#my agab is irrelevant fuck you hope this helps





My brother telling his girlfriend that one of his friends is trans and her immediately asking ‘AMAB or AFAB?’ is still the most haunting thing ever to me we should’ve never let cis people learn these terms

for all the cis ppl in the notes who don’t understand and can’t bring themselves to actually ask — amab does not mean transfem and afab does not mean transmasc. there’s a shit ton of other identities like nonbinary, genderfluid (hi), agender, and more, all under the trans label. if you’re gonna be nosy, ask pronouns, not assigned gender at birth, you weirdos. i get that’s how society has trained you to see yourself, but that’s not how we see ourselves.

When cis people immediately ask for our agabs, what we here is something akin to the “but what’s actually in your pants??” Question. It’s not important. You do not need to know. It will not help you understand us better. It’s just an invasion of privacy and shows a disregard for our identities because it sounds like you still only really care about “what we were born as”.
