#mun stuff



General PSA: I’m totally fine with starting over! If we tried to write together once before and the thread fell flat or got dropped, I’m game to try again. Not all first interactions are going to be golden, and sometimes it takes a few tries for us to understand how our characters might merge together in writing.I’m still interested in roleplaying with you, so feel free to send asks / like my starter calls / hit me up in the DMs!

For all my characters!!! I have blogs up for June @june-the-botanist , Sara @the-astrallurgist , Siana @the-rosecut-jeweler , Evelyn @the-eve-of-twilight , Titaniia @the-huntress-songblade , River @the-little-blue-river , Kisaarii @the-golden-rangari , and of course this one for Cyrus. But all my toons are available!

…for being dead-ish the last week or so. Work has been brutal and by the time I was done all I could do was eat, shower and collapse. Hopefully I can catch up this week with the drawing prompts. :) (and some asks I wanted to reply with something cool and witty or outright idiotic). Thank you for your patience.

The thread was getting a little long, but I was tagged by @askhamonholly to make my muse on thissite!

I did the best I could and made Suzi Thank you for tagging me!! I tag @dailypistols@ask-okuand@thelittlebomber!!!

I miss RPing Fallout, is that a thing we’re all still doing or—??

I’m gonna be honest, any content I make for this new FO (even if it’s a MMO) is just going to be Growsie.

Armando Side Blog

Tabasco and W0-81 Side Blog

I’ll be making more side blogs in the future. For now, since I am focusing on these characters, this is it.

I have started making side blogs for all the various characters I have so that things won’t be quite so messy. Started with Tabasco/W0-81 and Armando and I CANNOT believe nobody had already used spicysynth or fiendshaped!!

Hey y'all! I know I owe posts! Forgive my utter laziness, as work has me fucked up. I will get to said posts soon.
