#mushroom translates


ONS Guren LN Vol 1 Chapter 5 Part 2 translation

Title: War and Convenience Stores

Translator: @tang-wei​


If you feel the need to re-read the whole series again, the masterpost is here. Don’t forget that this is part 2 of chapter 5, please read part 1 as well! 

Important note: Because the previous sources for Volume 1 have been taken down/ made unavailable, I am translating this for the sake of fans who are not able to purchase a copy of the official English translation that is available. If you enjoy Guren’s story, then please support the author by buying the novel!  


The sun had set.

The town was dyed red.

On the way home from school.

In a place where there were not that many people, a small convenience store.

While Sayuri and Shigure shopped for dinner, Guren waited with his arms crossed, sitting on a guardrail.

At that moment,

“Saito-san! Saito-san! Is it really okay for me to buy any sweets that I want?!” The happy voice of a young boy could be heard.

Guren glanced at the direction of the voice. As one would expect, there was a young boy.

A fair-skinned boy with blond hair and a beautiful face. It was likely that he was not Japanese. Or it was possible that he had foreign blood in his veins.

The boy spoke while smiling very happily.

“I wonder what I should buy to make everyone at the orphanage happy~? Hey Saito-san, if I buy ice cream, do you think the director would get mad?”

It was then the man named Saito-san responded,

“I wonder. In that orphanage, is there even a fridge…”

“Of course there’s one.”

“Then it should be fine. Even the director should allow for sweets.”


“There now, take this money and go to the supermarket. Will you be alright buying it yourself, Mikaela-kun?”

The boy called Mikaela responded to that question,

“Of course. How old do you think I am? I’m 8!” He smiled. It was then Guren saw Saito take out 10,000 yen.

“Eh, this much…” Mikaela exclaimed, surprised.

Saito smiled.

“It’s for everyone after all.”

“But, is it really okay, to take 10,000 yen…”

“It’s fine, it’s fine. Now go on.”

“Okay! But if I was going to get that many sweets, it would’ve been good to have brought Akane-chan with me…”

Having said that, with sparkling eyes, the boy named Mikaela entered the supermarket.

“That’s why you are trying to get the sinful people who won’t join the 《Hyakuya Sect》, and therefore will die from the virus, to hurry and join?”

And thus,


Guren watched this with his arms crossed. Then, Guren’s gaze switched to watching the man called Saito.

Saito wore a black suit.

The man who had attacked Guren ten days earlier had worn the same black suit.


That is to say, that was the guy that tried to kill him in the elevator, the assassin from the《Hyakuya Sect》.

“Saito? Didn’t you say that your name was Kijima?”

The assassin smiled cordially at that.

“At the orphanage, I go as the kind Saito-san.”

“Hmm. So then is Kijima your real name?”

“I do not have a real name.”

“To put simply, you’re an assassin?”


“Then, at that orphanage, you like playing the role of Daddy Long-Legs?”

“Haha, that’s what it looks like. Well then, knowing that I am such a kind Daddy Long-Legs, have you become interested in hearing what I have to say…”


The assassin laughed at the interruption.

“Even so, please call me Saito-san while we’re here. If Mika-kun overheard, there would surely be some confusion.” He said.

With that, Guren glanced towards the supermarket where the boy named Mikaela had gone.

“And? What would you be using that kid for?”

“What do you mean?”

“The 《Hyakuya Sect》 is famous for their human

experimentation. Don’t try to say otherwise.”

“No no, that is a huge misunderstanding. In the end the 《Hyakuya Sect》administer the Hyakuya Orphanages as charitable work…”

“Then where did you come from?” Guren asked Saito.

“Who did that thing to your body? Where did that happen?

There’s no way you’re going to say something like your parents raised you in good health and with love, right?”


At that, Saito stopped smiling. He then replied in all seriousness,

“…You’re right. It’s certainly true that I came from the Hyakuya Orphanage. But I undertook the laboratory testing of my own free will, and obtained this body.”

