#my girl deserves more attention


Tarn promised they would be back by now. But still Nickel was left to wait by the gangway with a medical kit in hand. And Nickel hated waiting. She wasn’t all that much of a worrier most of the time, but any accomplished medic knows how dangerous the work of a soldier is. Especially if the soldiers are as elite as the Decepticon Justice Division.

The DJD cleaned up the slag of the universe, and dealt with the toughest of the tough on a day to day basis so it was only natural for her to fear for their safety on the battlefield. But they’re capable, They’re strong. They would come home and she would scold them for being reckless and it would all be okay in the end.

But the memories of her home planet twisted and churned in her spark, making Nickel remember things she’d rather forget as much as possible. Somedays it was like she’d failed her friends back from home. You did the best you could,” Tarn would say. “It’s not your fault and it never was.” It was hard to believe sometimes. How could it not be her fault? No matter how hard she had tried to save her colony they all perished at the hands of the Black Block Consortia.

“Nickel. It’s not your fault.” For someone with no eyes, Kaon was oddly perceptive. On days Nickel felt like giving up, she would suddenly be surrounded by the warm coat of his beloved pet turbo fox. It was like he could read her mind.

Helex and Tess would also be there for her. On the worst days she could always curl up in Helex’s smelter and have him run it on low or hang out in Tess’ shredder and take a nap.

More than anything, Nickel didn’t want to be alone. The times spent waiting were the worst, but as the silhouettes of her found family appeared on the horizon she knew she wasn’t alone for now.
