#muscular girl


Day Zero: Hey guys! My name is Ashley, and I’m starting this blog because I’m going to start going to the gym soon. I’m not that out of shape, but I decided it would be nice to tone up a bit since summer is starting soon. Just get rid of a little pudge from winter y’know? Maybe I’ll even meet someone special with my new bod. I’m gonna do a 30 day diet and exercise challenge don’t worry I’m not going to post every single day, but every couple of days just so I can give a show of my progress. This is gonna rock!

Day Three: Jeez! This whole working out thing is so much harder than I bargained for. I’m sore all over and I miss junk food, eating salad all the time is already lame, but I’m gonna keep with it. I can’t give up after only the third day.

Day Five: Week one is done! I was almost ready to quit after day #4, but there was this guy at the gym who was in really good shape and he offered me some encouragement to finish out my workout and some advice to help me get the most out of my workouts. He was there again today and it was nice to have some help with my sets. His name is Josh and he’s been going to this gym for a while and he said he likes helping out the newbies. He gave me a bottle of vitamins from a company that he buys from and said it would really help me out. It was the male formula, but I mean it’s not like it’s gonna hurt me. They’re just vitamins right?

Day Eight: I got a really killer workout in today. Ever since I’ve been taking those vitamins that Josh gave me I’ve had so much energy and getting through the workouts hasn’t been so hard. I also met a few of Josh’s buddies and they’ve started working out with us too. They’re a great group of dudes and are super encouraging. I’m also feeling more competitive, I guess you could say. Like the guys are challenging me to do better. I’m actually starting to like going to the gym.

Day 10: I’ve kinda been dragging lately even with those pills. I told the guys and they started grilling me about my diet and I told them what I’ve been eating, and they told me everything I was eating wasn’t good fuel for weight loss and I wasn’t getting the energy I needed to keep killing it at the gym. The advise that I start eating more meat, and Josh recommended that I get some whey protein from the company that makes the vitamins. If it works like those I’d say it would be worth it.

Day 12: Hell yeah! I just finished week two and I look amazing! My stomach is flat and I’ve got ab definition. The hard work at the gym has definitely been paying off. That being said I’ve been feeling really hot and tense lately just kind of…pent up. The guys told me that I might want to get laid or masturbate just to let some steam off. Normally I’d be kind a pissed if a guy told me that, but I have been feeling hornier than normal lately, seeing people check me out and tell me how hot they think I am really gets me going I guess, and all of their other advice has helped so far. When I got home from the gym I decided to watch some porn to get me in the mood, which was weird because before I started going to the gym I never like porn. I thought it was degrading, but for whatever reason watching it now was making me soak my panties. It felt great jilling off, but once I put on some girl on girl porn and that really helped me get the big O.

Day 13: it was one of my rest days, so I decided to take it easy. I popped one of my vitamins like I do every morning. The initial dose that Josh gave me was gone. I bought more, and yeah I could have bought the female formula, but I kept with the male version. I’m pretty sure it was stronger and if it works why change? I went to the café by my apartment to grab some coffee while I was out for some errands. There was a seriously hot chick working the counter. I could see her checking me out so I flexed a little without being too obvious. She was blushing and giggling, so I decided to ask for her number, and she gave it to me! I’ve never hit on a chick before, for that matter I never really thought I was into girls but it felt so right, and I couldn’t help staring at her rack, fantasizing about what she was like in bed. Oh yeah I’m definitely enjoying the perks of my new physique.

Day 19: The guys sent me a workout playlist on Spotify. At first I didn’t like it. It was heavy metal, but I found that it but me in the right headspace for the workout. After a while I started to dig it and I’ve been jamming to it all the time even when I jill off. The guys are really awesome and I feel like I owe them big time for helping me get everything out of the gym. I need to think of a way to thank them.

Day 23: I’m starting to get pretty shredded. I’ve been hanging out with the guys a lot more too. We go out drinking on the weekends and get hammered, sometimes we go catch a game at Hooters. To thank Josh and the Bros for helping me make it this far I’ve been taking care of them all the time. To help them relieve stress after a long workout I’ll let them take turns fucking me, whenever we watch a football game I’ll usually give them all blowjobs during halftime. This one time I bet my ass that the Cowboys would win, and of course they lost, but Josh’s cock felt so good in my ass! The guys have been pretty supportive of me lezzing out too, especially since I share all the details and videos of my escapades to our group chat.

Day 26: I still have an off and on thing with Dinah, the hottie from the coffee shop. Anyway she’s been coming to the gym with me the last few days. I got her a bottle of the chick formula vitamins and she’s not building a lot of muscle but she’s looking really good, especially her ass. I think her rack has been getting bigger but that’s a plus for me! I’ve found that I have a thing for babes with big tits. She’s also been listening to my workout playlist. She’s so submissive lately, and there’s nothing better than when she got her head buried in my snatch. It’s so awesome having her there as my little gym bunny, and when I flex she turns into a blushing mess. I gotta go. Got a date with Dinah and she’s bringing a friend. If I’m lucky we can convince her to join us for a three way.

Day 30: The challenge is over and I’m jacked! This was the best decision I’ve made in my whole life. I’m in terrific shape, I’ve made awesome new friends, I’ve got a hot as fuck girlfriend, who’s cool with me having a few side chicks. Looking back on my old posts it’s weird how much I’ve changed. I’m just like one of the guys now, and I love it. I couldn’t imagine hanging out with the prissy girly-girls I used to, some of them were pretty hot though, so maybe I’ll call them up sometime. Me and the boys are going to a strip club tonight to celebrate my progress. I should take Dinah. It would be hot if one of the strippers would make out with her while me and the guys watch! The boys will probably want to pregame with a gang bang, but that’ll be good cardio so I’m totally looking forward to it! Anyway, signing off.

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