“Huh, so brainwashing.”

Then, staring at Guren, Saito continued.

“No, I seriously think that the 《Hyakuya Sect》 wants to guide

this country to the right path. While Guren-sama may not be aware of this, if Japan continues down this path, the trumpet of the end will drag us into decay.”

Such strange things he said.

Still, Guren smiled and replied,

“Hah, so you’ve come out with it. The apocalypse, huh? That’s a signature move used against newcomers of a religion. If you do not believe, you won’t survive the apocalypse? Even we know how to use that kind of talk. So do the Hiiragis. There’s always something that resembles it in doctrines. But so what? By using that, did you think you’d be able to convert me?”

Guren asked.

Saito’s facial expression did not change, but regarded him seriously.

“That was not the meaning of what I said.”

“Then what is it?”

“In truth… if this continues, a virus will spread via an untouchable forbidden magic, who knows how rampantly it would spread, and the people of this world will find no place to live.”

“And, you’re saying that you guys are protecting us from that?”


Saito smiled and shook his head at that.

“No, as I said, I am not having this kind of conversion conversation. Even up til today, I didn’t have any intention to speak to you about these kind of things.”

“Ah? Then what do you want to speak to me about?”

To this question, Saito replied.

“About war. The one who made the virus is not God, but humans. And these are humans you know very well. The ones named Hiiragi.”

“Wha, that’s…”

Saito ignored that and continued,

“The 『Mikado no Oni』 who stole the seat of the National Magic Organization from the 《Hyakuya Sect》 has run wild, they are using the absolutely forbidden magic. That’s what we are frantically trying to prevent.”


Saying this, the corners of Saito’s mouth lifted.

“Well? Don’t you think we have common interests?”

What a thing to say. Saito stretched out a hand towards Guren,

“So, won’t you join forces with us? Before the word ends, to attack the Hiiragi.”

He proposed.

Guren looked at his hand.

He said that the Hiiragi were going to destroy the world with the forbidden magic they got their hands on, and that they were trying to protect everyone from it.

And then, in the dawn of the era of the Hiiragi being destroyed,

“…The position of the Ichinose would rise.”

At that, Saito smiled and nodded his head.

“Of course. Since this about those who assisted the 《Haykuya Sect》 in making history, regarding the position currently occupied by the Hiiragi, it would be between the forces of 『Mikado no Oni』 and 『Mikado no Tsukki』.”

“Hmm. Well, then what? Are you offering an alliance with all of the Ichinose– no, all of the 『Mikado no Tsukki』?”

“Of course.”

“Then, why are you offering it to me? The Head of the

Ichinose House is–”

“Your father, is that right? However, your father is part of the

docile faction.”

At that, Guren smiled once again.

“Then, I’m the radical?”

Saito nodded his head apologetically.

“As I’ve said before, we have also done some investigations into the past. Including yours and your father’s. And so we made a choice regarding who would be the party to participate in this conversation with us.”

“You chose me?”


“You thought that if it were me, I would readily accept?”

However, Saito shook his head.

“No. We did not think that. However, we thought that before it starts, we should at least say hello to you.”

Or so he said.

Before it all starts.

In other words,

“Even if you did not have the Ichinose, you intend to go to war?”

At that Saito shrugged his shoulders.

“The ones who started it are the Hiiragi though.”

“Besides, by telling me this much information, the start of that fierce struggle is fast approaching. ”

Smiling widely, Saito nodded.

“It is 10 days away. After 10 days, the 《Hyakuya Sect》 will go to war with the Hiiragi House.”

“10 days, huh. I will give you my reply then…”

“No, we need your answer now. If you do not join us today, then the plan for you to also be our enemy will be put into progress.”

Saito said, looking right at Guren.

Guren glared right back in return.

