#my heart is still melting


Here is one of your requests darling. @queengiuliettafirstlady This is one of my all time favorite fics, ngl ❤ Enjoy ^-^

Tale As Old As Time

Fandom: IkeVamp

Prompt: Being too short to reach something and having their lover get it for them.

Pairing: Comte x Reader

Type: Fluff

Wc: 423

Tagging:@thewitchofbooks,@queen-dahlia,@queengiuliettafirstlady,@canaria-blackwell,@ikesimp100,@citizensofcradle,@devildomwritersposts,@kissmetwicekissmedeadly,@ikehoe,@kpop-and-otome,@littlewitty,@namine-somebodies-nobody,@curious-skybunny,@jihanel,@atelier-maroron,@ikemenlibrary,@aquagirl1978,@sarahann-1984,@tele86If your name is crossed out I was unable to tag you. If you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know or fill out this form here.

The thrill of the hunt excites you, having gotten a quest from Sebastian, you open the library doors and slip inside. Your eyes scan the rows of books, hunting fir the precious book. Golden letters catch your eyes, the lighting from the lantern hits them, and they draw you in.

Beauty and the Beast

Looking around you spot a chair that you can use to boost yourself up, trying to reach the book. Your fingers graze the spin of the book, almost reaching it, but not quite there.

The arms around your waist startles you, and you squeak as you are lowered to the floor. You relax once you catch the golden eyes, a pout forming on your lips.

“What did you need?” The warm chuckles sends warmth through you and you point up at the book you are after.

“Sebas told me that it is the original story of Beauty and the beast” your voice is full of excitement. Comte laughs, reaching up to the shelf with ease. He pulls down the book, handing it to you gently.

“The original story by Gabrielle-Suzanne Barbot de Villeneuve. This was one of the first editions made.”

You look down at the book, awe fills you, the simple blue cover has a single rose etched into it with gold.

“A tale as old as time” you murmur, admiring the ancient print. Pressing a kiss to Comte’s lips, you thank him.

“I’ll be careful” you promise, Comte laughs and wraps an arm around your shoulder.

“Come, Sebastian has given you the rest of the day off. If you would like we can read this together.” Comte proposes, his fingers brushing along yours. Butterflies burst in your stomach at his touch and you smile shyly up at him.

“I would love too”

It isn’t long before the two of you are situated in Comte’s room, your head nestled in his lap while he reads. One hand idles in your hair, and your eyes flutter shut, visions dance behind your eyes as you picture the story. His voice is as smooth as honey, reading the tale to you. A smile has permanently fixed itself on your face. The feeling of something grazing your hand has you lazily opening your eyes. A delicate golden rose lays in your hand. Your fingers graze the petal, the gold matching the eyes of your lover. His lips brush against yours. Resting your head back in his lap, his voice continues late into the night, reading you the tale as old as time.
