#my fanart

[ART] Under the Northern LightsDomaystic 2022 Day 4 prompt: first nightFandom: due SouthPairing: Ben

[ART] Under the Northern Lights

Domaystic 2022 Day 4 prompt: first night

Fandom: due South

Pairing: Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski 

— On AO3 —

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lomelindelaurea:Walking in the Sky“You know Ray, my father once told me that the sky isn’t just abov


Walking in the Sky

“You know Ray, my father once told me that the sky isn’t just above you. That if you look at the horizon you will see that it actually touches the ground. So if you think about it, wherever you go you are actually walking in the sky.”

- Benton Fraser, Eclipse

– on AO3 –

MIzface wrote me a beautiful dSSS gift ❤️ - inspired by this fanart 

Five Kinds of Snow Ray Had to Deal With, and One he Didn’t Mind - mizface - due South [Archive of Our Own]

Chapters: 1/1
Fandom:due South
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Relationships: Benton Fraser/Ray Kowalski
Characters: Benton Fraser, Ray Kowalski, Diefenbaker (due South)
Additional Tags: Pre-Slash

“You don’t find it impressive how many terms there are, how specific they can get?” Fraser asked him once.

“I think I can think of some other things there are lots of terms for, and you wouldn’t be waxing on about them.“ Ray grinned as Fraser’s face made it clear he’d picked up on what Ray meant. "I think they just got bored. Plain white landscape, going on forever? Bo-ring. And giving it a bunch of fancy names won’t fix that.”

“We’ll have to agree to disagree.”

Ray shrugged. It was the closest he was going to get to a concession and they both knew it. No need to push the argument. But seriously. Who needed that many words for snow?

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the sniff doesn’t belong to me, it belongs to moomin ✪ ω ✪

Thought it was about time that I shared some of my own ADC fan art ❤️