“That’s not happening. In the first place, if I don’t know the truth of what you are saying, how can I accept? Is the Hiiragi House really going wild with forbidden magic? Is it really necessary to stop them? Far from that, it’s also entirely possible that you guys the《Hyakuya Sect》 and the Hiiragis are teaming up to test the Ichinose. In these circumstances, you want me to immediately give you an answer? That is impossible.”

He responded.

However, Saito simply nodded his head, and,

“I see. Then negotiations have broken down.”


“What is it? Did you want to join us? Please be decisive. To be honest, it doesn’t really matter whether you are a friend or foe…”

In other words, it is what it is.

If a war began, the more comrades the better.

Even so, they thought that with the power the Ichinose have, whether they have them or not, would not influence the battle at all.

That is a fact.

Nevertheless, the 《Hyakuya Sect》, is a bigger and more powerful organisation than the Hiiragi House, who had the Ichinose under their submission. Of course there was no need for them to bow their head and beg for the Ichinose’s help.

At the end of the day, before the fight would begin, they just came by to say hello. If the Ichinose did not join, then they would be destroyed together with the Hiiragi.

That’s why in Guren’s mind, he was furiously wondering how to best act. What was the best method to ensure a future where the Ichinose House wouldn’t be destroyed. A method to ensure a future where those that belonged to the 『Mikado no Tsukki』would not be destroyed.

Right now, with the answer he had to give, there was a possibility that everything could change.

In that case, what was the best thing to do?

What was the best way for him to move?

As Guren was forming those thoughts in his head, he replied.

“At least, give me an hour to consider.”

“I cannot.”

Saito rejected.

At that, Guren narrowed his eyes.

“Then my answer is ‘No’. I won’t join forces with an organization that w

That night, Guren wrote to his family.

About the contact the《Hyakuya Sect》made.

About how the Hiiragis would run wild, and how it was possible that they would cause the destruction of the world with a virus. About how a war between the Hyakuya Church and the Hiiragi House will begin in ten days.

About how he rejected the 《Hyakuya Sect》’s proposal.


The letter would reach home the same day. Regarding such an important issue, not just the Ichinose, but all of the 『Mikado no Tsukki』 would gather to discuss how to act.

They would begin to gather information to verify the truth of Saito’s words.

Such a large job would take 3 days to complete. And then afterwards it would take a week to make preparations.

But, if what Saito said was the truth, then there was no time left to act at a leisurely pace.

It was possible that a war as going to start.

Furthermore, it was a war that could possibly destroy the whole of Japan―

Then, how should he personally deal with such a war.

“No, we need to carefully consider the best things to do during this chaos”

That night, Guren tossed and turned, thinking about such things.  

T/N: I don’t even know where to begin with the apologies or the excuses… but it is finally here! 

<<Chapter 5 Part 1 || Chapter 6 >>

Title: War and Convenience Stores



If you feel the need to re-read the whole series again, the masterpost is here

Important note: Because the previous sources for Volume 1 have been taken down/ made unavailable, I am translating this for the sake of fans who are not able to purchase a copy of the official English translation that is available. If you enjoy Guren’s story, then please support the author by buying the novel!  


“Nooow now, from tomorrow there will finally be the start of the weekly Academic Acceleration Examinations!” The female teacher said as she wrote on the blackboard.

The Academic Acceleration Examinations is in summary, “that”. It seems to be an exam where students fight their classmates directly, and the strong and weak are separated.
This of course does not determine everything, but plays a large component in the evaluation. Thus, some of the people in class became a bit more flustered. 

Shinya, who was sitting next to Guren, said. 

“That’s great… for the people who don’t fight seriously but manage to avoid expulsion, this must be relaxing.” 

Hearing this, Guren turned toward Shinya and replied.

“Is the guy who tried to kill me with one strike, also feeling restless?”

“Haha, who asked you to not dodge it? Speaking of which, you really didn’t avoid my attack?”

Shinya looked over, and slowly inched closer.

