before messaging me anyway: I have Aspergers, aka high functioning autism, and i have depression and PTSD. Not gonna state my triggers because i have them blacklisted so they shouldn’t come up i hope. 

Aesthetic: I have a lot of trouble finding an aesthetic, but i do love happy go-lucky guys or girls with a big smile and big muscles! (Kirishima i’m lov u)

Who I’m tagging: I don’t want to tag anyone specifically, but if you want to do this, just say i tagged you!! won’t get mad, it’ll just make me happy!
