#my black is beautiful



Youtube: Melaninoir

Teaching Black Women and Black girls to love themselves ❤️and love the skin that they are in❤️ Despite what “social media” says about us!

Black Mixed fishing

I don’t want to spend too much time on this “hot” topic. So here are my thoughts on the mixed fishing phenomena…

1. I’ve noticed that average looking non-richly melanated women, who dont meet the conventional beauty standards i.e. slim, blonde and white, tend to partake in mixed-fishing shenanigans. In an attempt to appear more “desirable”, they use cosmetics, non-invasive/invasive surgery to alter their natural average features with hopes of looking : racially ambiguous, exotic, or of mixed heritage… because in “urban” culture such looks are considered beautiful.

2. If you are blessed to be an offspring of two Black parents, you shouldn’t feel offended or disappointed by this nonsense, because these white women aren’t contributing to our dehumanisation or erasure. If anything, their actions are negatively impacting mixed women.

3. Accordingly, Black women I urge you to put down your capes, and let mixed women and the ignorant self hating black men (who worship white/mixed women) fight this battle…it isn’t any of our beautiful black business.

Stay blessed and highly favoured Queens

Author - @iameriwa

Models - Leigh-Anne Pinnock and Jesy Nelson

My forever mood = New York.  

I had to dig deeper and know who I was, as an African American woman, and say ‘I don’t give a FUCK what she wants to see on the panel. I’M here. As brown as I am. As black and as beautiful as I am. And if I rip this hair off, yes I do have naps, and it’s OK.

All facts.