“You staunchly took my attack. You must really be that stupid, if not you must be…”

“Powerless trash? Truthfully, I’m the latter. You’ve overestimated my power.”

“People who say that about themselves are the scariest, though that’s just me talking from experience.”

“You’re too cautious. Do you really think that a monster that you can fight on par with you would appear? Aren’t you the one that was chosen by the Hiiragis — to be Mahiru’s fiance?”


“But, at least I didn’t get chosen. If we’re comparing this, there’s nothing about me worth your attention, no?

So Guren had said it.

And Shinya laughed.

“You… If you really weren’t acting, then you are really too negative.”

“That’s how I am.”

“Haha, looking at you, which part does Mahiru like about you?”

Unable to understand, Shinya asked Guren.

Guren took one look at Shinya, before turning his attention back to the teacher.

The teacher was still explaining the situation with the examination. If even one person from the class got eliminated, it would affect the teacher’s evaluation, so everyone needed to do their best.

At this moment, Shinya said again.

“Ah, right, I heard you and Mahiru met again?”


“Ah, what happened? Patched things up with her?”

Regarding this question, Guren replied without looking at Shinya.

“Nothing much.”

“Ah, you don’t need to worry about my feelings. Even though we’re engaged, we aren’t lovers.”


“By the way, let me tell you something, since she has met with you, she hasn’t been seen much and her mood isn’t good. What happened?”

It seems that Mahiru and Shinya had already met.

To this, Guren smiled a little and then replied,

“……She was disappointed with how weak I am.”

Shinya looked at Guren with a look of helplessness.

“You really are negative, aren’t you?”

“Really? If you find it detestable, then you can stop talking to me about it?”


Shinya smiled helplessly.

Guren chose not to see it.

The female teacher was still tapping the blackboard,

“Whatever it is, you must not lose to the students in the other classes! Dismissed!”

Just nice, the dismissal bell rung.

At the same time, all the students stood up. Some went home. Some chatted with friends. Some cleaned the classroom.

This school didn’t have any club activities. If there was free time, everyone would choose to engage in learning and practicing various spell casting techniques.

When the class ended, guren unhooked his bad from his table, and stood up.

And Shinya, who was next to him,

“Ah, shall we go together?”

He extended an invitation,

“Go die.”

Guren respectfully refused.

And then he looked out the classroom door. His two attendants could be seen, quietly looking over.

Sayuri noticed Guren.

“Ah, ah, Guren-sama!”

She said as she waved her hand.

Shigure, who was by her side, said.

“Don’t be like that, Guren-sama has said that if we attract too  much attention, he would kill us. You’ll make him angry again.”

Shigure furiously stopped Sayuri. She then looked over at Guren, head bowed in apology.

Without even trying, they had already caught everyone’s attention.

“When we get back I’ll give you a lecture…”

Guren muttered under his breath.

Seeing this, Juujo Mito who was still in the classroom, looked over with a glare.

“Gosh, you really brought two women to be your attendants, the Ichinoses are really cowardly.”

The other students laughed.

Then Goshi Norito spoke.

“That’s right, that’s right. And such beautiful women. Anyways, you should introduce them to me.”

He said as he walked over.

The students at the side had an expression where they didn’t know if they should be laughing or not.

Because in this class, Hiiragi Shinya, Juujo Mito, and Goshi Norito, whether it’s ability or family standing, they are all within the top four.

Speaking of the top four, there was another girl from the Sangu Family, Sangu Aoi. Her personality is quiet, and once class was over, she immediately went home.

Not speaking of that now, as the three from distinguished families reacted differently to Guren’s cheeky attitude. The other students didn’t know what kind of attitude to adopt towards him.

Of course, the students from the other classes, the seniors, and the teacher’s attitudes didn’t change much from before, so the level of harassment did not decrease.

Goshi came closer with an air of frivolity.

“I say, Ichinose. Of the two, which one do you have a relationship with?”

