#my kokoro












What if Sung Il-Hwan is one of Go Gun-Hee’s children… That’s it. That the idea.


Go Gun-Hee lost contact with Sung Il-Hwan at some point because at the time Go Gun-Hee was an extreme workaholic Head of the Association, and thus, unintentionally neglectful.

They didn’t get along well and didn’t share most views, either.

Eventually Il-Hwan couldn’t take it anymore and moved away.

Eventually, Gun-Hee grew wiser with age, and more regretful, thinking he doesn’t have the right to see contact his son, becoming the grandpa we know him to be today.

Though, eventually Gun-Hee hears of Sung Jin-Woo applying to be an E-ranker, with information on his family, and that makes him pause. Makes him nervous yet delighted. Makes him happy, yet also sorrowful.

Sung Il-Hwan had went through lengths to specifically make it so that Gun-Hee wouldn’t figure out it’s him applying to be a hunter. He used to go by a different name and everything.

So naturally, its when Sung Jin-Woo applies to be a hunter does he realize Sung Il-Hwan is in fact, his own son.

His own son who disappeared in a dungeon collapse years ago.

And now his own grandchild is applying to become an hunter and he has the least magical points as a hunter to death.

Only 11 magic points.

His mother comatose.

And not to mention a sister(a granddaughter, his granddaughter) to take care of.

He immediately makes contact as soon as he can.

The regrets! The future awkwardness and tiptoeing around each other! I love it!

Ok ok. What if Go Gun-Hee comes up with some bullshit to try to get closer to his grandson. Like some ‘random’ hunter getting sponsored or sth and they get to meet every weekend? That would help! A bit… I can’t wait to see how Jin-Woo reacts when he learns that Go Gun-Hee is his grandfather.

What if he learns after Go Gun-Hee dies like in cannon? Because of inheritance and the like?

That’s so evil.

I love it.

Jin-Chul at first debates wether or not he should give the news. If he should halt the news from coming on its way.


Il-Hwan interferes with Gun-hee’s death, allowing his father to live.

“…I’ve forgiven you,” he said before vanishing.

((Because you bet Il-Hwan would make the decision to protect any family members he can. He’s grown old and wise when he comes through that gate, not recognized as a human, but as a monster instead.))

Gun-Hee makes the decision to tell Jin-Woo after he survives in the hospital.

Jin-Chul is still made chairman because they all want that connection to be kept private from the world, though Jin-Woo has already decided Gun-Hee as a family member is under his protection.

Potential is very big here. But what if what if what if Il-Hwan doesn’t manage to help Gun-Hee? What if he just arrives at the same time as his son? And neither of them can save the eldest of the three?

Good morning

Option 1:

Il-Hwan makes sure to keep information away from Jin-Woo as long as he can.

Option 2:

Il-Hwan wants to keep information away from Jin-Woo, but Jin-Woo finds out eventually via Jin-Chul

Option 3:

Il-Hwan explains to Jin-Woo himself.

Jin-Woo is stoic on the outside but an emotional mess on the inside. At first, he has no idea where to direct the anger he feels towards. He chooses it to turn it in the direction of the Monarch’s.

Jin-Woo isn’t unfamiliar with grieving. But he doesn’t want to feel anything.

He remembers how Gun-Hee had tried to connect with him, and those memories just, hurt.

Also someone has to tell Jin-Ah. She’s not going to take it well I imagine.

Il-Hwan watched as his son mourns the death of his grandfather from the shadows and didn’t date to step out of them, irrational fear making him keep his distance from his family. Not that Jin-Woo knew that Gun-Hee was his grandfather. And watching his father trying to tiptoe around Jin-Woo with the same kind of irrational fear of making things permanently awkward between the two.

… this is P1 because I want to check what that ping is and I have no time to finish this rn.

Go Gun-Hee’s lawyer was a man who neared retirement. In fact he was planning to retire now that his most favourite client has left this world. Of course before he could retire he had to take care of his client’s will and he will even if it costs him his life.

