#muse memes


Matt Bellamy has been rickrolling us since 2003 with “I won’t give you up, I won’t let you down” lyrics from Endlessy and no one noticed

 Hullabaloo: Live at Le Zenith by Muse but every time Matt seems to cry it gets faster (sorry i love Hullabaloo: Live at Le Zenith by Muse but every time Matt seems to cry it gets faster (sorry i love Hullabaloo: Live at Le Zenith by Muse but every time Matt seems to cry it gets faster (sorry i love

Hullabaloo: Live at Le Zenith by Muse but every time Matt seems to cry it gets faster

(sorry i love memes)

Post link



My101 Mass Effect Questions was fairly popular, so I thought I should re-make it for Dragon Age. Have fun!

  1. How did you get into Dragon Age?
  2. Have you finished all three games?
  3. How long did it take you to finish the series?
  4. What was your first Warden (gender/class/race/personality)?
  5. What was your first Hawke like (gender/class/temperament)?
  6. First Inquisitor (gender/class/race/personality)?
  7. Favorite DA:O backstory?
  8. Preferred class overall?
  9. Do you tend to play male or female characters most?
  10. Share a pic of your favorite OC from any DA game.
  11. Best Hawke quote?
  12. Do you prefer DA:O, DA2, or DA:I most?
  13. Favorite mission from DA:O?
  14. Favorite DA:O party combo?
  15. Favorite DA:O companion overall?
  16. DA:O: Did your Warden survive?
  17. What did you name your Mabari?
  18. Who did you choose to rule Fereldan?
  19. Favorite mission from DA2?
  20. Was everyone loyal at the end?
  21. Did Hawke side with the Mages or Templars?
  22. Favorite DA2 party combo?
  23. Did you give Fenris back to Danarius?
  24. Favorite main-story quest from DA:I?
  25. Favorite DA:I place?
  26. Did your Inquisitor choose the Mages or the Templars?
  27. Which did you leave behind (Abyss)?
  28. Inquisitor’s feelings on being the Herald of Andraste?
  29. What are your feelings on the Chantry?
  30. What are your feelings on the Circle?
  31. DLC for the first 2 games: All of it, some of it, or none of it?
  32. Favorite DLC mission overall?
  33. Favorite DA character overall?
  34. Least favorite character?
  35. Who do you want to see return in the next game?
  36. What kind of DLC do you hope for for DA:I?
  37. Bloodmagic: yes or no?
  38. Funniest moment in the games?
  39. Creepiest moment in the games?
  40. A moment/action you regret in-game?
  41. Who did you romance in your first playthrough for each game?
  42. Who do you wish you could romance that you can’t?
  43. Favorite romance overall so far?
  44. One romance you just can’t stand/doesn’t make sense/etc?
  45. Which 3 DA characters would you want as your best friends?
  46. A character you’d love to drop in a volcano and forget about?
  47. Best antagonist in the series?
  48. Worst antagonist in the series?
  49. Something you do in EVERY DA playthrough, no matter what?
  50. Describe your perfect playthrough for any DA game.
  51. Favorite Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor headcanons (any or all)?
  52. Favorite non-Player Character headcanons?
  53. That One Headcanon that hurts to think about?
  54. Fluffiest headcanon ever?
  55. Your non-Player Character OTPs?
  56. Your absolutely NOTP?
  57. Who would you date if you could (as you, not your OC)?
  58. Who has the best character arc overall?
  59. Who was written really poorly?
  60. Who do you wish had been given more story?
  61. Favorite NPC?
  62. A character you think deserves more fan love?
  63. Best story moment?
  64. Favorite achievement?
  65. Any epic game play moments in any DA game?
  66. Something you hate about any/all of the games?
  67. Best non-OC quote?
  68. Have you cosplayed any DA characters?
  69. Who would you cosplay if you could (no holds barred)?
  70. Did you read the comics?
  71. Did you read the novels?
  72. Did you see Dawn of the Seeker?
  73. Favorite OST song(s)?
  74. Do you take screenshots in any DA games?
  75. Do you edit images/gifs or make videos about DA?
  76. Have you ever made a DA Let’s Play?
  77. What moment/memory still gives you chills/feels?
  78. What are you hoping for from DA4?
  79. What are you worried about for DA4?
  80. Favorite fanmix?
  81. Favorite fanfic?
  82. Favorite fanart/fanartist?
  83. Favorite fan musician/music?
  84. Favorite cosplay(er)?
  85. Favorite Let’s Play?
  86. Favorite DA-themed blog?
  87. Do you create anything in the fandom (write, draw, craft, gif, etc)?
  88. Do you participate in or run a DA RP?
  89. Are you on any DA forums, chats, reddit subs, etc?
  90. Do you run an DA-themed blog/page/website?
  91. Do you have any friends who love DA too?
  92. Did you get someone into DA?
  93. Do you own any DA merchandise?
  94. Have you ever made any DA-themed crafts (clothes, toys, etc)?
  95. Which actors would you cast for a movie of your fav DA game?
  96. Do you use game mods?
  97. What’s your favorite DA mod?
  98. If you could be any non-Human DA species, which and why?
  99. Where would you live (Fereldan, Orlais, Free Marches etc?)
  100. Circle, Templar, Chantry, Guard, Seeker, Inquisition, or none?
  101. If you could meet your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor, what would you say?