Hearing that absentminded question, Guren looked at Goshi.

“What? I thought you guys would not associate with the low and dirty Ichinose family?”

“Beautiful women are another story.”

“What kind of logic is that?”

“Just be honest. So which of them? Your followers? The ones that are always being talked about? Do they also serve in the bedroom?”

Mito’s face turned extremely red in anger.

“Goshi! How crass! Don’t say such disgusting things in the classroom?!”

Sayuri, who was standing outside the classroom also said anxiously,

“Y-yes! Please don’t say such strange things! Guren-sama hasn’t even done anything to me!”

Sayuri shrieked indignantly.



The classroom became absolutely silent.

Then, a look of surprise appeared on Goshi’s face.

Mito was looking over with an expression on her face that was as if she saw a terrifying animal.

However, Shinya looked like he was enjoying this.

“Hey, Guren. This matter, can I tell Mahiru about it?”

Guren sighed loudly, and walked out of the classroom.

“Ah… I’m going home first.”

At this time, Goshi’s voice floated from behind.

“Oi Ichinose. The Ichinose are really very sly. If you’re going to be playing with women, you should bring one for me too.”

All these slanderous things were said, but Guren ignored it.

He left the classroom.

Shigure lifted her head to look at Guren.

“About that, I will make sure to properly teach Sayuri a lesson……”

“As you should.”

Guren replied.

As for Sayuri,

“Eh? Eh?”

She was looking around in a confused manner, and Guren walked past her on his way out.

But as soon as Guren walked out into the corridor, he realised that he couldn’t just easily go home.

Because opposite the corridor, he could feel a strong killing aura.


However, Guren didn’t react to this aura. He still needed to act the part of a weak, useless, stupid character.

Without a doubt, any bystander would have felt it too. Irregardless if it were Sayuri or Shigure, they who trained relentlessly in order to protect Guren, would have definitely felt it.

Therefore they reacted to the killing aura.

But Guren said quietly,

“Don’t anyhow move. Let me.”

He ordered

“Ah? But-”

Shigure, who was standing behind him to the right, was surprised at his words, raised her head to look at Guren.

But by that time, someone aimed a kicked at Guren’s head.


He yelled out, tumbling down in a sorry state. He rolled on the ground. And then held his head and looked up. He looked in the direction of his attacker.

As far as he could see, a man who led a group of followers was standing there.

Beneath his tea-coloured hair, a pair of narrow snake-like eyes. His lip was pierced. The guy joked in a condescending manner,

“Ah, sorry sorry, my foot just slipped.”

In an instant, the bystanding students laughed.

Shigure was unable to control her anger,

“You bastard!”

She stepped forward angrily. With clenched fists, she threw a punch at the guy with the pierced lip.

Guren wanted to stop her, but at that moment, her fist was grabbed by a girl who was standing behind the guy with the pierced lip.

Shigure was a little shocked. Of course she would be. That punch was considered fast.
But yet, it was stopped by that female student. That student said,

“Hey, do you know what you’re doing? That person standing there is Hiiragi Seishiro-sama!”

Looks like the guy with the piercing is someone with the Hiiragi name.

At this school, he is someone with an almost god-like status.

The female student continued.

“You dare to raise a hand to Seishiro-sama, the nerve……”

But, Seishiro interrupted her.

“Enough, Yumi. Either way, the trash from the Ichinose probably won’t be able to understand you. Livestock like these should be taught though our fists.”

Saying this, he raised a hand.

Shigure reacted instantly. She wanted to deflect Seishiro’s hand, but,

“Haha, too slow shorty.”

Seishiro’s fists were faster.

To be honest, it was impossible for Shigure’s speed to beat.


Guren stood up, ready to stop Seishiro’s fists, but all of a sudden, he froze.

Because, Seishiro’s fist was grabbed by someone else.

Looking over, it turned out to be Shinya, who had just walked out of the classroom.

