#my fellow americans please vote november 3rd


My fellow Americans: please vote by November 3rd!

For mayor

For city council

For local ballot measures

For state congress

For US congress

For President

Vote on everything you can!

Change happens because the people make it happen. Don’t let anyone silence your vote. It is a privilege not all of us get, so we must use it wisely

3rd party candidates seem tempting — their politics are valid, and they can and do win local elections. However, in a race as big as the presidential one, where the voter turnout is always much higher than city or state elections, there is no chance of a 3rd party candidate winning any electoral votes. And at the end of the day, it doesn’t matter how many people support a candidate’s politics. Because we are stuck with the electoral college — the same demon that elected the current president despite him losing the popular vote!

Please keep this in mind while casting your ballot. We can’t improve the system until everyone plays the game. And right now, the game is controlled by a hoard of greedy hypocrites and plague rats. Let’s vote them out and change our country for the better