Which is why he has Sing Jin-Woo in his office right now. Also why he is scared for his life. Even if Sung Jin-Woo is rumoured to be a reasonable man you can never be too cautious with S-Rankers.

“Sung Jin-Woo-nim as you may have already heard I am Go Gun-Hee’s lawyer and thus in charge of fulfilling his will. In the latest version he gave me of it he states that he wants you to inherit his lands and accounted funds. He also left a letter for you. I advise to read it before you decide weather to accept the inheritance or not.” The lawyer said to Sung Jin-Woo while giving him the letter, “It is completely fine if you wish for some time to make the decision but it can’t be longer than a week-”

The lawyer was interrupted by Jin-Woo who made the decision after skimming a 4th of the letter, “I accept the inheritance. Is there any paperwork I need to take care of concerning that?”

“Ahh… No there is none. I had it all prepared for both cases as I wasn’t sure what decision you make Sung Jin-Woo-nim.”

“I see. Thank you. If that is all I will be taking my leave.”

“There is nothing which needs to be taken care of personally by you.”

Back in his room in the apartment Jin-Woo reread the letter for the 15th time in the last hour. And yet again he couldn’t stop nor the memories nor the tears which follow after the realisation that the man he called grandfather in his mind, afraid to say the word to the man’s face was indeed his grandfather. The realisation that the Go Gun-Hee, his grandfather, was afraid of telling face to face stung but not as much as the missed opportunities and the wish that the word grandfather had slipped from his lips when talking to him during their weekly tea at least once.

Jin-Woo wished and wished and wished… Only for more time and less locked behind fears truths. After Jin-Woo too held back a lot. Silently thankful for the man’s help, not even daring to think about calling his grandfather anything but Go-nim respectful tone included. And now he knew that his grandfather ached for a proper connection but was afraid of destroying what they already had, afraid of pushing Jin-Woo away by trying to act like a proper grandfather and grandson.

Jin-Woo shares about Go Gun-Hee to his mother and sister. Jin-Ah looked sad about lost opportunities. She for good or for bad won’t have a reason to have regrets about Go Gun-Hee. But his mother’s reaction caught Jin-Woo by surprise.

She looked as though she aged at least 5 years and not in a good way. And then she told them why they never grew up knowing their grandparents (grandmother had died because of a dungeon discovered minutes before it broke and released the monsters, her shopping in the next building and dieing along with the other people inside which is why it is protocol to evacuate nearby buildings to a gate which has been discovered and not reported to has opened in front of the reporting person untill the gate is cleared).

They had a falling out with Il-Hwan, who had decided to change his name from Go to Sung. It was about how they were absorbed by their jobs and were never home when he needed them the most.

Yes they gave him a roof, clothes and food but that was all. His mother either was working at the hospital, going out for walks at strange hours or sleeping and thus not being helpful when asked for advice.

Go Gun-Hee was as absent as his wife. Working hard to make sure that every is fine with all the branches of the company was time consuming and tiring. But that left the man cranky and thus he preferred to eat dinner quietly and go to bed straight away unless there were some important things to talk about.

Il-Hwan knew that Gun-Hee acted like that because he didn’t want to snap at his family which would have been problematic with the man being a former pro boxer but all Il-Hwan asked for was to be able to hug his parents and for them to attend his graduation ceremony.

And then they had an argument about said graduation and university. Il-Hwan wanted to be a firefighter but Gun-hee and his five were firmly against that because they didn’t want to outlive their son.

Il-Hwan did his best cut ties with his parents after that and did a pretty good job at that too. It took him to disappear in a dungeon to finally gain a connection to his son and it took him till Kyung-Hye had come down with Eternal Sleep to be able to contact what family he had only to realise that in doing his best to cut all bonds he must have never mentioned his parents to his family.

The stress wondering if it was today that he would get news about his oldest grandchild dieing in a dungeon caused his heart disease. Now it was two things preventing him from going inside a dungeon himself. His aging body and his heart disease. It made him feel weaker than he remembers to have ever been.

I am even more devastated than before <3

I am even more devastated than before <3

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