Shinya, still holding on to his fist, said.

“Seishiro-sama…… with your high status, making such a scene in public by beating up delicate ladies from the Ichinose, if such news were to spread, it would embarrass the family name..”

Seishiro glared at Shinya.

“Hah? You bastard, how dare an adopted son object to my actions.”

“…… I deeply apologise. But……”

“No buts.”

Seishiro withdrew his fists. Then raised them again. And hit Shinya squarely on his face.

Shinya didn’t dodge it. With a loud thud, his lips started bleeding.

Seeing this, Seishiro laughed.

“Haha, what a good choice. No matter what, you couldn’t have beat me.”


“Only because of your sensibility, my father chose you to be Mahiru’s fiancé. You had better realise this.”

“…… Yes.”

“That’s right, since you two are in the same class, tell me. Is that Ichinose rat really powerful? In the second stage of the sorcery exam, my opponent is him….”

So this was the reason.

So that was why Seishiro was here. To test Guren’s strength before the exam.

Shinya replied.

“…… Initially, I thought he would be very powerful…… Since he is the next candidate for the head of the Ichinose family, he must hold a certain level of ability.”


Then Shinya looked over. His stare was harsh and cold.

“But I’m afraid I overestimated him. Whether it was his female attendants being hit…… or that his comrades had gotten injured, like trash, he doesn’t do anything. Basically, it is the decline of a second-rate family.”

His voice was full of disdain.

Hearing this, Seishiro laughed.

“Haha, what is this? So this is the result. Turns out the Ichinose are all trash. I heard when your father studied at this school, he always trembled in fear when he walked these corridors…… You’re just like him eh.”

Seishiro’s followers also laughed.

The people in class also came out to laugh at Guren. Perhaps when they saw the sudden turn in Shinya’s attitude, they finally understood what kind of attitude they need to have towards Guren.

Seishiro lifted his leg and started to walk away.

“Ah, whatever. How lame. Weak to the point it’s not even fun to play with. Let’s go.”

All the students laughed again.

Calling the Ichinose weak and useless, they continued to laugh mockingly.

As expected, Goshi who was standing in the corridor, looked over with pity in his eyes.

“Oh dear oh dear, you’ve become such lowly trash. Turns out someone who can’t even protect ladies is unreliable.”

Furthermore, Juujo Mito,

“…… Not even one bit of reaction.You were humiliated to that extent, but you don’t feel any shame?”

She shouted angrily.

But the one who replied to her was Guren, who had a look of turmoil on his face.

“…… The people in my family said to never go against the Hiiragis…….”

“Then, if they told you to die, are you going to die too ?!”

There was no reason why she was speaking so loudly. Then, with this look of frustration, Mito left angrily.

Guren blankly watched her walk away, and then stood up.

At this time, the surrounding students, perhaps having lost interest in this messy affair, slowly began to leave.

Except for one person.

Only Shinya, still looking at Guren, spoke.

“It looks like you really are an uninteresting person.”


“My bad for having expectations.”

“…… Don’t hold your breath.”

“Ah, you’re right. Towards someone with no ability, a lowly piece of trash, it was wrong for me to have any expectations.”


“Forget it. Don’t ever come looking to talk to me again……”

Guren interrupted him.

“The one who first came looking to talk to me, was you.”

Shinya stared at him coldly, and replied

“Ah ah, that seems to be the case. Then, not just me, but don’t approach Mahiru as well.”


“You don’t have that right. Originally, this school isn’t a place where people with no awareness or ability could come. With Mahiru at this school…… those who don’t even have the strength to fight, shouldn’t be here.”

A lecture.

A guy who doesn’t even try, is completely unworthy of appearing before Mahiru.

Guren also agreed with this.

People with no strength are unable to raise their heads proudly. Because in this world, to get what you want, one needs to have sufficient strength.

Even to laugh without worry, one needs to have enough strength.

