#my high school years


My High School Years - Spanish

Tags:My High School Stories, Fart Sniffing, Talk about Musk

So I had a few people ask, but this series My High School Years are all true stories. Don’t pig out too much.

I wasn’t the biggest fan of high school. The people sucked. The school sucked. The teachers sucked. Everything honestly sucked. And in this cesspool of suckiness, you have to find the silver lining where you could. That’s where Michael has always left a mark on me.

Michael was a loud mouth jock who thought he was the shit. He was not. He wasn’t even good at any of the teams he was on. They literally sat him out every game. And then he’d get in fights with other students making sure he wasn’t allowed to play at all. But he got to wear the jersey all the same. And teenager just being a teenager I was so attracted to the jersey. Literally, anyone who wore the jersey I would probably would’ve gotten on my knees for.  

Michael was a grade behind me, but we shared a Spanish 1 class. He sat in front of me and he would typically copy my homework. The best part of Spanish when I’d get random wafts of musk off him. And I always had a perfect view of his ass. Dude would not pull his pants up and teachers would always yell at him. I didn’t mind, getting his ass funk wafted my way made my Spanish class go faster.

I would have to say my favorite memory of Michael though was when he walked past me to go to the pencil sharpener. He dropped his pencil and then bent over. And at the exact time he dropped his pencil I turned and was greeted by a face full of ass. At the moment he released a loud ripping fart and I just knew my face got red.  

All the girls around me were disgusted and were yelling at him. Me, I just turned back around in my desk and tried keeping my boner in check. That fart was rank, and fuck I could feel myself drooling. If there was no one else in the one I would’ve dropped to my knees and begged him for me. But there being a full classroom of assholes really held me back.  

I just closed my eyes and tried getting my body back in check. That wasn’t the last time I got to smell his nasty farts. Sitting behind him was honestly a wonder. He farted a lot, most of the time it was inaudible, but every now and then I would get punched in the face with the most toxic smell. Toni next to me would constantly complain and would ask to move to the other side of the room. Not me, I just sat there are quietly sniffed at the air. I would lay my head down so I could be closer to his ass. I was honestly a pig before I even knew what that meant.

People would always ask me doesn’t it bother you that he keeps farting. I always made up an excuse about why it didn’t. I enjoyed that semester of high school. When the semester was over, I was honestly a little upset I didn’t have any more classes with him. But he wasn’t the last jock to fart in my face.  

So overall, there were a few good things about high school.


My High School Years - Andy

Warnings: Face Farting, Fart Torture

I went to school with this guy named Andy and I swear everyone was obsessed with him. From the art students to the dumb jocks everyone wanted to be friends with him. I never really understood it until about our senior year of high school then it started making sense.  

He was a very good athlete, he was on the soccer team, football team, tennis team, and he even bowled. Then he was also an outstanding artist and was in AP Art classes. Even I couldn’t deny his abilities on and off the field. Even as much as I wanted to.

There wasn’t just something so majestic about him and he had this intense sex appeal that made guys and girls drool over him. What made me get into him was when he started sagging. It may sound weird but, he didn’t start sagging his pants until the end of junior year and beginning of senior year. Dude’s ass was fat.

My best friend would openly gawk at him when he was walking down the hallway. Many times I had to smack him so he wouldn’t stare to intensely. “What I wouldn’t do to fuck that ass.” He would say while we’re walking to English.  

“You’re messed up.” I lightly bump into him.  

“I’m being serious. I don’t even like topping.” I roll my eyes and try to ignore the thought of getting to fuck Andy.  

Then the unthinkable happened.  

A photo started spreading around the school like fire. Someone posted this outrageous picture of Andy in bed completely naked on his stomach as he eyed the camera taking the picture. It was an intense picture, but I didn’t pay attention to that. No, my eyes went directly to his bare ass.  

It was crazy, a whirlwind of rumors was spreading about who took the photo, or what the photo was even about. Then some people called the Police saying it was child pornography, but it was ruled since the picture was taken when he was 18 that it was in fact not child porn. Eventually, Andy posted the picture on his own Instagram and I immediately screenshotted the picture. There was no way I wasn’t going to jack off to that photo.

Then the rumors about Andy being gay started going around. This one, he did end up denying. But it got all the gays in the school excited. He then had to delete his social media because he was getting too much attention.  

That’s when even more rumors started coming out weeds. People were saying that he was hanging out in the locker room after practices and if people wanted to eat his ass they could if they paid him $50. He would only let one-person in at a time to get a taste of his sweaty nasty hole.

There was no way in hell I was believing that one. So, when I was making out with one of the football players and we busted into the locker room to fuck, we were surprised to find Andy there leaning over a bench and a guy digging into his ass. Both of our groups stared at each other and that’s when I decided that I needed to get on Andy’s list. His ass was so beautiful and I wanted nothing more than to eat that dirty ass.

Needless to say I ditched my football player that night and went straight home. I found Andy’s phone number that I had kept from Bowling season and texted him I wanted a night. He just texted back a location and a date in two weeks. I was so excited I made a countdown calendar for Andy’s ass in my room.

When it was the day of our meeting, I was anxious all day. Kept popping boners and couldn’t focus on any of my school work. I failed a test because of it too. But, none of that matters compared to when we finally meet.  

I walk into the side entrance of the locker room and wait for Andy. When he gets there, he’s drenched in sweat. I couldn’t help lick my lips.

“Here’s how it’s going to go fag. You’re going to give me $50. You get to enjoy my ass for 30 minutes. Once you put the 50 bucks in my hand, there is no backing out. During that 30 minutes I’m going to do whatever I want. If I have to fart, I’m going to fart on your faggot tongue. Got it?” I nod my head quickly completely turned on by his alpha attitude. “Money.” He outstretches his hand and I give him the money.  

He turns around and drops his shorts revealing a jockstrap. “30 minutes starts now.” I immediately go in and start kneading his hot cheeks. I give one of them a slap and watch as it jiggles. I can’t help but drop to my knees and start kissing each of his ass cheeks. I haven’t even spread his cheeks yet and I could small the sweat and musk radiating from his ass. He had a serious workout today.

When I do open his cheeks though, the smell gets worse and I start to gag. I’m about to back away when Andy forces my head into his ass. “Wait stop!” I say, but he doesn’t listen, just keeps holding me there right in his ass.


“The pre-workout never settles right. Your faggot ass doesn’t mind right?” I cough hard as that fart goes straight up my nose. This is definitely not what I wanted. I can’t get away from him, his ass has my face fully enveloped and the only thing I can smell his is dirty ass. “Don’t you want to taste it? Come on, lick it.” He wiggles his ass on my face. I don’t immediately do anything; I just keep trying to get away from him. This is obviously not he wants because his grip on my hair gets tighter and he releases another fart right up my nose.

His preworkout apparently makes his ass smell like garbage. I don’t know how I don’t throw up, I definitely want to. He keeps trying to get me to lick his ass, but I refuse. There’s no way I was subjecting myself to that. As soon as Andy loosens his grip on me, I use the opportunity to pull my face out his ass. He stares at me and begins to laugh.  

“You should see yourself. You look stupid.” He wipes his nose. “You have a few of my ass hairs on your face.” With that I turn and run out of the locker room. That was literally the most disgusting thing I’ve ever had to live through. When I make it home, I start scrubbing myself with my face wash and even after I scrub till I’m red, I could still smell Andy’s musky ass.

Long story short, I learned that just because you like the idea of something, it doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll like it. I won’t make that mistake again.