And now, there is still insufficient power.

At least, he didn’t have it yet.

The power to defeat the Hiiragis, he did not even have one drop.

So, Guren replied.

“Then what should I do? I also don’t want to be here. I knew that in this place, there won’t be a moment for me to be at ease. But the Hiiragis called for me to come. So I followed the order. If that was wrong, then tell me, what should I do so that you guys will be satisfied? What do you want me to do?”

He spat out these foolish questions.

He showed his weakness in front of Shinya.

And then, he saw Shinya, from the bottom of his heart, show an expression of utter hopelessness.


But, that was all to it.

Without a word, he turned around and left.

The only ones left in the corridor were Guren, Shigure, and Sayuri.

The will no longer be anyone else who would take notice of Guren and his friends. All they turned out to be, are the trash they originally were. Turned out to be dirty Ichinose rats that had no right to associate with Shinya, Mito and Goshi.

At this moment, Shigure opened her mouth to speak.

“This, this was because I was too weak…… I apologise.”

Sayuri also asked, embarrassed,

“B-but, is there really a need to endure these kinds of things? Guren-sama actually…….”

And Guren replied softy,


Hearing her name being called, she stopped.

With a look of intense concentration, Sayuri was trying to control her expression, but in the end, she couldn’t control it, and tears started to come out.


Guren watched all of this,

In the situation where the master was being made fun of, and the subordinate was crying as they could not take it,

“…… I’m sorry.”

That was all he could say.

However, Sayuri anxiously shook her head.

“Ah, ah, no, no this……this is only because some sand got in my eye……”

By the side, Shigure looked on with astonishment.

“No one would believe that kind of excuse.”

“Uwah uwah uwah, but-”

“Alright alright, I understand. The master you idolised has been constantly made fun of, I feel the same way as you.”

“Yu, Yuki-chan.”

“But, we must endure. Our master who suffered more than us did not cry. We attendants ended up crying first, how can that be?”

“Uwah uwah uwah uwah, but……”

“Must I report this?”


“Alright, don’t cry. We are here for Guren-sama’s protection and comfort.”

As Shigure finished speaking, somehow Sayuri’s crying face brightened up considerably.

“Ah, so that’s it! So that means tonight’s service……”


Guren smacked Sayuri’s head.

“Ah, it hurts!”

Looking at Sayuri holding her head, Guren smiled.

“But, looking at you guys being carefree, it’s my best source of comfort. Alright, let’s go back.”

Saying this, he pushed Sayuri’s back and started walking forward.


The two attendants said in unison.

But at this time, in his head, Guren was thinking about something else.

That being the things that he just saw, about that guy.

Hiiragi Seishiro.

Probably someone who, like Mahiru, is a full blooded member of the Hiiragi family.

Because he never heard that Mahiru had a male twin, so if they are in the same year, it must mean that they are half siblings, sharing the same father but different mothers.

Deep in thought about Seishiro.

Seishiro’s actions.

Thoughts about the blows exchanged by him and Shinya, and Shigure.

Seishiro’s actions were exceptional. Even though he could not determine his true strength from that exchange, but,

“Of course he’s from that family — the Hiiragi family.”

Guren muttered to himself.

“Then, with my power at this level, what kind of moves can I make?”

The opponent in the second stage of the sorcery examination, is that Hiiragi Seishiro.

And that exam, it would begin tomorrow.


T/N: My patience in the past…truly exceptional….part 2 coming! 

<<Chapter 4 ||Chapter 5 part 2 >>

hello! let’s keep this short and sweet - i used to translate the guren novels. 

I went on hiatus because i went to uni (i still am a uni student). It’s my winter/summer break and now that i can’t travel or do anything so im back at this! 


I have begun re-translating the missing chapters of the first volume of catastrophe at 16 (for completions’ sake). Please look forward to it in the next 3 or 4 days! (Or earlier, depending)

Stay safe and see you again~
